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Pregnancy & Parenting - 23 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting

Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

I plan on putting up a business card at my Aunts house. She runs a daycare from her home and has several clients. I have a feeling she would put in a good word for me if anyone asks her opinion. I have not taken a Red-Cross class, but thinking about doing so. Here is a sample of what I'm thinking of posting tell me what you think I should add, subtract, ect.

-1 sibling babysit for age
- can cook and do housework
- watch from 8month - 11 years
- availability
-love kids
-2 years experience
-great with kids
-contact info
Please Help Me! Oh, Should I put cost on also?

2007-06-23 11:41:59 · 16 answers · asked by LKVL SWIMMER 1 in Adolescent

2007-06-23 11:39:34 · 13 answers · asked by Edgar R 4 in Pregnancy

How long did it take and how was the surgery done?
How long before you can start trying and cant you take fertility drugs to help after you have surgery?

2007-06-23 11:38:15 · 1 answers · asked by Terrie Z 1 in Trying to Conceive


2007-06-23 11:37:58 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

i play alot of running sports like basketball and tennis....but i am afraid during my periods the pad will fall out or have an embarassing leak....so do you think i should switch to tampons for playing sports..or i could still wear pads without that happening. thanks...but i feel so embarassed
to ask but i need to know

2007-06-23 11:36:41 · 17 answers · asked by Crazy 2 in Adolescent

How many days past ovulation do you have to wait to take a EPT?

2007-06-23 11:34:33 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

My son is almost 6 years old and he broke the training wheels on his bike, so I told him he's old enough to ride on two wheels, like his big sister does. I did some research on the net about teaching him how to ride and I'm trying to have him push with his feet and balance the bike, and when he masters that, I plan to have him put his feet on the pedals while coasting, and finally, start pedalling the bike. It seems like a more practical way to learn to ride than having me run along with him and hold the bike (I did try that at first, and he won't let me let go at all.). *sigh* He seemed excited when I first showed him how to balance the bike and pick up his feet, but he's tried it three times, for about 5 minutes each time, and then he gives up and won't try anymore. It's like pulling teeth to get him out on the bike. How can I "light a fire under him?" I want him to learn to ride so I can take him on bike rides with his older sister. Anyone have ideas that have worked?

2007-06-23 11:29:24 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Grade-Schooler

Its in the news quite a bit and i was wondering whats goin on with that.

2007-06-23 11:28:53 · 5 answers · asked by b 4 in Pregnancy

2007-06-23 11:21:06 · 45 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

so im worried that it would have caused damage to my baby.
I have been having about 2 spliffs a night.

Obviousley now that i know that i am pregnant i wont be smoking any more andif i had of known i wouldnt have smoked any but i was on the pill and ive had regular periods i only found out friday after going to the drs with what i thought was my appendix playing up.

So please before you critise how wrong this is i know and like i said i wouldnt have smoked if i had of known but i didnt so i cant change the fact that i did for 18weeks.

Has anyone else smoked weed whilst not knowing if so what effects did it have on your child im really worried and feel terrible.

2007-06-23 11:16:14 · 26 answers · asked by larenza w 2 in Pregnancy

Since my daughter doesn't seem to want to come out on her own I am scheduled to go to the hospital at 5pm Wednesday and they are going to use Cervidil on my cerivx and then at 6 in the morning start Pitocin. Looking up things online about Pitocin, I am getting nervous about being given the drug because of how painful it says it can make labor. So I was just wondering can cervidil ever get labor started without the pitocin? I know it's just supposed to soften the cervix but I didn't know if anyone had been given it and it opened the cervix enough to start active labor?

2007-06-23 11:14:20 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

Call Vital Satistics In My State And Shoudn't I Also Be Reciving Her Social Security Card Or Do I Have To Call Them Also

2007-06-23 11:10:08 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

Im dying to know what im having but on the other hand i'd love for the screener to tell me that the baby is lying in position where they can't tell me the sex as it would be fantastic to give birth not knowing the sex of the child that im delivering.

What are your views or experiences on finding out or not finding out your child sex.

2007-06-23 11:00:57 · 15 answers · asked by xxsamxx 5 in Pregnancy

i'm spotting very light pink. is this implantation bleeding or the start of my period? (i usually don't spot at all before my period)) all of my other symptoms point to being pregnant but i don't want to be getting my hopes up..

2007-06-23 10:59:59 · 6 answers · asked by ashleyxmar 1 in Pregnancy

i am going on vacation from july 3 - july 7 and i am suppose to get my period on the third. any way to make it come later?


