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Pregnancy - November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

I'm 38 weeks along (10 days from my due date) with my first baby (A boy!). For the last month or so Ive been getting Braxton Hix contractions regularly. Yesterday they started to change though.

Before my contractions went away or faded when I would lay down or walk.

Well what does it mean when they get stronger when you walk and lay down, BUT lose consistency when you sit?

I walk around and lay down and it gets more painful and worse. Then I sit down for 20 minutes and the start to become irregular and not rely painful again.

Only to just kick back up and start hurting badly again when I lay down or walk around for a little while...

Is it just me or is this @$$ backwards?

Its been like this sense yesterday afternoon. I tried to sleep but whenever I lay down it becomes rely rely painful.
Trust me Ive tried ever different position in the book. I spent 10 hours in bed waking up and trying to reposition myself to be able to sleep. Used every pillow and no pillows, nothing helps!

2007-11-03 04:25:12 · 4 answers · asked by Heather R 6

What does it mean when after i checked my cervix.. i had light pink spotting after i peed/wiped.

pregnancy?? my cervix is high/closed/wet.

period is supposed to be here on the 11th.

2007-11-03 04:22:39 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is this normal. My husband and I have not had intercourse recently so I know it's not that. Anyone else experiannce this?

2007-11-03 03:52:55 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Gave birth 5 weeks ago, I am waiting to have intercourse with my hubby. But can I take care of things myself if you know what I mean?

2007-11-03 03:49:13 · 14 answers · asked by Amos&Asher=MyBoys 3

would a pill work if you had it just after you were having sex? im really worried cos we (me and my bf) forgot about the pill and about 10 minutes after we started "doing it" we realised i hadnt taken it so i quickly had one but we carried on doing it. i know it takes a bit of time for the pill to work... so now im just SO worried please help. and dont be mean either. i can handle that right now. im gonna take a pregnancy test, although i have done already but we did it pretty recently so the baby wouldnt of developed yet.

2007-11-03 02:43:58 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

would a pill work if you had it just after you were having sex? im really worried cos we (me and my bf) forgot about the pill and about 10 minutes after we started "doing it" we realised i hadnt taken it so i quickly had one but we carried on doing it. i know it takes a bit of time for the pill to work... so now im just SO worried please help. and dont be mean either. i can handle that right now. im gonna take a pregnancy test and i have already but we did it pretty recently so i dont think it would of worked by now.

2007-11-03 02:42:29 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I do feel horribly about the raped teeange victims with babies, but I refuse to feel sympathetic for the ones who were unprotected. Are schools doing a great job for students or does parents need to intervene also?

2007-11-03 02:40:45 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm nearly 17weeks pregnant (2nd child) and for the past few weeks ive been getting cramp right down low in my abdomen and its getting more painful. Didnt getting it with the first but this pregnancy has been completely different. Is it normal

2007-11-03 02:34:46 · 5 answers · asked by primrose 2

I just found out I am pregnant and was thinking about my job. I have a stressful job. I dont get along with my boss, he is a pain in the *ss. I am always busy at work and when I come home I complaint about everything to my husband.

Would this be not a good thing for my pregnancy? Should I consider stop working?

2007-11-03 02:05:57 · 10 answers · asked by ♥♡Dreamer♥♡ 2

i woke up a lil after 4am to pee and had some blood on the paper. there were some...chunky bloody stuff in the toilet too. i put on a pad and everytime i use the bathroom there is kinda stringy blood and clear discharge on the toilet paper. i just went to pee again and then sat on the couch and felt like i peed on myself..it soaked the pad...did my water just break? help! this is my first pregnancy....

2007-11-03 01:50:33 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

because my cervix wasn't dialating. And now, Saturday, they have almost completely stopped. The medicine they gave me put me to sleep ALL day on Friday. What do I do? I am 39 weeks and 4cm dialated and 60% effaced. How can I get this labor going?!?

2007-11-03 01:49:03 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

im 28 weeks pregnant and i feel heavy. when i walk a bit fast i get pain under my stomach on the right side? what can it be?

2007-11-03 01:43:20 · 6 answers · asked by babyandme 3

To me my stomach looks a bit round, but not completely. My morning sickness has calmed down a little. Although i still feel nauseus in the morning, i cant eat? I am 19 and very nervous as I have had problems in the past with pregnancy. I was wondering If anyone has any good advice on what to expect. thanks x

2007-11-03 01:41:12 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I already have a 15 month old daughter but I can't always remember what my first pregnancy was like, so..... The last week I've felt great I am now 20 weeks and some odd days but ever since yesterday morning I have had trouble getting up, walking or even laying down. I have this fullness feeling, like I've eaten to much, also I have a complete loss of appetite. I know all of this is normal I'm just wondering when others got this feeling? How far a long were you?

2007-11-03 01:40:48 · 3 answers · asked by ~*~Ellie&Sammi'sMommy~*~ 3

Now that I am pregnant with our 2nd, I am quickly realizing how dramatically different both of my pregnancies are. My question to the Mommy's with two or more pregnancies is....did this mean anything regarding gender if your pregnancies were not the same?

My 1st pregnancy was smooth sailing...no sore boobs, no morning sickness, no food cravings...yet had sensitivity to smells and preterm labor @ 32weeks.

