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Pregnancy & Parenting - 1 November 2006

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

2006-11-01 13:18:19 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

2006-11-01 13:17:07 · 6 answers · asked by Shweta a 1 in Pregnancy

im due in 4 more weeks and i have an appt coming up on the 14, i'll be 38 weeks by then. i was thinking of asking the doc to induce me cause i cant handle the weight of this baby! by the time i was 34 wks i had already gained 40lbs. it would be okay to induce right... its my second pregnancy? what do you think?

2006-11-01 13:16:24 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I was raped and pregnant when i was 13,3 years ago and in classwere reading a book about it where the main character is raped and then has a miscarrage It makes me cry every night i told my teacher and she showed me the saddest page and told me to skip it but its not the same plus my parents dont know yet so its hard to get backup help me.

2006-11-01 13:14:02 · 11 answers · asked by melissa 1 in Adolescent

i think i might be pregnant, i had a light period only lasted 1 day but not sure if could be a period, soooooo my question is if this was a normal period does anyone elses breasts still hurt 3 days after ( done test yesterday and negative)

2006-11-01 13:11:17 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

2 years ago, I would've given the world for a boyfriend......now, after all I've been through with two guys, and in the end I'm still boyfriendless, I just don't feel like dealing much with any guy right now.... seriously. I've never even had a bf in my life before, but I can tell I'm just not ready for one....or I guess I could be like every other 15 year old girl out there and have a new bf every year, but yea. I need to focus on school more anyways....are you guys proud of me? I'm am, but I'm feeling really down about it.

2006-11-01 13:10:22 · 5 answers · asked by K 3 in Adolescent

does anyone know if they sell the soothie pacifiers that you can actually attach to a child. soothie is the only pacifier that my daughter will use but the only problem is it always end up on the floor cus they dont have a part that can be clipped onto the baby.thanx

2006-11-01 13:01:52 · 7 answers · asked by cinnamon 2 in Newborn & Baby

sometimes the kids i babysit act up and want to call their mom if theyre fighting with each other, should i let them call?

2006-11-01 13:01:14 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

I've asked a question earlier today about the possibility of being pregnant. This is kinda part two. My period isnt supposed to start until Sunday, and this morning I started light bleeding, and I still am bleeding. It hasn't gotten heavier and when I look at the pad there is like a thin line of blood on the pad nothing else. Im confused because my normal period is a heavy flow. Is this normal during the beginning of pregnancy, because the last time I was pregnant I didnt expirence this.

2006-11-01 12:54:34 · 8 answers · asked by Ilovehim 1 in Pregnancy

i do not like my teacher she gets on

2006-11-01 12:54:28 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Grade-Schooler

I dont understand why my almost 2year old always runs around naked. she takes all her cloths off and then her diapers......I put one one her then ten mins later its off and missing...when i find it its clean and dry so its not that she does not like feeling of being dirty. her other obsestion is taking all the cloths out of the dresser....chances are her (almost) 4 year old sister has something to do with this, and its not just that my older daughter takes the sheets off both beds and takes the mattress off the toddler bed( its not light)....i dont know what to do with them anymore i have tryed talking nice, rewarding them, yelling...nothing is working....please help

2006-11-01 12:51:59 · 13 answers · asked by babyrose26_2001 2 in Parenting

anyone know any good ways to put myself in labor early i am 39 weeks and NEED to have this baby soon

2006-11-01 12:48:27 · 11 answers · asked by beachgirl3360 1 in Pregnancy

I am a 25 semi-healthy female, who has tried many times to get pregnant. I have had an irregular period since I was 18 (well, actually I haven't had a period since then). I do spot from time to time, and very afraid to see a doctor (plus can't afford one). I really want a child, I feel that it is the only thing now missing from my life. I was married, husband ran out years ago because of lies and problems, I really want a child. Please help, give some advice.

2006-11-01 12:48:04 · 10 answers · asked by dreamdayzahead 1 in Trying to Conceive


2006-11-01 12:45:43 · 7 answers · asked by sheenalcampbell 1 in Trying to Conceive

I am a semi stay at home mom, I have five kids and now I am seven months preggo with my sixth kid. What are some thing you did when they all had the stomach flu, or a cold. Also, what was the hardest thing you have had to do with them?

