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Pregnancy & Parenting - 28 December 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting

Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

My baby is five month old and whenever she goes to her carseat, about to fall asleep, or just about to wake up she shakes her head from side to side constantly. I never seen other babies do that. Also her soft spot moves like when you are breathing in and breathing out... (but fast).. is there something wrong with her or it's normal?

2007-12-28 10:28:03 · 7 answers · asked by ~mother of 2 beautiful girls~ 3 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

Even though, I'm still 13. I still regret something. My grandfather just past away. I never had a chance to get close to him as my mother and father did. He was my mother's father. Now, I regreted it because now it is too late. I wondered if he knew how much I loved him...

2007-12-28 10:24:37 · 13 answers · asked by Deniece 4 in Adolescent

Why is this pregnancy so different and what can I do to get my energy level up?

2007-12-28 10:23:52 · 9 answers · asked by Cherry B 1 in Pregnancy

a baby in a bowl or cup or anything? i wouldnt like to know iknow it sounds silly just been something on my mind

2007-12-28 10:20:11 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

You know when you were little and you were really excited about getting this certain toy for christmas and you just couldnt wait and its ALL you thought about and sometimes found yourself just smiling and getting giddy about it?
Thats how I feel know, I feel like I am gonna burst litterally. I feel like I just cant wait any longer and i wish two or three weeks were over right now!
Does anyone else feel like this?
What do you do about it? I tried distracting myself it doesnt work!

This is my second pregnancy.... I dont remember this with my first child

2007-12-28 10:15:55 · 4 answers · asked by mjoy2685 4 in Pregnancy

I live in the UK and had heard it through the grapevine that they were stopping giving girls under 16 abortions without the knowledge or consent of their parents. I personally don't believe in abortion. I was forced into one by my grandmother at 21!! When I was of a reasonable age to have a kid and it was taken away from me by her as it was planned but I split from my then partner just before I found out. And it tears me apart even now as I should've been a stronger person and stood up for myself more. If my daughter was 14 and got pregnant I would sooner she had that baby and loved it anyway rather than to destroy it needlessly. I think teens are quite capable of motherhood and can manage more than they are given credit for. They have support and their is much more groups to support teens with kids now than what their used to be. Has anybody else got any kids with babies and how do you feel about it? Personally I wouldn't allow my daughter to have an abortion. Tell me opinions.

2007-12-28 10:12:59 · 7 answers · asked by minx_knitting_minnie 2 in Adolescent

Name's Dustin John; do you like it or no? I'm concerned it doesn't flow well...

2007-12-28 10:11:56 · 24 answers · asked by Rachel 3 in Baby Names

I thought that "birthmother" was a term used by the adoption industry to refer to a woman who had surrendered her parental rights thereby making the child available for adoption. Yet I constantly see any expectant mother who considers adoption called a "birthmother". Sometimes a woman who has chosen to parent is still called a "birthmother".

I assume that adoptive parents learn the misuse of the birthmother term from adoption workers. In fact, I have read that some adoptive parents are very dismayed when they are told by their adoption worker that they MUST address their presentation letters with the term "Dear Birthmother".

So three questions:

Is my understanding of the term "birthmother" correct? "A woman who has signed away her rights as a mother"

If so, why do adoption workers label all women receiving counseling "birthmother"? They still have the option of parenting, don’t they?

Is this misuse of the birthmother term intentional for the purpose of coercion?

2007-12-28 10:06:05 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adoption

you can put cold cabbage leaves on your nipples to stop them cracking when your pregnant/ breast feeding??

