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Politics - 28 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

explain four most important compromises of U.S. consitution which remains effect today?

2007-09-28 14:53:03 · 5 answers · asked by angela 1

2007-09-28 14:43:13 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

is it because we are afraid to change, or just plain ignorant, and sheepish people. why shouldnt we give other parties a chance, these sad three have had years and messed up. so give others a chance, and if they are rubbish, vote them back out. what are you afraid of. and im going to be honest. BNP get my vote. how bout you lot

2007-09-28 14:42:39 · 13 answers · asked by techno 1


2007-09-28 14:38:48 · 24 answers · asked by Enigma 6

Should people who do not like America's government, policies, way of life, morals etc but want to live here because their children can get a good education and because there are better living conditions in America and they are not proven to be a threat to America be banned from America, discriminated against by other Americans, picked out of a crowd as a threat to America, banned from going to sporting events, amusement parks, recreational activities etc just because they disagree with the average American way of life?
Why or why not? Explain your reasoning.

2007-09-28 14:38:35 · 17 answers · asked by Lindsey G 5

What kind of ridiculous idea is this? Who does this really appeal to. Just looking briefly into this idea all kinds of trouble comes to mind such as motivating the wrong type of crowd to have babies. Ridiculous.

2007-09-28 14:32:44 · 29 answers · asked by John L 2

2007-09-28 14:32:23 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

We could call it the Loony.

2007-09-28 14:25:52 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I wonder what the libs will do when they get a bill with Ronald Reagan's face on it.


2007-09-28 14:12:24 · 30 answers · asked by RICARDVS VII 3

September 28, 2007

On Sunday, October 14, 2007, Six Flags Over Texas, a Dallas-area amusement park, will be invaded by a radical Muslim organization that has physical ties with the Muslim Brotherhood and financial ties to Hamas. While most patrons of the park come for the games and rides, those involved with this group’s event, Muslim Family Day, may very well have found an original and appealing way to spread anti-Western hatred.

I am writing to Six Flags to let them know that I will no longer patrionize their venues, and I encourage everyone to do the same

2007-09-28 14:09:56 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Calling the soldiers phonys... and being for the war and all that

2007-09-28 14:08:50 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

The newly nominated Attorney General Mukasey was the attorney for Linda Lay and Ken Lay who were notorious for bringing the finacial ruin of millions of innocent Americans through Enron. Can't they find anybody else?

Attorney for Ken and Linda Lay to be the nations Attorney General! Whom will he sell now?

2007-09-28 14:01:01 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

or does that even matter?

2007-09-28 13:44:31 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Would you support a measure/petition(whatever you want to call it) to Congress to require the US Government to include the words "Pro-Choice" on our currency?

After all...they were more than willing to include the words "In God We Trust"...so...why not include a slogan for those who support women's rights???

If this were to happen...not only would our currency make the claim that every citizen believes in a religiously oriented "higher power", but it'd also make the claim that every citizen in the nation is Pro-Choice.

That's not such a bad idea, is it???

2007-09-28 13:42:57 · 10 answers · asked by Adam G 6

out of context. The bashers are clinging to the "phony soldier" phrase as if Rush LImbaugh meant it as a slam against all military men and women.

2007-09-28 13:41:06 · 19 answers · asked by vegaswoman 6

He was talking about those who are retired, or no longer in the service, who are critical of President Bush and his administration's lack of tatical strategy in the Iraq war. Maj. Gen. John Batiste, retired Army and a much experienced and decorated man spoke on MSNBC today and said that the percentage of military personnel who disapprove of Bush and his war is about the same as the whole country...70% against the war.

2007-09-28 13:22:29 · 24 answers · asked by ArRo 6

'Phony Soldiers' Slur

Is it only those who support Dems that Bush and the GOP speak out against such as Moveon.Whocares?

2007-09-28 13:14:54 · 13 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5

Bill may have intended to wreck our economy, but stayed moderate. Hillary promises to do so.

Why do liberals think this will be good for our nation?

2007-09-28 13:09:15 · 19 answers · asked by WJ 7

hes been cut back. hahaha Fox is destroying them

2007-09-28 13:04:23 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I mean the hippies have tried to destroy the Government once,will we let them do it again?

2007-09-28 12:59:10 · 23 answers · asked by ak6702 7

In 1999, George Herbert Walker Bush officially adopted Bill Clinton as his son.

This is why they are always hanging around together, laughing and having a grand old time. GW Bush even complained that dad spends more time with his "new" son that with GW or Jeb or the rest of the Bush-bloods.

So, since Hillary won't divorce Bill and stand on her own as Hillary Rodham, electing her will effectively continue the Bush family dynasty.

OH NO, you say?

Interesting that Hillary admits she will follow the exact same course of action that GW had planned for Iraq. (She'll say something else, just to get elected. It's cool. The rich elite families know how the game works, gotta please the plebes.) But really, Hillary knows that nothing will change.

And there are even plans for GWH Bush will continue to join Bill on his world ambassador tour. Heck, even Bill's half brother GW can come along. Sure, why not.

It's going to be funny when people realize this is true.

2007-09-28 12:49:24 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-28 12:35:40 · 8 answers · asked by Jeremiah Johnson 7 7

themselves when conservatives repeatedly

1) vote against minimum wage increases (it finally was raised, but republicans voted against it)

2) are against the federal student loan program (FDSLP)

3) are against social programs for the poor.

some people say that we shouldn't help the poor because it's not the gov.s responsibility, and some people are just lazy and won't work no matter what. that's an over-generalization. what about the poor people who DO want to help themselves? how are they supposed to help themselves when conservatives keep voting against the very social programs that are meant to give them help? there is absolutely no way a single mom with 4 kids is going to be able to send her kids to college if she gets paid minimum wage. so how would she afford it? (not saying i'm a single mom with four kids, i'm giving an example)

2007-09-28 12:21:49 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

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