First, Your father must be AO (A is doninant and is recessive). In order for your brother to be O, he must receive two copies of the O gene, which means that your mother can be A (AO), B (BO), or O(OO).
Because it is unknown what your mother is, it is impossible to tell what you are.
Being that your brother is Rh+, you and your mother are probably also Rh+. If your mother was Rh-, then she would have had to have special treatment to prevent Hemolytic disease, a condition she would have been well aware of.
2007-07-21 07:57:14
answer #1
answered by albert 2
I agree with the previous posters, except that the mother can be Rh negative, and so can you. Father can be Rh positive and be heterozygous for the Rh gene: pos/neg. So he could pass on either the positive allele or the negative allele.
Mother: AO+, BO+, OO+, AO-, BO-, OO-
Child: AO+or-, BO+or-, OO+or-, AA+or-, AB+or- ... just not BB
2007-07-21 18:01:23
answer #2
answered by ecolink 7
father is definately AO (genes)
since brother is OO , this means mother is either AO or BO or OO. depending upon the blood group of mother i may b O+ or A+ or B+ or AB+.
2007-07-21 16:22:57
answer #3
answered by Anonymous