2007-12-28 10:05:14 · 14 answers · asked by beck 2 in Pregnancy

Okay, so I'm a 15 year old girl, which makes me in the age range for the HPV vaccine, Gardasil. Would you recommend getting it? Right now there is no way I am getting the vaccine. Of course, doctors, as well as the annoying-as-crap "One Less" commercials say that the vaccine is great. They say it protects against cervical cncer, and who wouldn't want that? Well, I did my research, and here's why I'm not getting the shot.
1. No long term affects of the drug have been examined. As well as we know, everyone who gets it could die in 10 years. There were no tests done after 5 years, and none after 18 months for younger girls.
2. The drug contains a carginogen, meanig that the drug itself has a possible cancer-causing ingredient.
3. The company who manufactures the drug, Merck, has no idea how log the drug affects will actually last. The effectiveness may go away after several years.
4. Rats who were givent the drug were shown to have reproduction problems.

2007-12-28 10:04:51 · 17 answers · asked by blue92 3 in Adolescent

Has anyone out there done this? What do you think of it?

Instead of clamping and cutting the umbilical cord immediately or shortly after baby's birth, leaving it attached (with the placenta) until it falls off on its own (within a week or two)?

I am planning on doing this when my baby is born. Wanted to hear from others on this, see what the "knee jerk reaction" is, see how it went for others. And so forth.

Also anyone who knows of complications that could arise by this method, please provide me with references and sources.

Thanks so much for your time.

2007-12-28 10:03:06 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

you registered for baby gifts?

had your baby shower?

and where did you register? Thanks mommies!

2007-12-28 10:00:22 · 12 answers · asked by Connor's mommy 2 in Pregnancy

i have a 10 in a half month old and now im having the little boy yaaay lol anyone else having a boy??

2007-12-28 09:58:18 · 27 answers · asked by ♥TaTyAnA's MoMmY 2 in Pregnancy

2007-12-28 09:56:27 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

Did/have you find/found a man who,as far as is possible,can act as a "surrogate Father"/good role model for your boys?
My Father was wonderful with my boys but whilst he was ever so strict with my brothers (and me to an extent) growing up he was like a ***** cat with them.That was fine because I knew my own boys and could discipline them if necessary in my own way (my Mother was a great help though I must say).
I also had them in the cubs and scouts which helped but overall it was my brothers who helped out.My elder brother married but my younger never did and he was absolutely marvellous to my boys and knew exactly what to say to them when they were upset or driving me mad (sometimes taking them out and I never knew what he had said but they came back better for it).
I had them on my own the majority of the time but without what he did I could never have coped and in that way he *was* like a real Father to them.
I only wish that he could have had children of his own because he

2007-12-28 09:55:27 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

i am sorry to ask this but i need to know.. my wife now pregnant for 8 months

2007-12-28 09:54:17 · 55 answers · asked by Lost MM 1 in Pregnancy

Well it all started around 6 in the morning the day before with just a little bleeding so I called the hospital they told me to put a pad on so I did. After I did the bleeding wasn't even heavy at all just spotting. Well around 3 in the morn. I woke up to feeling very weird and in pain. I feel like I was in labor or something. I stood up I felt blood dripping out of me so I went to the bathroom sat on the toielt and blood just came out of me like I was having a baby. Around 6am it happen again but not so much like the last time tissue came out and the placenta came out. Around 8 the fetus came out. After that I felt a little cramping then my bleeding went to a regular like period. All of my cramps are gone and no heavy bleeding at all. Now, it's just I feel very empty inside my fiaince and I was SO excited for this. We both cried. But, we told ourselves that there is better days ahead. In Feb. I get my pap so after that could I try again. Will that give me enough time to heal?

2007-12-28 09:54:14 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

Ok so just took an HPT called confirm clearly...came out positive!!! SOOOO HAPPY!!! So then I googled the test, because I google everything...and apparently this test gives out alot of false positives! So I decided to give a pregnancy test to a glass of water...and apparently my glass of water is pregnant too because it too got a positive! WHAT IN THE WORLD! I was sooo sooo happy only to have my happiness crushed! Stupid test....

2007-12-28 09:53:26 · 5 answers · asked by 8 mo old baby girl 4 in Pregnancy

well, I am taking it back to the store! who feels the same?

