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Politics - 28 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

clinton sent our troops in and no one remembers that

2007-09-28 23:04:55 · 10 answers · asked by gus1023 5

Since they love Israel so much, why don't they go and live there?

2007-09-28 21:06:18 · 24 answers · asked by 2012 4

2007-09-28 20:56:38 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just for fun.

2007-09-28 20:53:09 · 18 answers · asked by 2012 4


Not only does he want to "veto" a proposal that helps the most helpless among us, his new budget calls for stricter requirements for applicants and further reductions to a program that actually works!!!----by comparison, one month's War spending would fund the program for 5 YEARS!!

Can this Presidency get any more disgusting??????

2007-09-28 20:48:03 · 9 answers · asked by scottyurb 5


2007-09-28 20:43:44 · 17 answers · asked by 2012 4

President Bush is requesting $25Billion for 2008 in foreign aid.


Shouldn't Americans come before foreigners?

2007-09-28 20:20:25 · 10 answers · asked by Kelly B 4

1. Do you think every state should adopt it? OR
2. Do you think it should be abolished totally?

Perhaps a compromise:

3. It should only be used for specific crimes; heinous, extremely violent murder, especially where the victims are young children, the elderly or subjected to torture.

4. And for acts of war and terror (Sept 11, Oklahoma bombing, Embassy bombings)

2007-09-28 20:20:14 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is her Iran policy any different than Bush's?

2007-09-28 20:15:27 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Its been in the news lately that China has been spying on the US. And along with that, there was a Russian spy who was killed in England that said the Russians where plotting some sort of evil plot. Russia seems to be Buddies with Iran. In all, the future doesn't appear so bright for peace. And now with our military somewhat bogged down in Iraq, would we be prepared for an all out world war as this would be?

2007-09-28 19:52:20 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have encountered a vicious hate monger advocating genocide as a final answer to the immigartion problem. This is a man made problem therefore it has a rational solution. I am in part as conservative as most Americans on this subject, but I do not beleive in hate mongering or racists remarks that are intended to cause alienation and fear in people.When this type of hysteria spills over to Americans who happen to be latin it is reason for concern. Some of these Americans that are being harassed have been in the south west since 1610. This to will pass just as the Irish, Italians Jews ect. forged ahead. It is fear of people a little differnt than others or ignorance that brings out these people who seem to relish this type of behaviours. I don't have the answer or ability to change others, however I try to be fair, learn from others and give back waht I can.

2007-09-28 19:36:14 · 14 answers · asked by cristales 5

Okay lets say we finally learn to get along and be buddies. How much do you think this alliance would benefit the US. I mean were pretty much almost the same in military strength and technology. Don't you think working together with this guys would put us into a modern day golden age?

2007-09-28 19:27:50 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Would you run it like Burma and shoot protesters?

Would you run it like Sweden and bestow generosity on the people?

Or would you run it like the States, feeding propaganda of freedom and democracy while spending trillions on the military instead of your own people?

Would you run your nation any differently than the above ways?

2007-09-28 19:26:51 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-28 19:19:48 · 10 answers · asked by candi c 1

I'd definitely say 90% of them were whackjobs! I've even known poor kids who want nothing to do with the military! The only people I've known who wanted to join the military were psychopaths that just want to kill people. I've known one or two that joined for the adventure and true patriotism, and the rest were graduating from video game violence to the real world, or just wanted to hurt people. I am convinced the military is full of immature, dumb kids and borderline mass murderers. I can't imagine why anyone in their right mind would volunteer, really.

2007-09-28 19:14:14 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why all this bigotry against a candidate who seems to be a nice enough guy? Surely he's a more morally upright person than Rudy Guiliani with his serial marriages and scary megalomania, or Fred Thompson who seems to be convinced that he's a reincarnation of Reagen?

2007-09-28 19:12:17 · 10 answers · asked by maggot_boy2004 2

and are now doing whatever they choose regardless of the people that put them there?

2007-09-28 19:07:43 · 4 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5

The history of Organized Labor is rife with intimidation, violence, brutality, terrorism and murder. Even in recent times, labor thugs have proven themselves to be an unrepentant criminal entity:

1983 - Eddie York was murdered for crossing a United Mine Workers (UMW) picket line

1990 - on the first day of The New York Daily News strike, trucks were attacked with stones and sticks. One union member was immediately arrested for transporting Molotov cocktails

1998 - During the Communications Workers of America U.S. West strike a worker was threatened with a gun, and a manager was hit in the head with a rock

1998 - Teamsters Orestes Espinosa, Angel Mielgo, Werner Haechler, Benigno Rojas, and Adrian Paez beat, kicked, and stabbed a UPS worker (Rod Carter) who refused to strike

2004 AFL-CIO push their way into a Republican field office in Orlando FL, breaking the wrist of one staffer

Isn't it time to abolish this rubbish ?

2007-09-28 18:55:25 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous


i know this is a stupid question but i'm not going to lie. i don't know the answer and i'm fifteen and i really don't know anything about politics so don't judge me. lol was bill clinton a democrat or republican? thanks! =)

2007-09-28 18:50:58 · 9 answers · asked by babiiegurl09 2

HOW EMBARRASSING! What conservative could argue that we're protecting freedom in Iraq when the United States government won't even send a Junior ROTC squadron into Burma or the Sudan?

There is no better indictment that the Iraq War is all about exploitation of the region's resources! Honestly!

2007-09-28 18:45:43 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why should tax dollars support PBS? They don't support the United States.

2007-09-28 18:43:53 · 15 answers · asked by kimmyisahotbabe 5

I am really not attempting to be facetious, but seriously I know some people Tivo'ed and made sure to catch this exclusive interview. Is it because it was her first interview ever?! Why did you tune in?

2007-09-28 18:30:44 · 6 answers · asked by Elle F 4

a devout Muslim and is President of a Theocratic type Government. Both would like very much to hurt if not destroy the United States. Political diplomacy with these two have failed. Should we send some glib Religious Leaders to each country to appeal to their good senses before Bush bombs them into oblivion?

2007-09-28 18:26:29 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

None of the democrat candidates for president during the debate on wednesday would commit to getting the troops out of Iraq by 2013. I bet you dems feel betrayed after getting lied to for the past year.

2007-09-28 18:22:41 · 8 answers · asked by The Slick Meister 2

A nice guy, probably a good golf partner, good husband and father with a nice family. But there's no frickin' way he should have ever been elected president. Anyone else agree?

2007-09-28 18:21:21 · 15 answers · asked by Stephen L 6

The American people, for the most part, are terribly isolated from reality.

We have an attitude that our $hit doesn't stink, then throw in a healthy dose of Ugly Americanism, along with a military presence on every continent on the globe, plus we are the largest exporters of arms to the world, then factor in our two wars under bogus reasons ---- what in the hell would you expect the rest of the world to do? Hold their beers up high and salute us with three cheers?

Why in the world the people in the states can't understand that is beyond me.

signed, an ex pat from the USA living in the heart of China.




2007-09-28 18:17:53 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

I DO!!!! ya sure i'm all for a women president, but not HER!!! I want the first women president to be someone DECENT!

2007-09-28 18:05:34 · 33 answers · asked by Fishy!!! 5

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