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Politics - 22 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics


2007-09-22 09:34:14 · 6 answers · asked by novus ordo seclorum 1

What did JFK accomplish as senator and president? He rescinded the poll tax, started NASA and - what else? He lost the Bay of Pigs, gave up our Patriot missiles in Turkey and promised to not invade Cuba to settle the "Cuban Missile Crisis", started the Viet Nam War, and was assasinated - probably by the Mafia. He was elected President when the Democratic Machine in Illinois resurrected the dead and added them to the voter rolls. He was a player - screwing Judith Exner and Marilyn Monroe in the White House - but gave good speeches. So, what's the big deal? Is that it? Please someone, let me know why he is the epitomy of the Democratic ideal. Leave off the hero stuff and PT109. His own men dispute that story. I'd appreciate facts.

2007-09-22 09:32:01 · 14 answers · asked by californiainfidel 3


Should the WIFE of anyone caught lying under oath and who thinks there is NOTHING WRONG WITH IT be elected the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES and our Commander-in-Chief?

2007-09-22 09:29:24 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

you keep saying we need to attack iran, because iran doesn't like the u.s.

there are many countries that don't like the u.s.; and in fact, many of them are much more capable that iran, as far militarily, to do something to us.

do you think we should bomb any country in the world that dislikes us in any way? that'd be about at least half the world.

2007-09-22 09:24:16 · 44 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why Americans have to stick up for Isreal? Don't you feel like you are being used by them. Tax payers dollars go there and you get nothing in return.

2007-09-22 09:22:08 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

["Mr Singer said: "This can all be explained by the Sun's activity."

He added: "The number of the Sun's cosmic rays hitting the Earth affect the number of low, cooling clouds that reflect solar heat back into space, amplifying small variations in the intensity of the Sun."]

That's NOT how it works!

[Mr Svensmark's results show that the {cosmic} rays produce electrically charged particles when they hit the atmosphere. ..Mr Svensmark claims that the number of cosmic rays hitting the Earth changes with the magnetic activity around the Sun. During high periods of activity, fewer cosmic rays hit the Earth and so there are less clouds formed, resulting in warming.]2

Singer got the science wrong! We recently had a solar minimum- which should've led to more clouds and global cooling. But we've instead had the warmest years on record.

1 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/02/11/warm11.xml
2 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/02/11/warm11.xm

2007-09-22 09:21:04 · 5 answers · asked by ideogenetic 7

The profiteering cartels are killing innocents for nothing! The Iraqi's are living in hell too. They'd be better off figuring it out themselves. The bloodbath and looting of our tax $$ must stop! Iraq has not helped us fight terror. So face reality!!

2007-09-22 09:18:23 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am the son, grandson, and greatgrandson of democrats. I switched to Independent in college when I realized that liberals would not allow any speaker or publication contrary to their opinions to be allowed on campus. The violence against opposing opinions is similar to Nazi Germany. It seemed to me, as it does now, that there is a very strong fear that listening to contrary opinions would weaken liberal beliefs. Democrats would rather listen to Ahmadinejad at Columbia than Rumsfeld at Stanford. Why? What is there to fear from an opposing opinion? How do liberals expect to evolve if they only listen to themselves?

2007-09-22 09:17:32 · 18 answers · asked by californiainfidel 3

Do they not have any idea what danger they're putting themselves, their country, families, and friends in?

I suggest that they buy this book:


To refresh your memory ladies and gentlement, boys and girls.

The president of Iran has called for the destruction of Israel.

The president of Iran has denied the Holcaust.

The president of Iran has said death to America and Israel.

The president of Iran has denied nuclear inspectors.

Iran is undeniably a strategic ally of al-Qaida. Even if it weren't, it shares Osama bin Laden's objectives of destroying both Israel and the United States by any means necessary.

Iran commands a terrorist organization bigger in manpower and resources than al-Qaida. It is called Hezbollah. It has attacked targets all over the world.

His country is currently killing U.S. troops in Iraq with proxy terrorists, bombs and weaponry.

There's more though.

2007-09-22 09:12:03 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-22 09:08:51 · 2 answers · asked by Spartacus 3

What do you think?

2007-09-22 09:05:24 · 17 answers · asked by peacelove&gap 1

Do you think Bush is a great president or a lousy one for our country and why?

