It's normal for the semen to leak out after intercourse. Immediately following ejaculation many of the sperm are propelled forward and tangle in the cervical mucus. The sperm that needs to get to the egg is well on its way within minutes of ejaculation so if some leaks out it's fine. It wouldn't hurt to lie still for half hour or so after intercourse with your hips elevated to keep some of it in. But again, it's normal for it to leak out!
2006-12-21 04:44:21
answer #1
answered by jilldaniel_wv 7
Everyone's cycle is different. There is a myth that woman ovulate 14 days after their period begins...but that is only an AVERAGE and each month can be different. The other thing is that sperm can live inside you for up to 5 days.... so if you are having a shortened cycle one month and you have sex right after your period and you ovulate earlier than day 14 than yes, there is a chance of getting pregnant. The only way to know is to know exactly when you ovulate. There are several ways to know and some are more effective than others. Some can only predict before ovulation happens and some can only predict that is has already happened. The absolute best info I can give you is to go read a book called Taking Charge of your fertility by Toni Weschler. It will help you understand your body and all the myths about it. It will help you time when you are ovulating and the best times to conceive – or not! . It's about knowing your body and knowing when you are fertile or not.
My husband and I tried for 1 year and had no luck..… We tried ovulation predictors , laying with pillows under me for 20 min. everything……the first month that I began using the book I realized that my timing was WRONG!. We got pregnant that very first month and I am now due Feb 2, 2007. You can pick and choose what you do with your info. Good luck and don't listen the all the myths! Even if you don't get into charting and will help you in so many ways!
2006-12-21 12:42:49
answer #2
answered by jachooz 6
Keep trying! It could take years. It doesn't always happen right away. You are only able to get pregnant a few days out of each month. So have lots of sex around 2 weeks after your period.
Sperm leaks out. This is normal for everyone all the time. Nothing to worry about.
Stay calm, honey. Keep tyring. After a year or so goes by, if you still aren't pregnant, go see a doctor. Just take care of yourself, and let nature take it's course, in the meantime.
2006-12-21 12:51:13
answer #3
answered by True Dat 4
You sound pretty young or very informed for an adult. It only takes 1 sperm to get you pregnant not the entire load and yes it is suppose to leak out it is normal. I guess you can stand on your head if you want to try to keep it in. HA
The more intercourse you have his sperm count will go down and lessen your chances of becoming preg. Just relax and dont try so hard trust me when the time is right it will happen dont force it or it turns out more like a job then a wonderfull event. GOOD LUCK
2006-12-21 12:47:26
answer #4
answered by Sassy 3
Sorry it's not working for you. Ive been in the same boat as you and it's very frustrating i know. I finally got pregnant after 7 months of trying and this is what I finally did do that I knew that it was for sure. This might be alittle graffic but I want you to be successful like i was. So, what i did was i figured out for sure when my Ovulation day was. I went and bought a bunch of Ovulation tests and I went on and I figured out my ovulation day. Then 3 days before I started to Ovulate but was still kinda furtil I had sex twice a day, morning and night for 5 days. And 2 days after I ovulated. So then I knew for sure that I was gonna get pregnant. And what i did was, everytime my husband ejaculated in me, I put my butt in the air as high as I could and put pillows under my butt to elevate my pelvis so that no sperm could come out. Of course my husband had to help because that's kinda hard to do. Then sometimes i would get a mirror and look down there to really make sure that nothing was coming out. I would turn the tv on and watch tv while having my pelvis elevated for no less than 1/2 hour. By that time when i stood up, nothing came out. Then I knew that I was good to go. Then finally after doing that for 5 days, I finally got pregnant. Im 5 months pregnant now. So, try all that and Im sure that it will work. Good Luck!!!
2006-12-21 13:01:12
answer #5
answered by I love my kids! 2
No way. That is totally normal. Most of it will leak out. Just because some of it does (or maybe a large part of it), doesn't mean that the rest of it isn't going where it's supposed to. My husband have a daughter and I'm cooking #2 right now, so there is no problems with the excess you know what I mean. Good luck to you and remember, it can take up to a year to get pregnant. Any longer than that, then you should talk to your doctor.
2006-12-21 12:59:32
answer #6
answered by L80bug 2
You have a better chance to get pregnant with the sperm inside you lol! I know what you're talking about and it's the grossest feeling in the world. We finally did the ovulation timing thing and when we had finished having sex I would prop up my lower end so none of the fluid would come out. It's worth a try I almost 3 months pregnant. Goodluck!
2006-12-21 12:58:54
answer #7
answered by missjewl 3
I'm sure your plumbing is like every other woman's. The leaking is normal. It can take some time to get pregnant, especially if you are just getting off the pill. Give it some time and see what happens. The worst thing you can both do is stress about it. Do what comes naturally, enjoy it, and let nature take its course. If you're still not pregnant after 6 months or so, then see a doctor.
2006-12-21 12:45:47
answer #8
answered by bowmgc 1
Like most of the people said here...leakage is totally normal, but on another note, the ones who say,"prop up on a pillow" or "stand on your head...etc" are missinformed. During ovulation your cerivix has moved downward, it may sound strange, but while sitting on the toilet you can feel the position of your cervix with your index finger. It will be pointing towards your back. So if you are laying down, it will be right in the path of your husbands sperm. If you prop up or stand on your head the sperm will pool down around the neck of your cervix and not be able to make it in. You'd be wasting your time and terribly uncomfortable on your head. BTW if you can manage to have an orgasm after your husband, you will also up your chances of pregnancy. Having an orgasm after him increases the amount of sperm pulled into your uterus, rather than leak out. Your cervix actually dips down when you orgasm, and if semen is present, it dips into the pool of semen, sucking it into the cervix. This eliminates the hardest part of the journey for the sperm! Also there is no need to stay lying down for hours after having sex. Within 15 minutes all the sperm that are going to enter the uterus will have done so. Anything that comes out after that is just semen (not sperm). I hope some of this information can help you out! Good Luck!
2006-12-21 13:09:34
answer #9
answered by Imlovinmyhubby 2
Leaking afterwards is totally normal and it is the same if you are pregnant or not. Whoever told you that is mistaken. Just try to hold it in by being on the bottom and squeezing your kegals during removal. Don't worry...there is still plenty making it's way where it is supposed to be. Try not to go to the bathroom afterwards. I got pregnant on the first try, but I am one of the lucky ones who can feel my egg release from my ovary. Usually 11-15 days after the last day of my period. Feels like cramping and my breasts get sore. Do not worry about the leakage though. Try to pay attention to any pains that you may have between periods. This could be your egg releasing and that is your time to try and conceive.
2006-12-21 12:50:41
answer #10
answered by Drea 1