2007-06-23 10:59:45 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

2007-06-23 10:59:01 · 9 answers · asked by bajablist 1 in Newborn & Baby

I posted yesterday about having constant headaches and being dizzy, but today it took a turn for the worst. I was taking a shower, and out of nowhere I started feeling really sick. When I tried to move my head back a bit to finish washing my hair, I became really dizzy and everything in view went completely black. It stayed like this for about a minute, until I was able to get myself out of the shower and sit myself down. Has anyone ever had this happen to them while they were pregnant? I'm 17 weeks right now.

2007-06-23 10:53:43 · 8 answers · asked by Amy W 1 in Pregnancy

2007-06-23 10:53:19 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

Does anyone know where to find a really good guide for starting solids? Like how many bottles, how much cereal to start with, when to go to vegetables and fruit and the amounts. Things like that!
This is my second baby and I have forgotten already!

2007-06-23 10:53:09 · 6 answers · asked by Wendy 2 in Newborn & Baby

Hi, Im not pregnant....YET!! But just wondering is morning sickness actually sick, or is it bile - the sour stuff!?

2007-06-23 10:46:41 · 13 answers · asked by Happy 2 in Pregnancy

yesterday i went into emergency in the hospital b/c i wasnt feeling well and my doctor suggested that i go to the hospital since the labs (for blood test, urine and xray) were closed.. they took some blood work as well as urine... and then when the doctor talked to me.. he told me my HCG level is only 1...

what could a level this low mean? can i stilll be pregnant? has this happened to anyone and they still turned out pregnant? my period was suppose to come today.. yesterday when i took the blood test.. i was at 12 days past ovulation... could i have ovulated later than i was suppose to.. and b/c of that.. it took longer to implant? and still be pregnant?

plz share ur experiences and ideas/suggestions.. thanks ladies..

2007-06-23 10:46:16 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

Here's a question (probably stupid, but still curious). I am on the pill and have been for years and years. The last time I had sex was 5/26, and the next day I started on the 1st sugar pill (I'm on a 28 day cycle). No ejaculate inside as he pulled out (yes yes, I know about the prec** thingy, but still). Got my period as scheduled on Wed. 5/30. Nothing seemed different. So, I felt crappy like a week after and began to freak myself out that pregnancy could have occurred and I take things so hard and I think I got myself sick...Took a billion tests because that's the way I am!!! Then took a break and took one this morning and it was negative. This should be accurate right?

2007-06-23 10:43:47 · 7 answers · asked by Sweetie4753 1 in Pregnancy

2007-06-23 10:42:44 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

ok so i got one for those birthing balls (big old exercise ball) but now what do i do with it??? im 38 weeks and hoping to move things along here i want to meet my baby girl.....i heard that the ball is very helpful and useful to get things moving along.....so do i just sit on it, rock on it, roll on it, take it outside and play kickball(lol) i dont know what to do!! haha anyone know the effective way to work this thing?? thanks in advance!

2007-06-23 10:41:50 · 5 answers · asked by Renee 5 in Pregnancy

i dont no if im pregnant but mah mama said i came on at da begining of dis month which iz june but i dont remember i kinda do but i dont so im trynna fingure out iz im pregnant or not

2007-06-23 10:39:44 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

I still have my period but it is irregular (normally 5 days but has been 3 to 4 and normally heavy but has been light) . My breasts have been sore and I feel nauseated. My lower stomach is also getting a little bigger. It almost looks bloated. I took a pregnancy test but it was negative. What does this mean?

2007-06-23 10:34:33 · 7 answers · asked by jonjonsgirl1 1 in Pregnancy

i am pregnant and want to know how many raspberry leaf tea tablets can i take??? i am over due now by 3 days and am told by people that it can bring on my waters breaking any one else had this????

2007-06-23 10:31:08 · 10 answers · asked by Playhuni 2 in Pregnancy

yesterday i went into emergency in the hospital b/c i wasnt feeling well and my doctor suggested that i go to the hospital since the labs (for blood test, urine and xray) were closed.. they took some blood work as well as urine... and then when the doctor talked to me.. he told me my HCG level is only 1...

what could a level this low mean? can i stilll be pregnant? has this happened to anyone and they still turned out pregnant? my period was suppose to come today.. but it hasnt so far.. and doesnt seem like it is either.. plz share ur experiences and ideas/suggestions.. thanks ladies..

2007-06-23 10:27:50 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

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