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Adolescent - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent


My mom is prolly on here talking about me and bugging everyone but my brother is in ICU from being in Iraq1 My girlfriend really wats me to stop doing drugs but I dont know how?I dont not want to go and have help from a doctor...

2007-02-28 01:33:22 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok I am 43 and i have 13 kids(one more on the way).The 2 oldest are doing fine but my 2 boys arent doing that great! They are both in the army...The oldest chris has a son....and was recently MIA and found....He is in ICU here in RI. He has been in a coma for a week now! My 2nd son is also in the Amry but currently out for a knee injury. However he did not take to how his brother is doing to well. He is into drugs and has a i dont care attitude!i dont know how to help him?I dont want him to lose his girlfriend and everything he has but he is talking about suicide and I caught him smoking weed in the bathroom last night?

2007-02-28 01:17:14 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

My hubby died, leaving me with a boy and a 13 yo girl. They didn't get along, my boy always thought I loved his sister much more than him and got very jealous. At 11 she liked to tease him, things that are normal in bro/sister relationship. But he used to get very angry and even more because I used to tell him he was older and had to protect his lil sister. He ended up being mean to her, out of jealousy for several times did really bad and unacceptable things to her, like throwing her in a swimming pool when she was dressed for a party. I gave him harsh punishments, he changed, acknowledged he was acting out of anger and was wrong. But felt extremely humiliated, said I wasn't a fair mother, cause I favored her and was harsh on him, and started hating me, though never did anything wrong again. Today he's living w/ my mother-in law, who loves him a lot. Now he's the kind of boy any mother would proud of, a great kid, but hates meand won't come back. It seems this will be forever.

2007-02-28 00:07:13 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-27 23:51:06 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

im 22 and have a tight vigina i have been with my patner for 1 year and i want to have sex but every time we try it really hurts i have tryed k y jelly but it isnt helping im relaxed and love him with all my heart but just dont no what else to do. is there anything else i can buy to numb the pain? Please help

2007-02-27 23:30:40 · 21 answers · asked by sammy 1

He did some chemo but we stopped because he is 80 and in Remission . The Chemo was a little rough. He is ok but sleeps alot . My mom is taking care of him. My brother and family in san deigo and so is my parents. Im across the world from them !! I really have no idea how much time Dad has !! I visited a while ago, but am in U.a.e. with my family. I feel I should go back. Im worried! My teen son is telling me they are all fine , and I should go and help my mom. I love them. My son is great. He saw me in tears today, and was telling me to go and help Grandma ! I know his Cancer is rare and maybe not alot of time? I dont know what to do. My Husband is so supportive. He tells me to go when I need to. (He is very busy but a great Dad). What to do ?

2007-02-27 23:27:55 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous


I dont really know, Some people say i am, some say im not, Can you guys please tell the truth?


2007-02-27 23:23:38 · 33 answers · asked by OhReally 2

my daughter is 17 an has a boyfriend which she has been seeing long time , she has aked me if on some nights when they are out late i.e party , chould he stay over in seperate room .. need some advice on this an come to a good solution ..

2007-02-27 23:19:51 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-27 23:10:24 · 11 answers · asked by ewan 2

Im always sad, cutting myself, crying all for no reason or for pathetic small things. Im 13 and cant tell anyone. My friends would think im trying to get attention and my parents would laugh and not believe me. Please help me. Im afraid I might do something terrible, Ive been so close to it before and I really dont want it to happen

2007-02-27 22:35:56 · 9 answers · asked by OhReally 2

Which category do you fall into ?

i Never spank
ii Pro-spanking
iii Wish we had not spanked

Or do you hold a different view?

