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Pregnancy - July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

If anything ever happpens to your child you can unfreeze and have stem cells ready for your child.

2006-07-17 19:23:56 · 6 answers · asked by Angela R 2

I have heard that clomid will most likely result in more girls then boys. Is this true?

2006-07-17 19:07:04 · 3 answers · asked by Angela R 2

i have had one baby and i got preg with her while i was on bc BUT i was taking antibiotics so that supposedly cancelled it out. anyway myhusband and i dont use condoms just bc so is it possible?

2006-07-17 18:42:11 · 20 answers · asked by sammie nicole 2

i am 31 weeks and 2 days along i woke up this morning to my stomach tightening about 3 times is that a braxton hicks contraction? also the other night i was in the store and my abdomen tighened and i got a bad cramp for about a min and then nothing which is a braxton hicks contraction or are they are not contractions at all??? what does a contraction feel like this is my first pregnancy

i am going every 2 weeks now... i know ill know when the real thing comes but just wondering if these are braxton hicks contractions ive been feeling every so often since i have no idea what its supposed to feel like

2006-07-17 18:41:41 · 7 answers · asked by irishcountrybabe 2

i went into the clinic for a checkup and my doctor told me I was in preterm labor and that I was dialated to a 2. I was then admitted into the hospital for 3 days while they they stopped the labor. My question is, I never felt any labor pains or symptoms that indicated that I was in labor. Is there a good chance I will start labor again, and will i be able to identify it if I do start labor again? What are some signs besides the obvious ones? I am almost 34 weeks along and on bed rest now until I deliver.

2006-07-17 18:38:17 · 3 answers · asked by nvrland_believer 2

this is my first pregnancy. i'm excited but sometimes i do feel worried also. when should i see the dr? i did the pregnancy test last week, and it's +ve. i bowl on weekends, should i stop bowling? and how painful delivering baby is?

2006-07-17 18:36:54 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 7.5 months pregnant and have heard of WIC, but I do not know much about it. Do you use that program? I read on the website that you have to have a medical note from a doctor to get it. Is it food stamps? What do you know about it?

2006-07-17 18:33:45 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-17 18:04:04 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok this is weird. I went to the clinic this afternoon and I was told by my doctor that I was healthily 5 months pregnant and told to use prenatal vitamins. I found it weird because I didn't have any symptoms or signs what so ever. I was never nauseated nor did I crave for food or seem tired. What made me go to the clinic was because I thought that gas was makeing me very bloated when all the while I was pregnant. And not to mention an itchy abdomen but no stretchmarks. My doctor found it weird also that I didn't have any sign's and told me I was just lucky... Any explanation on how that could be???

2006-07-17 17:12:34 · 10 answers · asked by Scooby D 1

hm...help me please,..women who've expirienced Breakthrough bleeding on BC?
is it possible when FIRST starting birth control to have breakthrough bleeding..ive only been taking it for 8 days now...the blood is sometime slightly present when i wipe, once it was fairly decent enough to need a panty liner, but other than that i only seen it if i used a tampon to check for blood, its very little amount and in the same place on the tampon...
what im asking is it normal to bleed so little its only noticable when i use a q-tip to check for blood? its just barely blood on there..but bright red,sometimes a red/pink color

2006-07-17 17:09:41 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok i already asked this question but some people need more detail in order to help me. so here goes. Me and my boyfriend had sex the other day (the 15th) and he ejaculated inside of me. My period is due on the 27th. What are my chances of being pregnant?

Also my parents love my boyfriend and wouldnt press charges on him for this because they both believe that if you are old enough to have sex, you are old enough to have a kid. But what im scared of is that if i am pregnant is would the state pick it up and press charges on him? im 15 and hes 18.

2006-07-17 17:04:08 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

what are the signs of preg like the very first ones even before you miss a period?

2006-07-17 16:58:51 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-17 16:48:11 · 23 answers · asked by angel07319 1

just wondering

2006-07-17 16:47:57 · 10 answers · asked by unhappyinin 4

2006-07-17 16:41:28 · 22 answers · asked by it's me! 6

I got pregnant with my 3rd child while having a copper IUD in place. My son is now 17 months and is healthy. I just wanted to know if this has happened to anyone else and if so what was the name of the IUD.

2006-07-17 16:32:10 · 2 answers · asked by Stacy 2

does the baby sit in the pee in the fluid in the womb or what? or does it not pee at all? or what?

2006-07-17 16:30:27 · 28 answers · asked by fun2bwithu21 1

2006-07-17 16:25:25 · 12 answers · asked by ALyn 1

Lets say you have a 3some with 2 girls and 1 guy. The guy cums in the girl's mouth and that girl spits it in the other girls vagina. could she be pregnant? shes 5 days late.?>>>?

2006-07-17 16:24:54 · 13 answers · asked by Stormy 1

3rd seat row, for a 1996-1999 Toyota 4Runner SR5 -- meaning can I add a 3rd row seat that wasnt included at time of purchase from dealer? Is there such thing?

2006-07-17 16:23:29 · 3 answers · asked by *OneSassy Chick* 3

I wear deodorant of course, but you know how you smell when you haven't showered for a day or longer. I smell like that about 8 hours after a shower. The smell makes me nauseated so I feel like I have to shower all of the time. Any advice???

2006-07-17 16:07:05 · 8 answers · asked by toothchic314 2

2006-07-17 16:05:27 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-17 16:05:26 · 7 answers · asked by Me 2

2006-07-17 15:57:27 · 20 answers · asked by Military Wife.#2 baby 2/5/2010 3

I have been having some irresponsible, unprotected sex with my gf, but not fully ejaculating inside her, pulling out and then going back in. I have been careful not to fully ejaculate inside her, but also have now learned that this may still result in pregnancy.
We are young and not ready for any children, and will most certainly be much more careful from now on.
I posted an earlier question on this subject, and now I am concerned that I won't be sure whether she misses her period or not , because she does not have a vaery regular cycle. Sometimes she will miss her period for a couple months at a time, even when there is no chance of pregnancy, and does not have a 28-day cycle.
What are other ways of detecting an early pregnancy, other than EPT tests, or watching for missed periods? Also, do any women out there have irregular periods? What causes it and how do you predict whether or not you will be ovulating?

2006-07-17 15:55:39 · 13 answers · asked by Robert J 1

I have heard that woman can get conceived even if she has not had orgasm ...is it mandatory to have full penetration in order for sperms to travel to uterus ?

2006-07-17 15:28:46 · 12 answers · asked by Pia 1

I am 3 wks late from having my period and also have my tubes tied. Will be four years Tuesday. Sounds crazy but myself and my husband have sex twice a month.My breast are tender all over. Not your average tenderness on the sides. Crave things in the middle of the night and I am a little sensitive to smell and at times get a little nausia. Get sleepy in the middle of the day and extremly tired at the end of the night. Could I be over reacting or could I be pragnant???? I have taken 2 test and they have came out negative. Unsure of what's going on.

2006-07-17 15:26:55 · 17 answers · asked by icecreamusa 1

i recently gave birth 10 weeks ago (April 29 2006). I bleed for 2 weeks after that. Then 5 weeks(june 15 2006) later i received my period. Lasted for about a week. Now its July 17 and i still havent received my period. Is this normal to have an irregular period after birth? I took a pregnancy test just to be on the safe side it came out neg. I didnt breast feed (only for 10 days). So i just want to know is this normal??? or can it be something else???

2006-07-17 15:15:25 · 6 answers · asked by Torie 1

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