I'm 33, the baby's father is 46. I left him while I was pregnant, just because I didn't feel it was a healthy relationship. He called me throughtout the whole pregnancy to check on me, went to the hospital when the baby was born, held the baby, and even took pictures of the baby, it came time to sign the birth certificate, and all of a sudden he's not sure he's the father. I waited a couple of months called him gave him an ultamatum about being in the baby's life and he says he wants to be in their life, but only calls to see how I am doing, and to tell me about his life. And when he does finally call it takes a month. He has another child from a previous relationship, calls that child several times a week, so I guess I just want some opinions, is my baby better off with out this man being their father? Or am I being closed minded?
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