My hubby died, leaving me with a boy and a 13 yo girl. They didn't get along, my boy always thought I loved his sister much more than him and got very jealous. At 11 she liked to tease him, things that are normal in bro/sister relationship. But he used to get very angry and even more because I used to tell him he was older and had to protect his lil sister. He ended up being mean to her, out of jealousy for several times did really bad and unacceptable things to her, like throwing her in a swimming pool when she was dressed for a party. I gave him harsh punishments, he changed, acknowledged he was acting out of anger and was wrong. But felt extremely humiliated, said I wasn't a fair mother, cause I favored her and was harsh on him, and started hating me, though never did anything wrong again. Today he's living w/ my mother-in law, who loves him a lot. Now he's the kind of boy any mother would proud of, a great kid, but hates meand won't come back. It seems this will be forever.
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