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Pregnancy - November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

I only had sex on September 16th
would I still be considered 4 weeks from my last menstrual cycle?

2007-11-01 23:16:44 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-01 22:19:00 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-01 22:07:44 · 8 answers · asked by spiderheart 3

to thoses women who have had children, what helped them the most when they where in the delivery room, in labour.
like on this form i have to fill out, it says do i want music, candy to suck on. i'm not kidding. who do i want in the room as support partners. What things did you bring into the room with you and why? Did you wish you had brought anything else into the room, what else would of helped you or made you feel more comfortable. i know this might be a bit of a strange question, i just want some idea of what is a good thing to bring into the delivery room with me and what is not so good. thank you to all thoses who answer my question.

2007-11-01 19:52:35 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I made a mistake of assuming that its 3 days past the end of her period, when she told me it's actually 10 days past.

So, will she get pregnant after 10 days past her period ?

2007-11-01 19:41:23 · 19 answers · asked by bb_biker2002 2

I went in for my ultrasound today, and the baby had its legs crossed, so we couldnt see the sex. Any tips on how to make the baby open its legs or move around so we can find out?

2007-11-01 19:37:00 · 11 answers · asked by Mrs.Burr 2

1.) at how many weeks does the baby start kicking during pregnancy?

(i'm going to be 5 months prego on nov. 7. i want to know at how many weeks does my baby start kicking. since i believe i felt him kick for the first time yesterday! but just to make sure)

2.) what damage and it cause if you hold on urine in your bladder too long?

3.) is it normal when something presses against your stomach it feels uncomfortable?

2007-11-01 19:28:11 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Every time I have a friend who is pregnant, the doctors are threatening to induce her labor if she's even a few days past due. Heck, I was two weeks late and there was no problem. Do you think there's a valid reason for this, or do you think doctors are trying to have too much control over a natural process? After all, especially with women who don't have regular periods I'd think the due date could be a week or so off anyway.

Do you think inducing so often is okay, or do you think doctors should lay off more and let nature take its course? Why?

2007-11-01 19:24:39 · 17 answers · asked by Hamlette 6

I would like to know more about midwives.
What they do, ect.
And I'm also interested in learning more about *not sure of spelling* Lamaz (?) classes

2007-11-01 19:20:30 · 4 answers · asked by lillette17 2

when i lay down to watch tv or go to bed i usually love laying on my tummy but these past few weeks my tummy feels really tight. it kinda feels like im full. sign of pregnancy?

2007-11-01 19:04:46 · 6 answers · asked by bubbayum 1

me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex in sept. in october he told me that he had ejaculated in me more than once. i never got my "period" in october only spotting ranging forsuperlight to medium. do u think i could possibly be pregnant? ive done research and signs point to it, but what do you guys think?

2007-11-01 18:43:34 · 6 answers · asked by bubbayum 1

I had a misscarriage on the 19th of sep a blightmum ovary and now i found out last week that i'm pregnant again. I am so happy. But today i had aa ultrasound and they can only see a small sac about 6 wks old, no baby yet.
Is this tooo soon to tell?
Is the baby meant to be 6 wks along like the sac or could it be 4 or 5 weeks that's why they can't see it.
I really don't want this to be another blightum ovary.
What are the chances of having two in a row?
Has anyone been through ths and gone back in two weeks and seen there baby and it's heart beat?

2007-11-01 18:42:39 · 11 answers · asked by melski 1

i don't have money to take a blood test what do i do i took a pregnancy test in this clinic cameout negative

2007-11-01 18:40:31 · 10 answers · asked by Crystal A 1

Im like 15 weeks pregnant and this is me and my partners first, and I feel hes not being very supportive, He gose out of town for work and I only see him on weekends, or once every two weeks, when he is in town he always gose out drinking and I dont even wanna think of what hes doing,, he says I dont care but im trying to do whatever to make this work & I dont wanna be alone and could not ever a baby with anyone eles...
Hes not even saving any money up yet, and I never ask him for anything, I just dont know if this relationship is gonna last and if it dose I have a feeling this is going to make my pregnantcy a living hell..

