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Politics - 11 October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Do you favour the Patriot Act.. Do you beleive that giving up freedom keeps you safer..

2007-10-11 08:58:58 · 26 answers · asked by whoever 2

Jefferson was one of the greatest Americans ever. He admired the teachings of Jesus, but did not believe that Jesus was god's son or that Jesus died for mankind's sins on the cross. So, imagine someone running for office today, hundreds of years later, saying the following things that Jefferson said. Would that person not instantly be deemed unelectable by mainstream America?

"The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being as his father, in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter."

"Millions of innocent men, women, and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined, and imprisoned; yet we have not advanced one inch toward uniformity. What has been the effect of coercion? To make one-half the world fools and the other half hypocrites. To support roguery and error all over the earth."


2007-10-11 08:58:21 · 8 answers · asked by Earl Grey 5

Are they not smart enough to realize nearly all taxes are paid by the rich and corporations?

Yet they want to take down the rich and corporations. Don't they realize corporations provide them their jobs? Don't they realize if corporations didn't have to pay most of their profit to taxes they might get a raise?

Why are liberals self destructive.

2007-10-11 08:56:44 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

is he planning on firing Georgie boy for disobeying him?

2007-10-11 08:53:16 · 8 answers · asked by Your Teeth or Mine? 5

President Bush and his government are opposing the resolution calling the murder of 1.5 million people in Armenia a genocide, all because "Turkey is a valuable military ally". I am European and find it very hard to understand why the truth should be subdued for the sake of diplomatic advantage. Can someone please explain this to me? Is having Turkey as an ally in a possible further military involvement in the far east more important than to condemn their genocide?

2007-10-11 08:52:05 · 10 answers · asked by Ithilien 3

Could it be that they dont work anyway and want other people to pay more so they can get bigger welfare checks?

2007-10-11 08:49:25 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

Eisenhower, self declared "Peace" president, used federal tax dollars to create many of our highway systems.
Roosevelt, progressive founder of the National Park system.
Lincoln, used federal power to free oppressed people.

2007-10-11 08:41:32 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

Am I the only one that thinks boys should still run and play outside, carry pocket knives and catch frogs? and that little girls should still have tea parties?

and that gay, straight, Christian, Jew, Muslim, SOMETHING will ALWAYS offend someone... but why do we have to whine about it and ruin it for everyone else who ISNT offended by it?

2007-10-11 08:24:37 · 17 answers · asked by Peter Griffin 6

This is insanity.

The liberals are so obsessed about hurting the "feelings" of non God believers.

Have they forgotten that this country was founded on religious freedom?


The secularization of America must STOP!

We cannot let these communists take over America.

We cannot forget the roots of foundation for America.

We cannot forget our Judeo-Christian values responsible for helping shape America.

We cannot forget our God given liberties.

We cannot forget that we are one nation under God.

We cannot forget that the God being referred in on the U.S. Capitol is not just the Christian God.

We cannot let these commie atheists take reshape American values.

The insanity must stop!

God believing LIBERALS AND CONSERVATIVES should all be in unison on this.


2007-10-11 08:22:30 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

Then what explains their desire to be participants in the collective orgy known as universal health?

Does Hillary find agreement when she says the individual citizen should be dissuaded from singular thought and be encouraged to conform with the masses instead? That the merit of personal achievement must be scrutinized and reduced to a common scale?

2007-10-11 08:21:58 · 7 answers · asked by Kubla Con 4

I mean gezz a country lives forever so why can't we live with debt forever? This debt has devalued the dollar, making it easier for other countries to buy our stuff and making it harder for us to buy others stuff, a good thing. It also gives those who hold or debt an incentive not to want to see us blown up, right? You libs shouldn't have been smokin bud or haveing abortions instead of going to economics. And also since the economy is growing, GDP going up, we can hold more debt. Is there one business in the world that doesn't hold debt? But i'm glad we all agree that congress has spent too much money, will the libs cut some of there programs to help the budget, I bet not. You're all hypocrites.

2007-10-11 08:21:00 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

If so, how? Technlogically, sexually, politically, ecologically, religiously? Why do you feel this way and what caused this to happen?

2007-10-11 08:18:41 · 13 answers · asked by Lindsey G 5

Why is mankind so mean?

2007-10-11 08:14:47 · 25 answers · asked by Major Deek 2

2007-10-11 08:13:53 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yes, it is a childish question, but I don't care.

Thank You, As always!!!