2007-09-22 08:52:36 · 24 answers · asked by peacelove&gap 1

On the January 25th broadcast of Rush's radio show, when Sen Chuck Hagel was being attacked by his own party for being against the Iraq war - Rush called him "Senator Betrayus"

"We have General Petraeus, and we have Senator Betrayus (Hagel)"

Listen to it here;


Of course Limbaugh was one of the loudest of the hypocritical right to condemn moveon.org for it's "contemptible" and "indecent" NY Times ad.

The unbelievable hypocrisy of the hate radio crowd, and Limbaugh and his Dittohead idiots in particular amaze me.

How they consider themselves "moral" or even decent continues to elude me.

2007-09-22 08:48:52 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

that they send them into combat under equipped and under trained? keep them fighting perpetually, shortening their home rest periods and extending their tours in battle zone? cutting their benefits, and treating them like ....sorry worst than animals in government hospitals?
and why do far right wingers accuse brave americans of treason who come to the defense of our brave soldiers and their families?

2007-09-22 08:48:02 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Turkish movie which is nominee for Oscar!
it was translated into different languages. I want to share it with you. because, it has some facts about religious leader. dervish order was closed by Atatürk. but, today, all dervish orders are free in Turkey. However,the most of dervish orders can cause many terribles . for example, some of them can be mental patient, and some of them are islamist terrorist, some of them may lose their belief...etc.
I can not publish whole movie because of copyright. but, I recommend you to watch it. you may find many answers how can too much religion cause catastrope in society, in human life and in the world.....

2007-09-22 08:46:38 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you think governments should try to exert influence over how foreign governments organize their societies?

Do you think it is proper for a member of the clergy to be actively involved in politics?

2007-09-22 08:36:39 · 9 answers · asked by Physics 101 1

No lie.

This man is an American traitor.

Here are several sources:





Let's watch all the John Kerry liberal lovers justify this action.


2007-09-22 08:26:07 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm a white male who lives just outside of Boston and right now they're having a huge problem with Affirmitive Action. Up until this summer the Boston Education System repeatedly permmitied grants to a program called METCO that only accepted finnancially challenged minority children. This summer a court ruling forcefully made them accept White children into their program and they went up in arms over the issue calling it "unfair and unjust." I believe it has reached a certain point in which it becomes easier for Black people to get jobs then White people. Whatever happened to best man for the job which keeps the competitve drive in our economy which excells it to it's full potential?

And before you make coments I consider my self a Democrat so that has nothing to do with it.

2007-09-22 08:23:13 · 7 answers · asked by SOX FAN 2004 2

i say the ny times is trying to overthrow the U.S. government , there is little to no proof of this but then again there is little to no proof that RTCV was trying to overthrow the chavez.

2007-09-22 08:18:21 · 14 answers · asked by Csbbot 1

Do you vote 'yea' or 'nea' ?

2007-09-22 08:16:50 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think so.

2007-09-22 07:49:24 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

98% of human and chimp DNA are the same.

2007-09-22 07:42:00 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Those anti-American communist terrorists can defend the Islamofascists down at Gitmo.

Why not the Korean Christians who were brutally tortured at the hands of the scum Taliban?

I rest my case when I say that certain branches of liberalism is a mental disorder.



2007-09-22 07:38:53 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-22 07:35:45 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

If so, does he trust those invisible people?

2007-09-22 07:25:57 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Iran is undeniably a strategic ally of al-Qaida. Even if it weren't, it shares Osama bin Laden's objectives of destroying both Israel and the United States by any means necessary.

Ahmadinejad is the personification of this anti-American and anti-Semitic policy of hatred and violence.

The Iranian president will not be coming alone. He will be accompanied by Iranian intelligence agents whose goal will be to seek out American security vulnerabilities.

They will be flying over New York, the site of an air attack just six years ago, looking out the windows and taking notes.

They will be traveling, presumably without blindfolds, through New York City and surrounding areas, observing bridges and tunnels and other strategic terrorist targets.

Iran commands a terrorist organization bigger in manpower and resources than al-Qaida. It is called Hezbollah. It has attacked targets all over the world.

2007-09-22 07:23:40 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I see all these signs for Rupaul 2008 on bumper stickers now, what the hell is this, a joke?

I could've sworn maybe it was Ron Paul or something. Is this guy from some late-night comedy show or something? Kimmel, maybe?

2007-09-22 07:10:58 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

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