Yesterday, I experienced a little light pink spotting mixed in with my discharge, very small pink. I do remember that in my first pregnancy. Implantation bleeding, I figure. My period is not due til Tuesday. I have not been on any birth control for the last month becuz my hubby got fired from his job and we ran out of health insurance. Now we both got new jobs but insurance doesn't start until Jan. 07. When we did it he "pulled" out. 1st m/c resulted in low progesterone levels. 2nd one I have no idea what happened, I was on the progesterone hormone. It's been 3 months and I am scared 2 death. I've praying so hard. We didn't try at all. We moved to a new city and I don't even have a doctor. I know I'm considered high risk, becuz of 2 prior m/c. They did occur this year, 1 happened in May and the other happened in August. Both ended at 2 months or 8 weeks. Don't know what to do....???
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