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Pregnancy - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

elephant's pregnancy lasts for around 22 months......

2006-12-21 05:00:55 · 5 answers · asked by Me 6

2006-12-21 04:45:19 · 18 answers · asked by edespoux 1

Ok i have only had sex with my husband. We have been trying for the last 2 months to get pregnant. No sign. After intercourse my husband sperm leaks out of me immediately. Could this be a reason why?? Is this suppose to happen. Someone told me this only happens when your pregnant. Im not pregnant for sure. So could this mean i might never get pregnant???

2006-12-21 04:40:52 · 27 answers · asked by Mz_India 1

My Period was 2 day late and when it first came on it was light now it was heavy and yes i have had intercourse especially around the time i was ovulating so coould i be pregnant?

Can You be pregnant and still have a heavy period?

2006-12-21 04:36:49 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I went to the emergency room to if i could find out what was wrong with me but they were no help at all.I told the doctor what was wrong he gave me a urine and that was it and sent me home.Question:How early can you feel the heart beat?

2006-12-21 04:34:32 · 8 answers · asked by ms.bitch 2 u 1

When looking back at the weeks between ovulation and finding out you were pregnant what signs/sympotoms did you have that you ignored/missed? Or did you have early symptoms and brushed them off to other things (PMS?)? Or did you know you were pregnant because of the symptoms? How long after conceptioon did they start?

2006-12-21 04:27:41 · 11 answers · asked by family_matters 3

Also, when do I begin registering? Im only 5 weeks right now.

2006-12-21 04:20:01 · 19 answers · asked by clairebear82286 1

I am terrified of going into hospital to give birth, due to the MRSA bug and its latest strains. I have been hearing on the news how a newborn baby and a nurse who was giving birth have become the latest victims of it? Does anyone else have concerns about it and have u changed the way you want to give birth because of it??

2006-12-21 04:14:22 · 5 answers · asked by Serry's mum 5

I will be 17 weeks tomorrow and the last couple days I have noticied myself being a little more achy is the lower abdomen, kindof a feeling of fullness, is this normal. I expected to have some discomfort in pregnancy, but I figured by this point of alot of it would go way. Anyone else have the achy feeling?? Thanks

2006-12-21 04:06:10 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-21 03:56:26 · 23 answers · asked by luvbunny1121 1

Hi there
I have asked this question before but only got a couple of replies, so was hoping for a little more imput this time round.
here in the Uk they give u the choice of having your baby in hospital, midwife led unit or at home. Up until now i was going to go into hospital, but after all the MRSA scares Im seriously tempted to opt for a midwife led unit water birth. Has anyone out there had their baby in such a unit? what was your experience like? did u regret it? were u ok with no epidural etc? Only experienced ladies to answer pls

2006-12-21 03:55:29 · 6 answers · asked by Serry's mum 5

This is my first pregnancy, I conceived on the first cycle and have no known fertility problems.

I am 6 weeks (22 DPO) pregnant and I think I am losing my pregnancy symptoms. The only symptoms I have left are fatigue, a VERY small amount of cramping in my uterus (like mild menstrual cramps), and somewhat tender nipples and breasts.

Last week (5 weeks, 15 DPO) I had a lot of cramping in my uterus (horrible cramps), my breasts and nipples hurt bad, I got up in the middle of the night a week straight to urinate, and I was fatigued like I am now.

My pregnancy symptoms are only mild now! I took a pregnancy test last weekend and it was very dark and I haven't taken one since. I plan to use my last test when I get home because I am so scared I am no longer pregnant.

Why would my pregnancy symptoms nearly go away after only 2 weeks?!

My doctor won't do any tests because I am not bleeding or cramping bad.


2006-12-21 03:54:44 · 18 answers · asked by PrettyWifey 2

She is Preg With Twins, She has a 9 year old, and 1 set of twins and a 6 month old. (Shes been busy) but besides that Twins dont run in her family or her husbands family. now this is the 2nd set of twins shes having... she doesnt understand how she is having twins because twins dont run in her family at all... no where she said. Any suggestions on how she could figure this out.

Im clueless i just dont get it.

2006-12-21 03:48:11 · 14 answers · asked by Kristin 2

Hi, I am currently 7 weeks and 4 days pregnant. When i was 5-6 weeks pregnant i was spotting pink-light light red every single day for a whole week and a half. everything looked fine and nothing wrong...now for the weird part...A few days ago my tummy started aching a little and i had a big bowel movement (SORRY). after that its like the spotting just dissapeared and now i havent noticed any since..im still pregnant but very confused.any ideas? thank you!