My 2nd pregnancy (thus far)....sore boobs, frequent headaches, extreme hunger, skin breakouts, stuffy nose daily...no sensitivity to smell at all....

Just for fun....what were your pregnancies like and what were the genders?

2007-11-03 01:35:56 · 21 answers · asked by Lovin' Life As Mama & Wife 6

My sister in law is pregnant, she's due next may, im looking for a gift for her for christmas.

Something under £30.00

I want something unique!!

Can incorporate the pregnancy if possible.


2007-11-03 01:07:53 · 13 answers · asked by Hannah 4

I had a miscarriage back in July 1st. Since then we have been wanting to get pregnant.

Yesterday at 9po I tested late an night and got on the clearblue digital test a "Not Pregnant" result. Thought of having it again and today morning I tested with first morning urine, and got a "Pregnant" result. I still cannot believe that my baby is back again and I just cannot stop crying from happines.

I have been having since 3po sharp pain. Its like a twinges and pulling-poking kind of pain, like AF is about to come. For the past couple of days I have been having left side pain in my uterus side, Is this normal?? Pllease someone help me bec I am so affraid I dont wana have another miscarriage. The pain is not strong, and I get it like every period of time. Would this be the whole process of implantation? Please?

2007-11-03 00:56:49 · 12 answers · asked by ♥♡Dreamer♥♡ 2

my best friend is expecting her 2nd baby. Her first was an emergency c-section after failure to dilate from induction at 2 weeks over due. Baby was 10pd, no wonder why! Now she is 32 weeks or so with the 2nd and was hoping to try for a VBAC but they have said that they will not let her go over her due date and will most likely do a c-section 2weeks before her due date, which really gives her no time to see if she will go naturally as her statistical chances that early are pretty slim. This baby is predicted to be much smaller so she should have no trouble delivering it naturally if they let her go that extra week either side of the date.
What is your experience with this sort of situation or VBAC in general? She is really wanting to try vaginally if she can but is worried what the doctors may/do say to convince her otherwise.
Any help or suggestions. Love to hear your VBAC stories.

2007-11-03 00:50:57 · 3 answers · asked by Cindy; mum to 3 monkeys! 7

I keep feeling little lurches in my tummy, but dont know if its just gas!!
I am 17 weeks now and really dont know what I should be feeling? Any ideas anyone????

2007-11-03 00:46:37 · 14 answers · asked by Honey 2

What does it look like and where does it occur? I have an itchy stomach and back of my thighs. I can feel but not see any raised dots. Is this the start of P.U.P.P.P? And what does it stand for again?

I have my next appointment in 2 weeks so I can wait it out if this is it....I would just like to know if I am in for an itchy 7 months.

2007-11-02 23:45:02 · 5 answers · asked by ♥Mommy to 3 year old Jacob and baby on the way♥ 7

I'm 37 weeks and 4 days pregnant so not long till he's due date.

Beginning of Thursday I've been getting the false contractions, about 4/5 a day. I know it's not much plus I've been getting menstrual cramps with them too.

But also getting menstrual cramps more frequently now and feel like my belly is aching.

So if my body is getting ready to give birth in a few weeks, does it mean soon or can this happen to anyone and anytime?

2007-11-02 23:29:23 · 6 answers · asked by Mummy 2 Lorenzo 3

Thankyou x

2007-11-02 23:13:21 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-02 18:08:21 · 12 answers · asked by kimhutch19 2


I need some advice! I have a date set next Friday (the 9th) to induce labor. I'd rather avoid this and have my labor start naturally. This morning I lost my mucus plug and I was wondering if there was any advice women could give me that they tried after losing their plug that kick started labor. Anything that brought great results?

2007-11-02 16:33:34 · 13 answers · asked by Naketa 2

I am experiencing some symptoms but i'm not holding my breathe because many symptoms are the same for everyone, so my last period was oct. 11-15, can I be having some symptoms now?

2007-11-02 16:09:43 · 5 answers · asked by sdilloo 2

okay since my last question that i have asked on here. i found out that i am 6months pregnant! which i am a little excited about. but each month i am still bleeding around the time of my periods...an my stomach is so big but it isnt hard or anything. like i can still hold my stomach in, thats how soft it is, could there be something wrong with the pregnancy?

2007-11-02 16:02:38 · 9 answers · asked by Cherry 1

I am 22 weeks and i have heartburn all the time.I can`t deal with it anymore.I ve taken tums and they do nothing.what else can i try if anything.

2007-11-02 16:00:07 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

My period is now 2 months late. I have never been more than 2weeks late before. I have taken 2 at home tests, both negative.I keep thinking I will just start any day now, but I dont. Im definately going to the doctor this week to take a test there, but I was just wondering if anyone has had any experience with false negative tests after such a long time. Ive heard of false negatives after a couple weeks, but a couple months?! I am married and very sexually active.I am having some symptoms I think I havent really had any morning sickness...do some women not have bad morning sickness? I do have occasional cramping and i feel like my stomach is expanding..I am peeing alot more often..but my boobs dont really hurt...they do feel a bit fuller though...I just dont know if all of this is only mental and i am reading into this. Also, could a hormonal imbalance lead to a false negative pregnancy test? I was diagnosed with having too much testosterone, but nothing too bad.
Thanks for the advice

2007-11-02 15:50:13 · 4 answers · asked by Andrea B 1

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