2007-10-11 08:12:50 · 8 answers · asked by Supercell 5

How can she pacify ans satisfy all people as she proposes to do when she can't satisfy her husband?

2007-10-11 08:10:53 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Wouldn't many of the barrier that seperate different people of the world and create discrimination be broken down if we just forgot about being "American" or "French" or "Mexican" or "Chinese" and realized that we are all just human beings? Sure we are all different and come from different cultures and upbringings but that is the one thing that connects everyone together. We are seperated by coutries though. I mean people judge other human beings from what country they live in and are so ignorant about other cultures and ideas. Wouldn't this world be a better place if we could all live as one race of human beings?

2007-10-11 08:04:36 · 35 answers · asked by Lindsey G 5


I was never a fan of hers, but dear god, this is an asinine statement.

2007-10-11 07:58:19 · 32 answers · asked by Darkwolf 5

"Vice President Al Gore's Nashville, Tenn., mansion consumes more electricity every month than the average American household uses in an entire year."


2007-10-11 07:57:04 · 14 answers · asked by PNAC ~ Penelope 4

Read his words carefully and digest them. This is precisely what we as Americans MUST do to survive.
A house divided will not stand.

"I Do Not Belong To Al-Qaeda... But We Share A Common Goal"

Sheikh Hassan Al-Harsi: "I am not a terrorist. It is the Americans, Bush, and his army who are the terrorists. They are annihilating the peoples of Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Lebanon, and Palestine. The terrorists are the infidels, led by Bush. We are reformers, not terrorists. I am one of the mujahid sheikhs. My affiliation with Al-Qaeda is like my affiliation with Hamas, the Islamic Jihad, and the mujahideen in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Kashmir. The mujahideen support one another, and the infidels also support one another. The mujahideen are our brothers. Allah said: 'The believers are but brethren.' From this perspective, I am a member of Al-Qaeda, and it is part of me. In short, I do not belong to Al-Qaeda as an organization, but we share a common goal – jihad against the enemies."

2007-10-11 07:53:03 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am not a supporter or a hater of this Venezuelan leader. I just am curious why we do not try to get along with them since stability in the Hemisphere is so important. I do not pretend to know enough about this issue to make blind comments but it looks like we automatically fear them just because they are "Leftist". What facts am I missing?

2007-10-11 07:42:33 · 16 answers · asked by offrhoder 1

Nobody ever talks about this but I think we can see that this may be where we are headed. We all see it happening yet we remain divided and want to blame the other guy. When will we wake-up and see this is what they want. Since the big money is controlling both sides of the aisle is there any way to stop it other than serious boycotts or a revolution? Is there a way to do it peacefully?

2007-10-11 07:42:09 · 17 answers · asked by Enigma 6


Come one $2500 tax incentive for individuals and $5000 for families is a drop in the bucket if you consider the cost of healthcare insurance in this country. $2500 a year is a little more than $100 a month. What an insult when you consider that healthcare insurance for an individual would cost over $600 if bought privately. For a family of 2 it is more than $1100 a month. That $5000 a year is just over $200 amonth. Again nothing but chump change being thrown at the American people to buy healthcare insurance that most people cannot afford to buy in the first place. Geeesuz, we are forking over billions if not trillions of dollars for this war and for the profits of the oil industry, Halliburton, the military industrial corporate complex, and Blackwater. And, we the people get nothing but chump change thrown back at us for our families and our communities. And, it's our money they are spending for this needless war.

2007-10-11 07:40:51 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

They killed Armenians and we killed American Indians. Once we pass a resoultion admitting guilt for the wholesale slaughter of the American Indians, then maybe Turkey will respect the U.S. a little more....but I doubt it. Hell, I don't respect the U.S. We are two faced. Anyway, we know it happened, Turkey knows it happened, what difference does it make if it is called genocide or not? They should not have done it, they know it, but what are they supposed to do about it? Cry and hide in shame? Send billions in reparations to poor Armenians everywhere? Great! Then so can we. Billions to the Indians and 100's of Billions to the Black Americans. The United States has a really stupid government in place. They must be really bored. Pick a fight with your one remaining ally. It is no wonder we are laughed at around the world for being ridiculously arrogant and stupid.

2007-10-11 07:40:01 · 12 answers · asked by NienawidzePolakow 1

2007-10-11 07:39:03 · 8 answers · asked by spider 4

the new scanners at the airport. Yet in the same breath they think its cool for the government to listen to their phone conversations and look through their mail????

2007-10-11 07:32:09 · 35 answers · asked by pandasex 7

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