What should I do.....

2007-11-01 18:06:50 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

This only happened last night, so how long should I wait until I should start worrying?

2007-11-01 16:59:35 · 28 answers · asked by Lauren Z 1

I went to a website provided to me on the search in Google for the word cervical position. in it i found good descriptions of what kind of mucus to expect throughout the cycle and what they mean. here's the thing:

it says that after ovulation the overall sensation "down there" would be dry. i'm not. at all. it's alot of white, "lotion-y" CM. which is the complete opposite of what it says I should be in the two week wait time, between the ovulation and either the plus test or the AF.
why? ideas? thoughts? experiences similar?

2007-11-01 15:24:09 · 9 answers · asked by Tex 2

Should you wait until you are finished with school? Also for the guys... What did you do honestly when your girlfriend or wife tell you she was pregnant and how old were you??

2007-11-01 15:19:29 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok i def know that I'm pregnant i took the test 3 times already!! i dont no what to do now im happy but then im not im only 15 almost 16 and im scared about it, i dont no what i should do!! i cant hide it from my mom for 9 months plz help, tell me what i should do and i CANT tell my mom!!

2007-11-01 15:09:35 · 48 answers · asked by ♫Megan♫ 1

babies have been born at that age and survived! i think its very wrong! why is it legal to do that but i cant just go shoot a little newborn baby and kill it! i mean if they are going to do it which i cant stop them if they were raped or something then they should just do it as soon as they find out! idk how do you feel about this? what can people do to make this illegal or at least where its not legal up to a whole 24 weeks???

2007-11-01 15:04:25 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do you support abortion other than accidental pregnancy caused by rape, 'condom breaking', or anything of that sort of matter?

2007-11-01 14:45:53 · 13 answers · asked by nikkijane 1

Please this is serious.

We were always very careful but I think my girlfriend might be pregnant.

She says she's late in her period. How late should be considered pregnant?

How long do we have to wait to make a pregnancy test?

2007-11-01 14:26:48 · 10 answers · asked by NoEgo 2

I had the triple scan done to test for downs, spina bifida, and something else. It came back negative. I'm just wondering if I should really feel reassured. I know the test is not 100% accurate. I've read a few posts on here where people had negative results on the test but then had a baby with downs. I am 26 and would not abort due to downs.

2007-11-01 14:00:27 · 3 answers · asked by Casey 3


I had an appt today. I am 31 weeks. I didn't have an ultrasound, the Dr. just felt my belly and measured it. The Dr said she thinks my my baby is breach. She also said my belly measured big and that might just mean I will have a big baby.

First, what are the chances that the baby will stay breach. I would like to not have a c-section.

Second, How big is big? And what could the consequences of a big baby be?

I know I should have asked these ?'s while i was there, but you never think of them until you're gone. She said she will do an ultrasound in 3 weeks (@34weeks) to check all of this out. But of course I am impatient and a little worried (even though she told me it was nothing to worry about) and would like your opinions.


2007-11-01 13:51:03 · 6 answers · asked by JoAnne M 2

can medication be given to me to help me not feel nauseas during this time..if u have an epidural and are numb u wouldnt be affected by the transition stage of delivery right?

2007-11-01 13:25:22 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am pregnant with my first and am 36 weeks and am just curious if all women lose their mucus plug before their water breaks and contractions kick in. I know that alot of times the contractions start first and everyone women is different, I am just curious of what to expect here soon.

2007-11-01 12:55:01 · 5 answers · asked by grim_rosie 3

If i have cancer can this affect my baby please help
i really need to know?

2007-11-01 11:40:53 · 5 answers · asked by Ciara ♥ 3

my baby?????? this is my first pregnancy......

2007-11-01 11:19:36 · 16 answers · asked by Butterfly313 1

i had unprotected sex about a week ago, but he pulled out, and like, 2 days later my breasts started hurting. but they normally do before my period. and i am supposed to start my period soon. so i dont know if its becaues of my period or the fact that i may be pregnant.

2007-11-01 10:27:58 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

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