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Pregnancy & Parenting - 29 November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting

Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

I have a 10 week old son and recently he wants to play and coo and talk rather than eat. He eats rather well in the morning but in the afternoon and evening he wants to play or look around and not latch on. Any suggestions? Sometimes he gets really mad too so I have to pump and give him a bottle because once he's mad then he really won't latch on.

2006-11-29 14:46:25 · 13 answers · asked by pinky 4 in Newborn & Baby


2006-11-29 14:42:58 · 20 answers · asked by Kathryn.. 1 in Pregnancy

What is the diffrence in little boys and little girls......specifically 4 year olds? i'm writting a comparison essay and need more info. THANKS!

2006-11-29 14:40:53 · 10 answers · asked by just me 2 in Parenting

please help any answers are appreciated! base my pregnacy by my last period not by when i concived please!

2006-11-29 14:40:27 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

we are a young couple, still have to make our relationship stable and as well as our finances. we decided that it's best to postpone having a baby for the future.how do i prevent getting pregnant.any advice please...thanks

2006-11-29 14:36:02 · 21 answers · asked by smashed_pride 2 in Pregnancy

I am due tomorrow, and I've gotten really worried in the past couple of days, I've even gone into the hospital and all they do is call my doctor and he tells them to send me home (which really annoys me). But I'm only 1 cm and 100% effaced, and -2, what does that all mean? I'm really confused and I can't get anyone answer me at the hospital.
What is going on?

2006-11-29 14:34:47 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

i called the doctor and we are going tomrow morning i just want to hear your thoughts on this. I have 15 month old and he has not dropped from a 101 to a 103 fever as soon as the medicince wears off it goes right back to were it was 103 -101 so i was just wondering what do you think could cause this? i gave him childrens motrine i even tryed going back and forth to tynol and motrine cause that is what the doctor told me last time when he was acutally sick and had a high fever but this time it is only a fever no other symotoms so i just wondering what could cause this.

2006-11-29 14:32:29 · 9 answers · asked by knowssignlanguage 6 in Toddler & Preschooler

Ok here is the jerry springer of it, My ex and I broke up when I was about 5 months pregnant. He ended up getting married to another women when our son was about 4 months old. I knew the the girl (a19 yrold) she is a mutual friends daughter. Needless to say I was pissed for about 2 months but I got over it. our son is now 7 months. I just recently lost my sitter and I HAVE to work fulltime. The new wife doesnt work and has been watching our son while I work. My ex asked me if I would want to do this permanet and I said "NO" just till I find a new sitter but I apperciate the help. My thing is the whole other women thing raising my son while I work my butt off. I am just not comfortable with the situation being that is is very AKWARD! I want what is best for my son but it is really hard picking him up from his new wife in the house that my ex and I use to share. I just think that there is to much pontetial for drama. I just want a outsiders point of view. Please refrain from insulting m

2006-11-29 14:27:44 · 23 answers · asked by Kelly K 2 in Parenting

...I felt like curling up into a little ball. I could not handle this yammering. Is this normal?

2006-11-29 14:27:26 · 17 answers · asked by Cas 4 in Grade-Schooler

my son has had numerous ear infections in the last year and he is now looking at getting tubes put in..... he is 2 years old.... all I have been told is that they will allow the infection to drain..... can anyone tell me the pros and cons of tubes, and also..... what exactly does this procedure consist of?????

2006-11-29 14:24:33 · 8 answers · asked by Mommy of 2 5 in Toddler & Preschooler

Im only 13 and ive been with my boyfriend for a year now. And we had unprotected sex. Well ive been naseous and dizzy but im very scared to tell my mom that i might be pregnant because i know she would kick me out my house. I already talked about it with my boyfriend and he said to go live with him but im very scared and dont know what to do!! What do you think i should do?

2006-11-29 14:24:31 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

So i can fit into them

2006-11-29 14:23:45 · 9 answers · asked by Jason M 2 in Parenting

to keep this baby but im afraid something might be wrong with it? I started taking prenatal vitamins right away as soon as i found out. Will someone please put me at ease? im so scared. I drank once when i was pregnant with my daughter before i found out and shes fine but 4 times is a lot more. Helpppppp:)

2006-11-29 14:21:18 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I am nearly 8 months pregnant with my 4th. I already have 3 sons (ages 1, 14 and 12). The 14 year old really seems to be going through puberty. (voice cracking, girls). My question is what is the effect of having a pregnant mom on an adolescent boy? He seems to have these mood swings with me - at times he is really protective and tells me that he will be there for me during the birth, but at other times he tells me that he hopes that i go into labor now and stop being so big and preggo? what is ur experience with this, other moms in my situation? what would u do, adolescent boys if u were in my sons situation? thnx!

