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Pregnancy - July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

ok so my best friend called me fri to tell me that she is pregnant again, she has a son that is 3, the guy she is sleeping with is homeless (eeeww, what a looser) the father of her son is not around at all, nor was he ever (i helped raise her kid...i was his nanny for the first 2 years of his life, he even started callin ME mommy, it got too creepy so i just couldnt do it any more). but im angry at her because she is very irresponsible (in my opinion) how are u just gonna get knocked up by some bum, and she has already decided to get an abortion (i agree with her there, but dont u think that she should have thought about BIRTH CONTROL????). i hope that she doesnt decide to keep this baby. how smart is that to have a baby with someone that is homeless, someone that is a junkie, someone that cant help in any way shape or form.....aaarrrrggggggg im just so bothered by that.

ok but do you think that im a bad person for thinking that she is STUPID for letting herself get knocked up?

2006-07-17 12:13:25 · 14 answers · asked by miss me! 4

I am pretty sure that I ovulated on the 5th of July. I was too impatient and did a test 10 days later (One of those ones that you can do five days before your missed period). It was negative. Is it at all possible that the test was wrong? I have read so many sites that tell you that implantation happens 6-10 days after you ovulate if you conceive. In my case if I did conceive then the hormone would have shown up by the 10 day. IS this correct?

2006-07-17 12:05:56 · 13 answers · asked by Jacki J 1

Okay I have a question, my last period started from June 13th-19th. I was ovulating and my hub and I made love, henced conceived the baby on June 25th. Now it is July 17th. I already took two pregnancy tests last week on Tuesday and Friday, and both were positive. I still dont have me period yet so i can know for sure i am pregnant now! Also i have been getting more bloating/indigestion and sometimes during the afternoon or before bedtime I feel some nausea. I have not been throwing up. I feel nauseous slightly but some ginger tea and tasting a lemon, really help me. I am more wanting to ask how many weeks am I really? and then do any of you have the bloating/indigestion feeling? I can take Tums at night as that helps me also.

2006-07-17 11:43:27 · 15 answers · asked by katezambelli 1

I have Braxton hicks all the while, especially when I get up from lying or sitting, I have diarrhea like symptons today(srry TMI) and I Notice this clear mucus when I go to the bathroom. No blood, I am 39 wks preg and when the baby moves it hurts down there like its clawing away at my cervix. Should I Be worried?

2006-07-17 11:37:10 · 7 answers · asked by habiba_muslimat 1

this is my second pregnancy i want to know is second time Labour is same as first or its easy and less pain?

2006-07-17 11:29:17 · 8 answers · asked by ali 1

2006-07-17 11:22:16 · 27 answers · asked by mason x 4

I'm sick of these chicks that go on the Maury show and say,"I'm 1000% sure he's my babys father!" and they know they slept with someone else and end up looking like fools on TV. What do you think?

2006-07-17 11:15:53 · 44 answers · asked by Anonymous

I really want to make my delivery room as comfortable as possible. Ive heard that the more homey you make the room the better. So Ive made a birthplan. I would like to have the lights low, and bring a few things from home. Ive also plan to have my own pillows spread with my favorite scent. I know that now matter what I do its still going to be labor and it wont be a fun process. But anyway I was just wonerding if anyone else has done this and Im wondering what worked best for you???

2006-07-17 11:15:13 · 6 answers · asked by ga_lynn84 2

Just last week I took 2 pregnancy tests at home with EPT, and both were positive. I was supposed to have my period on 13th like last month, but no sign so now I know it's for sure I am pregnant like the test shows. Anyway this is going into Week 4 from the time my hub and I conceived the baby. Last week I started to feel a little nausea throughout the day, not too bad even now it's not too bad. I eat some crackers or sip some tea with ginger and it's very mild. I mostly have indigestion/bloating/gas in my tummy. It's as if I am nauseous but I have to keep swallowing my own saliva and then i feel my little burps. Does anyone have this during first month or so, is it a part of the nausea or something? I heard I can take Tums, as I take them at night before bedtime to relieve my tummy. I feel as if I felt the first week I started OrthoTri Cyclen 2 years ago. When i started that birth control, i used to get this indigestion before my body got used to the hormones, same for me now

2006-07-17 11:11:36 · 5 answers · asked by katezambelli 1

my periods r on schedule 5 to 7 days every 28 days. i came on 1 day, skipped a day, and came on again. it was light not very heavy. i feel tired and i dont have an appetite but i'm starving. i want something to eat but i dont know what. i have more saliva than usual and i find myself waking up in the middle of the night sick to my stomach. My husband and i have been trying. Could i be??

