A triangle is formed when you extend the edges of a line segment to a point outside the line containing the line segment. The area is bh/2, where b is the length of the line and h is the perpendicular distance.
Similarly, a cone, pyramid, etc. is formed when you extend the edges of a circle, polygon, etc. to a point outside the plane of the figure. The volume is ah/3, where a is the area and h is the perpendicular distance.
Does this pattern continue to higher dimensions? For example, if you extend a 3-D solid to a point outside the solid's 3-D space, is the "hyper-volume" vh/4, where v is the volume of the solid and h the perpendicular distance?
Also, what about circles, spheres, etc? Letting d = diameter, the area of a circle is πd²/4. The volume of a sphere is πd³/6. Does this pattern continue, i.e. is the hypervolume of the 4-D sphere πd^4/8?
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