2007-02-27 21:57:24 · 34 answers · asked by pax veritas 4

My daughter (Bee) is 14 y o and has been friends with a girl (Kay) since kindergarten. Recently they have become much closer than ever...however, Kay's mom now wants to seperate them because they talk too much in school and she is blaming Bee for her kid's poor grades - even in classes they don't attend together. I also had both girls beg me to talk to this woman because she has the misguided notion that our daughters forged my kid's permission slip for an end of the year trip and that her kid is paying for it and is now not allowing Kay to go on the trip, but she has never asked me about this. I see this woman a couple times a week at dance classes, should I approach her and tell her she's nuts? I have seen her be mean to her own child, but she is now affecting my kid. There is a lot more to this, these girls have been like sisters, we have included her in many of our family events and they have done the same, now she is cutting my kid out, even from Kay's b-day yesterday.

2007-02-27 21:24:11 · 7 answers · asked by Dianne R 1

Why do teenagers thing dope is safer then cigarettes


How do you make a joint?

You get your paper


Then a tiny bit of dope for flavour (bit like salt on chips)

Then you take out the filter that would be in a cigarette to make it a little safer.

Then replace that with a bit of bar with less filtration

Then you smoke the joint which is like 96% unfiltered TABACCO (as in addictive nicoteen, all nasty stuff in cigarettes, cancer and all that) cigarette inhailing more tabbacco then you would with a regular cigarette.

Thats if you stop to think about it...

Oh and you keep doing this you turn like the sad gits who say go all the way to AUSTRALIA then spend half or more of the time in scrappy scummy Kings Cross the red light district just getting stoned or pissed with other backpackers not even mixing with the locals in some of the shittiest hostels in AUS.

as opposed to outback treks,

Er Why?

2007-02-27 21:07:43 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

my 14 yr old daughter wants diet pills and has asked me for several weeks now if she can have mine. I told her no, she is too young and not even over weight. she wears a 3-5 jr and looks great. well yesterday I found two plastic bags filled with my diet pills and another brand stuck in her drawer. She claims she only just started that day and took two instead one. I am so upset she lied to me and stole them from me. I'm not sure what to do. so far she has been on work detail and the house hasn't ever looked so good!! :) I do have her cell phone and I have talked breifly because I am too upset to hand out a punishment. I'm totally lost now..is this a beginning of a bigger problem?

2007-02-27 20:48:09 · 7 answers · asked by crazykat 2

2007-02-27 16:51:11 · 16 answers · asked by Deonn W 1

...she is dating a nineteen year old (I'M NINETEEN FOR GOD'S SAKE!) and she is only fourteen. However, one day when I came home to visit from college, my sister started asking me all about sex and what it feels like and whether a condom is more effective that birth controll. And that got me a little scared. But the worst part of it is when I went into her room to empty her garbage can, I found a condom wrapper in the trash can, do you think that she is having sex? If she is should I tell my parents because if she is it is illegal sex. Please I need help!

2007-02-27 16:44:44 · 26 answers · asked by lovefromavampire 1

I've been in scouting for like 7 or 8 years now. But i'm 17 and i'm in Venturers. Anyway we got a new leader about 6months ago, he's always been really friendly towards the girls in our group. He's about 40 and married.

But we went on a camp in the weekend and he started getting far more dodge. Like he would comment on how nice my breasts look, infront of everyone. Also when me and one of my friends were sunbathing he would stare at us (my other friends saw him). He always tries to sit next to me and says how attractive i am etc.

I find him really creepy and I'm at the point where i'm to scared to go to Venturers.

I talked to my other leaders and they said they'd have a talk to him, but i don't feel that this is enough.

I've got some strong male friends at Venturers who have said they will look out for me (which they already do)

What should I do? I'm really scared of this leader!

2007-02-27 16:33:28 · 15 answers · asked by ★☆✿❀ 7

2007-02-27 15:57:37 · 7 answers · asked by lil_bit_07 1

Well about 2years ago i went out with this guy. He treated me really badly. I was in counselling for it. But i've worked though it and now we are friends again.

But in the last 2years i made really good friends with this other guy, he moved away from where i live but we really love each other and i'm moving to be with him next year.

Any way, last weekend, the guy i went out with 2years ago, came up to me and said 'I still love you, i've never stopped loving you and i'm sorry for hurting you'. I don't love him, and i don't trust that he's changed. He's also going out with one of my good friend's friend. I said to him that i wasn't interested in being more than just friends.