2006-07-17 11:09:54 · 6 answers · asked by cassidy 1

can I?

2006-07-17 11:01:28 · 9 answers · asked by chaoskid 1

For the last two days, I have had a hint of blood when I wiped after peeing. There is hardly nothing at all, but I do notice it. Is this normal? Is it a sign of miscarriage? Please help, very scared and worried! I am 3 months pregnant and on my 2nd child. I don't remember having blood last time I was pregnant.

2006-07-17 11:00:19 · 16 answers · asked by amandameibeyer 4

2006-07-17 10:57:33 · 13 answers · asked by Island_Girl 2

Started Nuvaring on the 14th of July (Friday). Didn't use condom.

2006-07-17 10:56:21 · 13 answers · asked by indpendnt27 1

2006-07-17 10:54:45 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 20 weeks pregnant, and I try and sleep on my side as much as possible, but I wake up in the middle of the night on my stomach! Is this hurting the baby?

2006-07-17 10:41:26 · 13 answers · asked by Huliganjetta 5

2006-07-17 10:27:47 · 9 answers · asked by Tara S 1

Ok so I was the one who posted about my labor seeming to go backwards. I saw my midwife today and now I am 3-4 centimeters. Because of my labor progressing the way it has my midwife suggested stripping my membranes. It didn't hurt much and there was a little bloody show. I had a few more intense contractions over the next hour that were harder than before and some cramping then all of a sudden it all stopped completely. It is now 5 pm and this was done at 12 noon. Has anyone had this done before? My internet researches did not provide much information. I am due Thursday 7/20 with my 3rd andf cannot deal with this much longer. Help?

2006-07-17 10:04:10 · 5 answers · asked by · Melissa · 2

I am 13 weeks pregnant and still vomiting. It has been a total of 8 weeks now and i am at the end of my rope. I am on prescription prevacid and still cannot tolerate certain foods. Actually as of now, i am living on apples. Cannot keep down bread, crackers, etc. Help!!!!!!!!!

2006-07-17 10:00:16 · 15 answers · asked by Amanda J 1

anyone have any suggestions on how to LEGALLY get like $400..no smart *** remarks please...

2006-07-17 09:57:49 · 5 answers · asked by kayla n 1

what would you do, if you have been with your man for 4 years, have 3 kids from a previous relationship and your relationship is perfect. we are moving in 2 days together, i just found out i was pregant, and iam scared to tell him... he might get upset....what to do.

2006-07-17 09:55:32 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

My friend was haaving $ex with her boyfriend who is 11 yrs older then her and the comdom came off (after they where done) & they couldn't find it for like 30mins. and the base of it was 1/2 way in her she is only 19 and her parents dodn't care for him in the first place. but now she needs to find out if she should take the pill or not. *~*~*~*~*but she doesn't konw if she is pregant or not*~*~*~*~*

2006-07-17 09:46:20 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

anyone expiriencing breakthrough bleeding?
i have just began my birth control pills...(7 days ago) im expiriencing light breakthrough bleeding which was only noticable from wiping for one day..the rest were only noticable when using a tampon,and just very small amounts...any women who expirienced breakthrough bleeding please contact me on my AIM... ItsOurLiLSecrt69@aol.com

addtional info- i began my BC pills the first day of my period...(sunday) i had a heavy period and clotting for 2 days then the 3rd was light, since then ive just been havin what i think is breakthrough bleeding

2006-07-17 09:21:22 · 3 answers · asked by kayla n 1

2006-07-17 09:18:20 · 21 answers · asked by midnightsskiss 1

Honestly I think my boyfriend has been sleeping with other women and I am 3mnths pregnant by him and some of the members think I should get an abortion because my boyfriend ( I mean ex) isnt mature enough etc... I'm curious as to what everyone else thinks

2006-07-17 09:11:55 · 50 answers · asked by dimergurl247 2

2006-07-17 09:03:07 · 5 answers · asked by Tara S 1

I am 39 weeks pregnant and have lost my appetite completely. I know that my body is hungry but nothing sounds good and I only eat because I know I have too. I don't know if I am getting close to delivery and my body is limited my intake or what. Has anyone else experience this???

2006-07-17 09:00:37 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

im suppose to start my peroid next month but i started eaily real eaily dose that mean anything i need to know know im really scared

2006-07-17 08:57:11 · 10 answers · asked by Chrisalyn P 1

why does it seem confortable to take a warm bath and the doctor advises you not to go in a hot tub? It relaxes me because of back pain.

2006-07-17 08:51:30 · 12 answers · asked by siouxgodness 1

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