2006-12-21 03:47:32 · 16 answers · asked by cheerychumms 1

2006-12-21 03:45:22 · 11 answers · asked by Cartman 3

I am 6 weeks pregnant and if I had sex like 10 mintues then when it finish that I get really sharp pain like stabbing pain for like 15 minutes or less that I couldn't move because it hurt so much then slowly it went away. I dont know if I become more sensitive down there if i get pregnant because I was pregnant in last aug that i was almost 3 months and i had same problem so he had to do it really slow and easy and have sex every few days instead of everyday but I had miscarriage in few weeks later due to my blood clotting disorder and it was little abnormal but I have to go back to doctor soon to get another blood test to make sure it not false positive. I dont have std or anything. I am very clean and no problem but i get pain when i get pregnant. Does any woman have that kind experience and get really sensitive there that it hurt really bad to have sex but when baby is born or miscarriage that it don't do that anymore?

2006-12-21 03:43:52 · 9 answers · asked by jessibee2 1

im 17 and half weeks pregnant with my second child and i still havent felt the baby move,,ive been to my last check up and heard the heart beat so i know everything is fine,,,with my first child i felt her kick very early,,should i be worried ??,,,when is the time frame that women feel movement,,im stressing myself out so any help would be great

2006-12-21 03:41:09 · 14 answers · asked by ladyluck1122 2

2006-12-21 03:38:52 · 16 answers · asked by Gerard P 1

i havent been getting sick at all. I am almost seven weeks pregnant, and i feel nauseated as hell but no throwing up. my midwife told me this was ok but i think it sounds kinda funny......

2006-12-21 03:32:15 · 21 answers · asked by Erica M 4

When I went back to my OB/GYNs office to update my information for this pregnancy, they told me it's better to decrease then just quit cold turkey. Why is that?

2006-12-21 03:31:40 · 17 answers · asked by sweet_and_fabulous_female 3


im 24 weeks pregnant and at my recent antenatal appointment the midwife mentioned getting blood tests done next time, when im around 28 weeks. i didnt think too much about it at the time but now i'm wondering what it is they are checking for?? i had the first tests done around 12 weeks, for blood type,hiv, and the usual things they check. Can anyone give me any advice?

2006-12-21 03:28:12 · 5 answers · asked by kimberley123 3

i went into preterm labor at 34 weeks where i dilated 1 cm and became 80% effeced. my contractions were pretty strong..lasted about 17 hours 2 min apart...then completly stoped. Then it happened again at 36 weeks only i didnt have any cervical change..my contractions were off the chart over then 100 mark...every 1 1/2 min for 15 hours...then they stoped. Im reallly getting sick of this false labor stuff...my son dropped at 30 weeks and i lost my plug at 33 weeks...i have tonsss and tonss of presure...and thse shooting pains "down there" are almost unbarable... im afraid to keep running to the hospital with all these contractions because i cant tell if its really labor or not. ill be 37 weeks monday i have an appointment tomorrow any suggestions? or exspreiances?

2006-12-21 03:12:23 · 12 answers · asked by kelly c 2

I quit my birth control. My last period was 11/18/06. I had intercourse several times on 12/15/06. Today is 12/21/06, and I have started to lightly bleed. I have heard about implementation bleeding and I would like to know how it differs in symptoms from period. Do you have cramps? Is it heavy or light? Any changes in color? How many days does it last? I've read that you can have implementation bleeding 5-7 days after conception, which is why I'm anxious to tell if this is my period or not. Thanks so much for any help!!!!

2006-12-21 03:12:16 · 6 answers · asked by lea 2

Anyone ever done this?I am two weeks pregnant and engaged and not told family yet only my fiance.He wants to move the wedding day up to March because of this is this a bad idea?I kind of get the feeling he is embarrassed of the situation.?He seems to be worried hat people will think particularly family members.

2006-12-21 03:04:25 · 17 answers · asked by Jessica W 1

im 39wks and 3 days pregnant....about 2 hours ago i took castor oil with orange juice and went for a walk.....how long does it take to start kicking in?

2006-12-21 03:03:51 · 19 answers · asked by freepuppies2005 2

Okay My menstrual period is soo irregular it never comes on on time.And like im soo confused like why did it come on the same exact day this is soo weird.And this time is seems as th ough it only lasted like 3 days or 4.What could it be?

2006-12-21 03:00:16 · 7 answers · asked by bmoresassy 1

2006-12-21 02:57:13 · 3 answers · asked by JeZzZ J 2

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