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I live in the UK and had heard it through the grapevine that they were stopping giving girls under 16 abortions without the knowledge or consent of their parents. I personally don't believe in abortion. I was forced into one by my grandmother at 21!! When I was of a reasonable age to have a kid and it was taken away from me by her as it was planned but I split from my then partner just before I found out. And it tears me apart even now as I should've been a stronger person and stood up for myself more. If my daughter was 14 and got pregnant I would sooner she had that baby and loved it anyway rather than to destroy it needlessly. I think teens are quite capable of motherhood and can manage more than they are given credit for. They have support and their is much more groups to support teens with kids now than what their used to be. Has anybody else got any kids with babies and how do you feel about it? Personally I wouldn't allow my daughter to have an abortion. Tell me opinions.

2007-12-28 10:12:59 · 7 answers · asked by minx_knitting_minnie 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

7 answers

i don't live in the UK, i live in the USA and there are anti-abortion laws here.
i am completely, 100% against abortion.
im 15, and if i were to get pregnant, i don't think i, myself, would be able to support a baby. we don't have a lot of money. we can barely make the mortgage. not to meantion food and stuff. i don't even see how we afford the internet im using.
so if i were to get pregnant, i would talk to my dad and sister and grandma and everyone, and have them all help me make the choice-- keep the baby, or adoption.
i would WANT to keep the baby, but it would be a matter of the little one's health.
i would never allow a daughter of mine to get an abortion, of if a son of mine got a girl pregnant i would not want her to get an abortion and would talk to her parents about it.

2007-12-28 10:29:27 · answer #1 · answered by Kenna Coconut™ Actorasauress Rex 5 · 0 3

Basically, she probably got pregnant without their permission, so she needs to seek a remedy that doesn't require their permission. In some cases, even letting her parents know that she's pregnant is problematic. They might beat her and/or throw her out of the house. Or the pregnancy might be a result of incestual rape. Or the mom's boyfriend might have raped the girl (doesn't TECHNICALLY qualify as incest). One of my husband's nieces had to go live with her grandparents (his parents) because his sister KNEW that her boyfriend was molesting that kid, but she was unwilling to kick the boyfriend out of the house. If the kid had turned up pregnant, she might not have been able to go through the legal system in time to get an abortion without her parents' knowledge and possibly permission. You also have to consider that in some religions and cultures, a girl who even associates with unrelated males is considered a slut, and is at risk for "honor" killing, though I find such concepts to be extremely dishonorable. It would be great if a girl's parents would help her and guide her if she finds herself pregnant. Unfortunately, this isn't always the case. And abortion is a very time-sensitive issue...waiting even a month or two might change that first trimester pregnancy into a second trimester pregnancy, where the risks and costs of an abortion are higher. Many teens don't have extremely regular cycles, and by the time a teen realizes that she's late, she might have less than a month before she goes into the second trimester. She might also be in denial for a month or two as well. A pregnant teen (or a pregnant woman, for that matter) has a very small window of time to make a decision.

2016-05-27 13:28:39 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

I think this differs based on local laws. In the US, there are states in which a girl that young can have an abortion without parental consent...in fact, the doctors wouldn't be allowed to tell the parents at all. There are also other states where the age may be different. Personally, I think abortion is a big mistake, not to mention any moral implications. It seems like an easy way out at the time, but the memory will never go away.

2007-12-28 10:21:24 · answer #3 · answered by Debdeb 7 · 1 2

Okay, so I am 16 live in the usa, and there are no laws in MY state saying that you have to tell your parents.
When I got pregnant, and had to have an abortion because of complications, they gave me the option of not telling my parents, but I did because they already knew.
I don't know about the uk, but in america it depends on the states laws about abortion, but there is no law anywhere in america banning abortion, no matter what state you live in.

2007-12-28 11:21:11 · answer #4 · answered by Brianna Marie 3 · 2 0

I do not support abortion either. Not all teens are capable of taking care of a baby. Some do not have supportive parents to help them along the way. I'm not saying that all teens are incapable, but most. Adoption is an aniother option to consider also. Many couples are unable to have babies, and adoption is the only for them to have a child of their own. There are really good adoption programs out there, that one might consider. Anyway. Haha. That's just how I feel.

2007-12-28 10:20:50 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

Im 16 and if i was ever pregnant, as much as a think abortion is horrible, wouldnt it be best? CONSIDERING that child would never have a normal life anyways. Im still in school and live with my parents, i have a whole future ahead of me and if i kept a baby i would have to quit scholll, or pay a babysitter to raise it, which would mean the baby would never be with its real mother. Or i would have to quit school to raise a baby and get a job and still have to get someone to watch it.

2007-12-28 10:19:49 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 5 3

Serena and Shelbie, she didn't ask if you supported abortion or not, so be quiet, from what I've heard, you don't have to have parental consent at age 18. And I don't think you should go around saying if you belive in it or not whne it's not a question about if you belive in it or not.

2007-12-28 10:36:13 · answer #7 · answered by bitchez n hoez 6 · 1 2