I have to see him once a week and now knowing that he loves me is going to be really weird. I actually feel really bad that he still loves me.

What can I do to make him get over me? And get the message through to him that we're only friends?

2007-02-27 15:18:01 · 6 answers · asked by ★☆✿❀ 7

Well, here's the pic: http://a897.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/43/l_d1ef055d975d3e17cec5d854a075db78.jpg

The only compliments I get are on my shoes and cuts (haircuts). But none on my looks. Yet, there are tons of people who say I'm ugly.

But I want you girls to say it for yourself. After looking at my picture, am I smokin' hot, ok and fine, or too damn ugly you maybe don't want to see it again?

Only use the answers specified, and explain why if you want.

2007-02-27 15:06:49 · 18 answers · asked by Sean 3

Ok. My girlfriend is freakin' smokin' hot... but I never figured myself for someone who really looked very good... she keeps saying I'm hot, sexy, etc... but none of any of my other girlfriends said that (maybe they were just dits's)... I mean out of 10 she's probably like 9.6 and she's totally over me but I'm not very secure about my looks. I'm a guy, 15, blondish-red hair, green eyes, I'm not fat I'm 5'5" and 117 pounds I'm quite muscular. just looking for some help or suggestions.

2007-02-27 14:56:10 · 13 answers · asked by Farlow 1

I'm a junior in high school, and these days are going by SOO SLOWWWW!!!!! Prom is in like 2 months (April) and we have all these stupid graduation test and test prep stuff......Gerrrrrr, anybody got any suggestions to help with my high school blues??

2007-02-27 14:29:03 · 8 answers · asked by ♥femme fatale♥ 2

ok so like almost 3 weeks ago I had sexual intercourse. well lately ive been well..different. Like so to say, my breasts have gotten bigger and tenderer, my mood is drastic and when im mad its like horrible, ive been peeing alot and i feel like this idk pressure on my bladder, i used to love love love ranch dressing on pizza and now i hate it, and i am really weak. I don't know what's going on. I am also 16 and I started in 6th grade, so it's not puberty.

2007-02-27 14:25:29 · 24 answers · asked by LiLHeAtHeRx09 2

omg they always believe my brother and hes ALWAYS the one lying!!! soooo not faiiiirrr.....bonus::: they think im into drugs (SOOO GROSE) and sex (SOOO NOT READY) why cant they freaken truse me!!!!!

2007-02-27 14:23:09 · 12 answers · asked by SavannahLoveXoXo 1

so my oldest sister is 19 she just had a baby who just turned 1 month.
my second oldest sister is going to be turning 17 in april.
then me i just turned 15 on feb. 14.
then my twin brother he turned 15 on the 15th ( we were born 3 minuets apart evadently he was born the next day)
and my little sister is going to tun 9 in july
my mom is like 36 or 37 and is pregnate again!
advice and awsome names would be great from you guys!

2007-02-27 14:14:16 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

i like pie too, you know!

2007-02-27 14:06:32 · 5 answers · asked by i.malested.u 1

will a 41 year old man get into trouble dating a 15 year that is pg and is getting ammapated can they do it date a 41 year old or is that against the law

2007-02-27 14:01:29 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I asked a question earlier about bn 16 n havn a bf whos 19. I asked if he could go 2 jail if we had sex and it got out. I asked that b/c I thought I was prgnt w/his baby. That's the stupid part. I had sex with him without a condom in the heat of the moment and now I could be paying 4 it w/my future. So if I am pregnant, would he go 2 jail? I don't want an abortion, but he says it is throwing my future away if I keep the baby. Is it possible for me to even be prgnt? I mean, I started my period and only bled for about an hour and filled like 1/2 a tampon. Then it stopped. I read that I could be prgnt if I have a short, late period (which it was). If I am not pregnant, he wants me to go on birth control. Oh yeah we've been havn sex for months. Do I need parental consent to go on birth control? Because I could never ask my parents about that, they would slaughter me. Another thing I needed help with is how to talk to parents if I'm pregnant. I need help. How much does a p. test cost?

2007-02-27 13:58:04 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

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