2006-11-01 12:45:18 · 9 answers · asked by baby oh's 3 in Parenting

i'm concerned about my kids safety,i dont know how to spell pedifiles what i mean is sex offeders,cant spell

2006-11-01 12:45:06 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

Ok here’s the situation, last night before I went to bed I went to say goodnight to my kids. One is 16 years old and the other is 18 both in high school. I said goodnight to my 16 year old and then moved to my 18 year olds room. I knocked once and opened the door, and my son quickly turned off his monitor and pulled up his pants. I yelled at the top of my lungs “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?” He was yelling at me and I was yelling at him, don’t really need to go in detail. After we both claimed down we sat and talked about the situation. Apparently he was chatting with this 18 year old girl online and one thing led to another and they started having cyeber sex. I had no idea what to say, I was shocked. We ended with me leaving the room with nothing to say to him. So I was just wondering if cyber sex was illegal and if my son can get in trouble for doing this type of stuff. Also I want to know how I can prevent this form ever happening again. Thanks

2006-11-01 12:44:07 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Grade-Schooler

I am wondering if you can do this cause my friend claims that you can but i don't see how if the child has had the last name since birth and the father does have alot to do with the child, So can you do that?
Where can i go on the net to check this out?

2006-11-01 12:41:19 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

what if u found out u was pregnant? would u keep the child? or get a abortion? wat would u do?

2006-11-01 12:39:07 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I was told that using my breast pump could help to induce labor. I started using it about twice a day since Monday. Right after I used it on Monday I noticed that my belly was really hard. Ever since, it seems that my belly is constantly contracting. Today I have not only had these contractions(?), but I also have had six bowel movements and my sides and back hurt. It also feels like my pelvic bones are separating really low in my crotch. I know that I am antsy to have this baby, but I don't want to feel stupid and be sent home. I went in at 33 1/2 weeks because of menstrual like cramps and low back pain. I was told that I was dilated 2 and 50% effaced. They also said that I had an irritable uterus and gave me a lortab and sent me home because I wasn't dialating any more. My last Dr. appointment was last Wed. and he said that the baby was moving down and that I was starting to dialate and soften up, but he didn't say how much. Do you think I should go to the Dr?

2006-11-01 12:35:43 · 20 answers · asked by ? 3 in Pregnancy

2006-11-01 12:34:34 · 9 answers · asked by Suga 1 in Pregnancy

in your ninth month.the doctor said daughter was still closed,
[that is his words} and if she goes in to labor tonight to go to the hospital.he said this yesterday.and my daughter is starting to feel a little pressure with slite pain and the bottom of her stomach is very hard.

2006-11-01 12:34:06 · 2 answers · asked by bassetluv 4 in Pregnancy

also how much does fertility treatments cost?

2006-11-01 12:30:39 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

i have no problems neither does my husband i have ttc for 2 years i have tried everything!!!!!! i have irregular periods so if there is anyone out there who has anything that can help me please help

2006-11-01 12:27:28 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

i know that i should have finished school but i dropped out 2 years ago and im not going back.
i am going to be a great mum and im going to wait till i get a car but when i get one we will try to have a baby. i had an abortion when i was 15 so i know what it is like to be pregnant and having an abortion was the hardest thing ive ever done. im mature and i am emotionally ready maybe not financially but well survive the baby comes first with everything.

2006-11-01 12:20:54 · 4 answers · asked by BsTAr FoReVeR 1 in Pregnancy

Well, I'm pregnant...officially! I haven't told my mom yet but we were talking about it and she knows I'm kind of sexually active with my boyfriend and she told me if I get pregnant we are definitely getting an abortion. I argued but she still told me it wasn't my choice. I don't want the baby because I had protected sex and I didn't expect for one but I rather have it than kill it..what should I do? Should I just listen to my mom because I'm not 18 yet and she's still responsible for me and I can't raise a baby on my own - my mom probably won't help since she didn't want it in the first place AND my boyfriend is in ephin jail...yeah, it's all really complicated I really don't know what to do..I appreciate all the answerrrs. =]

2006-11-01 12:16:26 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

just curious would it work or not? what if she never gets her period and she just took it would it do anything?

2006-11-01 12:16:14 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

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