2007-12-28 09:46:52 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toddler & Preschooler

why is it, that alot of people on Y/A seem to think that it is wrong for an adoptive parent to want to adopt a child because she cant have kids of her own? Obviously they are going to adopt if they cant have kids!

What is wrong with that?
Why do people think adoptive parents are selfish if they have tried IVF first?

Sorry but i dont understand the big thing. I dont see why anyone should be concerned about that.

If the child is going to have a stable home with loving parents, then why should it matter?

2007-12-28 09:43:33 · 20 answers · asked by sarahhhhhhh 2 in Adoption


My wife felt our first baby move today... isn't that awesome!

I hope it's a Jedi....

2007-12-28 09:42:02 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

What foods are still off limits at 11 months old? A year old? I know now cows milk until one year- but what about yogurt and cheese? What are the limits? (obviously not high fat items) Also once converting to cows milk- do you get vitamin D? whole milk?

2007-12-28 09:38:39 · 6 answers · asked by Emily R 2 in Newborn & Baby

like only a few weeks or whatever
and went on like big rollercoasters..would that kill the baby?

btw, no im not pregnant
me and my friend were just talking about this today lol

2007-12-28 09:37:52 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

Emily Lynn
Carli Brooke
Bailey Elizabeth
MaKenna Reese

2007-12-28 09:36:17 · 39 answers · asked by must<3dogs 3 in Baby Names

I am writing a story and my main character names a pretty sounding, uncommon name. She is a female, and there are no boudaries on this, but a nice meaning would be cool. Here are some ones I came up with. Tell me which one you like best and then post your own if you want.
Aurora (My daughters name)
Angelina Rose
Lark (I have a thing for bird names)

Okay. Done :)
PS: More tomboyish names Like Sawyer and Sparrow and Reese are more what I'm looking for

2007-12-28 09:34:52 · 22 answers · asked by Angelina rose 2 in Baby Names

My hubby works all weekend and has three days off in the week. One of these days is his day off, where he gets to go out and have a meal, shop etc, and one is my day off, where I do the same.
This arrangement has only come into place recently as our youngest has only just started drinking from a cup.
I realize that I am very lucky to be able to do this, as if he worked normal hours, there wouldn't be time.
But today I was having my dinner in a restaurant and some other parents from the school came in and they seemed to be saying I had no right to be there as I was a mother and should be sat at home every night.
I stress that this is once a week and I have no other time off.
Our children are 6, nearly 2 and a half, and 8 months.

Should I be feeling so guilty for being 'caught'?

2007-12-28 09:33:45 · 18 answers · asked by ♫♪Bag♫♪ 7 in Parenting

We are not pregnant but I would do anything to not have a c-section. It's not about the scaring or the pain or the healing. I would want to have our children the natural way without any drugs or any surgery.
Was it dissapointing when the Dr.'s told you that you had to have a C-section?

2007-12-28 09:30:09 · 9 answers · asked by sekocsis 2 in Pregnancy

ok so my friend thinks hes engaged he asked his gf to marry him and she said "yes" ok but seriousely hes 14 ... i dont get it, he ccalls me stupid but now look at him ... hes actually serious about this ....he "proposed with a $15 ring
he wont listen to me when i say this is stupid and he just gets mad.. what is wrong with him??? i dont get it... i can he think hes engaged at 14?!?!

2007-12-28 09:29:51 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

I am a 16 year old female and i've had an irregular period cycle since i was about 12 years old. I would usually get my period every 3-4 months and sometimes 6 months. Since Septemeber to Novemeber i have been recieiving my period normally, but since then, i havnt had my period. Also, my boyfriend and I have had unprotected sex a few times(totally stupid). and im really worried about being pregnant. Ive been having stomach aches and i have the feeling that i have to throw up but i never have.

Are my chances of being pregnant as even as everybody else's because of my irregular cycle?

2007-12-28 09:28:37 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

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