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i know this is true for the animals...but doesnt this hold true for human also..i mean the diseased people are always living in misery, the poor people who cant earn much are always sad..while the rich famous and the goodlooking have the best in life...people with autism dont have achance in this life to compete with the other people..fat people cant live their lives happily..just because they are fat. So only the people who are by socety'd standards considered fit survive happily...

Isnt it sad but true...what are your opinions on this?

I know happiness is all in the mind...but this thought just struck my mind....?

2007-07-21 09:53:45 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Biology

dr.r i am talking about happiness bacuse we are no longer animals that only the fittest that kill and eat someone survive...m not talking all about physical out here..we as human are emotional beings, thus our survival depends on that...n ya the emotionally happy ppl live more....there i get my answers!!!...so i think we need to be emotionally happy no matter what to make ourselves fit to survive.

2007-07-21 10:17:19 · update #1

7 answers

"Survival of the fittest" & happiness are two completely different subjects!

My brother is fat, poor & depressed but his depression has nothing to do with his weight or lack of money. It has to do with something which would depress a rich & trim person just as much. He lost his 4 year old boy 2 years ago.

And he is fat because he chooses to eat whatever he wants to & to not exercise. And he is poor because he chooses to spend money on things he can't afford & he is always getting himself fired.

And my autistic neice is one of the happiest children I have ever known! She is a delight to be with!

How many rich people kill themselves are die of drug overdoses? Does it sound like they are always happy?

2007-07-23 09:11:27 · answer #1 · answered by Smart Kat 7 · 0 0

"fit [to] survive happily..."

Happily? You just slapped that word on at the last minute. Where did you pick that up? "Fitness" in a Darwinian sense is all about squirtin' pups. Who said anything about happy? Or rich, or educated, or good looking (well, maybe that one), or anything other than squirtin' pups and having them live long enough to squirt more? Whatever works best for that depends on the environment.

Evolution is alive and well in the modern world. It just no longer means that it is the "fittest that kill and eat someone". I doubt if it ever did. The pursuit of personal happiness is fine and well for your own self-gratification and standard of living, but has little to do with pup squirtin' (Ok, once is funny, twice is a bit gratuitous, and the third time is a bit annoying), so will have little impact on future generations. Check out the link if you're still confused.

"emotionally happy ppl live more....there i get my answers!!!." Living beyond you reproductive years due to a happy life is largely graduitous and irrelevant to "our survival". You're not looking for an answer. You're just looking for validation for a preconceived answer that makes you feel happy yourself. You couldn't find it from others, so you've settled on self-validation. Not exactly the scientific method.

2007-07-21 10:12:21 · answer #2 · answered by Dr. R 7 · 1 0

Evolution and life have nothing to do with design. Evolution of life has more to do with "selective pressures" over the course of many generations, and chance. You may be misunderstanding what survival of the fittest means. If an animal or person survives fertilization, birth, growth, reproduces, cares for their offspring until maturity, then dies; evolution has already deemed them fit. Natural selection and an individual's immediate fitness has nothing to do with evolution. Evolution of the species, the human race in this case, does not care at all if you are happy or sad. All that concerns evolution and natural selection is if you reach reproductive age, find a mate and produce offspring. If the individual does not reproduce, as far as evolution is concerned, that genome is no longer a part of the gene pool and is simply lost forever. Evolution works on large populations of species, not so much on individuals

2007-07-21 16:55:08 · answer #3 · answered by Bob D1 7 · 0 0

With our technological and medical advances, people don't always obey the survival of the fittest. We can be less than fit in many categories and still live to reproduce. I always wonder if our eyesight is getting weaker over all since we can get glasses.

The previous poster is correct that survival of the fittest is all about who makes it long enough to produce offspring. I didn't have my major medical problems until after I had kids and had them pretty well raised, so those problems didn't affect my ability to have them or help them survive long enough to take care of themselves.

In my personal observation, people with money are not necessarily happier, nor are people who are better looking, and so on. I don't think your general premise is sound.

2007-07-21 10:43:14 · answer #4 · answered by ecolink 7 · 0 0

ummm sweet pea, you have no idea!!!

Poor people are not always sad and rich people are not always happy!!! In fact I would say that many people in 3rd world countries would be happier than in so called rich countries. This has been shown in research looking at how happy people are in different countries.

I would say that depression occurs more in rich countries too.
You have completely mixed up the "fittest" comment.....fittest means best suited to the environment at the time....not the most happy will be the best.
Diseased people are not always living in misery......I am sure they are happy to be alive! Autistic people have strengths in other areas and I would say have a better life to someone who stickes needles in their arms or stiffs up white powder!!!
Why do you say fat people arn't happy? Is that your view of how people feel about themselves????
I would say you have the wrong priorities in life!!

2007-07-21 12:15:03 · answer #5 · answered by mareeclara 7 · 1 0

Your add on is completely not relevant.

People are animals. And, the worst thing about people is that they happily kill other people. The only other animal that kills it's own species is our closely related cousin, the chimpanzee.

Please get a grip on what evolution is about by reading something pertinent.

Happiness has nothing to do with anything related to survival. There is no "design" to life. It has just evolved to be the way it is. And, evolution marches on...... and on....

2007-07-21 13:30:45 · answer #6 · answered by Joan H 6 · 0 0

I guess you should tell Bill Gates he has no chance in this life...

Since he's on the autistic spectrum and all...

Or what about Albert Einstein?

Or Steven Speilberg?

Or the overwheliming majority of "tekkies" In Information Technology and Engineering?

Maybe you should tell them they don't stand a chance.

People like you make me sick.

2007-07-23 05:59:01 · answer #7 · answered by chikkenbone 3 · 0 0

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