Bring the Troops Home...
...while they can still get a hero's welcome.
Bushwanker has dumped 130,000 US troops into a quagmire where they are surrounded by a civil war (even though the pentagoon is denying it.)
Look around, especially you non-sheeple thinkers. Lieberman just got canned by his own party because, as a shill of the Israeli National Socialists, he has supported the Iraq war. It's a sign of the times. The anger is growing daily.
When troops came home from Vietnam to a totally undeserved bum's welcome, it wasn't their fault that a buncha Wh**e House and Pentagoon men sent them off to die in a unwinnable war. And it's not the soldiers' fault today either.
I'm willing to bet a lot more people can identify Lt William Calley without prompting than they can recall a single victory in Vietnam.
The same thing will happen with Iraqnam. In a few years everybody will still be able to tell you who that trailer trash gangbanger, Steven Green, is/was. But hardly anybody will remember the name of that place the US Marines Corps entered and subdued. Oh, what the hell was that name? Oh, yeah, Fallujah. You remember the place, don't you? US forces did a terrific job of containing the insurgency least eight times!
BTW: Frankly, I don't give a flying care what you ignorant pseudopatriots think of me, and your "kick the **** out of you" beer talk is just more moronism.
Fercrissake, grow up. Anybody who's still stuck on the transient and questionable glory of putting his a$$ on the line for the military-industrial complex, instead of all the really important stuff that must have happened in your lives, is kinda pathetic and kinda sad.
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