2006-11-29 14:21:13 · 5 answers · asked by ilina 2 in Pregnancy

I have an overwhelming sadness about this. No more babies. I am going back to school, but cant seem to get excited about it. I just wish I could have the time back over again. I get all teary just thinking about it. Anybody else feel/felt the same way? I'm just finding it tough to 'move on' so to speak, and if anyone asks me about next year I get emotional. I am usually very collected.

2006-11-29 14:19:34 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

hey, i was wondering, how do you get tested for group B strep? and what is it like? i am pregnant, and im pretty sure i have to get tested for that

2006-11-29 14:16:00 · 10 answers · asked by hotty 5 in Pregnancy

i am on the pill and have had some bleeding and nausia does this mean im pregnant

2006-11-29 14:12:45 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I'm 17 and I have a 9yr old brother...she just started back with graduate school so needless to say shes been getting more stressed lately which means more smoking...it's getting bad and no one likes it. Me and my dad have tried to get her to stop and it seems useless...

What should I do? This needs to go away..

2006-11-29 14:10:32 · 21 answers · asked by Bar19one 3 in Adolescent

I'm 5 months pregnant when I first got pregnant I was 176lbs now i'm down to 155lbs (even with nausea medication and eating properly).

2006-11-29 14:09:31 · 17 answers · asked by naightengale 3 in Pregnancy

What is a good age to tell ur kids there is no Santa? and of course all the other make believe characters!! :(

2006-11-29 14:08:28 · 23 answers · asked by ? 2 in Grade-Schooler

My girlfriend and I do not have sex, but sometimes we play around a little...well, today she made me come (sorry for lack of a better word) into my pants, and I could see the little wet mark. I accidentally touched the mark very lightly with my pointer finger (enough so that I was able to tell that I touched it, but my finger wasn't wet after that). So I went to wash my hands. I couldn't get the water very warm, but I'd say it was a little cooler than room temperature, and I so I took a lot of soap, and washed my hands for about 15 seconds, rinsed in the water, and then took soap and washed them again for about 10 seconds or so. Well, my girlfriend was still in a "happy" mood, and so I got her off using my hand that had accidentally touched the mark...I went into her though, not just through clothing...she's missed two pills this month, last week. She missed one on Monday and took two on Tuesday, and then she missed one on Thursday and took two on Friday. Do you think she's pregnant?

2006-11-29 14:05:16 · 19 answers · asked by Nath 2 in Pregnancy

My boyfriend finished before we had intercourse we waited ten min then he we has sex. Ihavent started my period yet and the month is almost over. Also my breasts hurt. Am i pregnant?

2006-11-29 14:05:04 · 17 answers · asked by POP M 1 in Adolescent

Is it true that hemmroids are very common in early pregnancy?

2006-11-29 14:04:22 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

everyone i see says he is a "big" baby and other babys his age or some even older are smaller than he is..is he overweight..

2006-11-29 14:03:34 · 20 answers · asked by destinymoon_16 2 in Newborn & Baby

My daughter is 15 and she is pregnant. She wont tell me who got her pregnant, but she does want to keep her child. She also wants to move out of the household and wants nothing to do with me or her whole family. In other words, she wants to have her baby and move out...what are the state laws of hawaii on this issue? Is she allowed to move out during the time she's pregnant or after?

2006-11-29 14:02:16 · 15 answers · asked by Curious Q 1 in Adolescent

Please Give me a list of names! Boys-type names under boys-girls-type names under girls. Longest = best answer! 10 points!

2006-11-29 14:00:22 · 8 answers · asked by FP 6 in Newborn & Baby

is it normal not to have a period while breast feeding? my friend hasnt had a period for 6 months! and she keeps thiinking she could be pregnant

2006-11-29 13:59:13 · 9 answers · asked by Kez 1 in Newborn & Baby

my sister dropes my 3 month old nephew off six weeks ago. she has only called or came by once. i need some kind of advice on what to do about custody. i think she would let me have him. the dad is not on the birth certificate tho, i know who he is. he has came by twice. he said in a year or so he should be able to take the baby. if it was sooner ok. i get more and more attached everyday, i can't see loosing him after a year. does he have any leagaal rights? do i ? how do i get some? please help me, io love him and his mom is a crack head and his dad is a ding bat. i want him to be safe and loved. how can i keep him?

2006-11-29 13:58:03 · 9 answers · asked by Brandi B 2 in Parenting

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