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Law & Ethics - November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

Ok, Anyway when im at the bus stop in the morning the 15 year old kid always asked me for some money ( About 5 dollars to fudge off )
Or he will beat me to **** as he did that one kid He broke his arm
The police don't give a **** because their probably smoking crack with Saddam and Osama Bin Laden Ok, maybe not that far but they dot do their job's point blank
So heres what i did.
Me get large 2x4
Now he got BIG knot in head
3 days later when me walk he runs like a baby MUHHAHAHAHHA
What would you do
If the police are Drug addicts and gangsters?
And is this legal?
Oh, i live in Kentucky USA

2006-11-28 17:18:36 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

If marijuana was legalized, what ups and downs would YOU most care about?

2006-11-28 17:17:16 · 16 answers · asked by fizzle_johnny 1

I need to write a paper, the subject being Anti-Death Penalty. I am Pro-Death Penalty so I would like to hear from other people WHY they think the Death Penalty is bad and WHAT should be an alternative. Best answer will get points. Thanks.

2006-11-28 17:07:14 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

And do they belong to different systems? What’s their functions? Please provide me with an example.

2006-11-28 17:04:18 · 3 answers · asked by dolphin mover 1


how would u revise the current copyright laws dealing with the downloading of music to pertain to the current up to date technology?

what new sufficent way would help monitor people using file sharing networks prevent the wrong people from getting sued?

2006-11-28 16:46:28 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous


NOTE - This application will be Incomplete and rejected unless accompanied by a complete financial statement, job history, lineage, and current medical report from your doctor.

1. NAME:_____________________ DATE OF BIRTH: _______________

2. HEIGHT:___________ WEIGHT: ______IQ: ________GPA: ______

3. SOCIAL SECURITY #: ___________DRIVERS LICENSE #: _________

4. BOY SCOUT RANK:_______________________________________

5. HOME ADDRESS: ________________CITY: _________ ZIP ______

6. Do you have one MALE and one FEMALE parent? Yes____ No_______ If NO, explain: ________________________________________________

7. Number of years parents married: ___________


9. In 50 words or less, what does "Late" mean to you? _________________________________________________________

10. In 50 words or less, what does "DO NOT TOUCH MY DAUGHTER" mean to you? _________________________________________________________

11. In 50 words or less, what does "ABSTINENCE" mean to you? _________________________________________________________

12. What church do you attend? ________________ How often do you attend? ____/ week

13. When would be the best time to interview your father, mother, priest or pastor? ____________

14. Fill in the blanks: Please answer freely - all answers are confidential (That means I won't tell anyone - I promise):

A. If I were shot, the last place on my body I would want to be wounded is in the _____________

B. If I were beaten, the last bone I would want broken is my _____________

C. A women's place is in the __________________

D. The one thing I hope this application does not ask me about is ____________________

E. When I first meet a girl, the first thing I notice is _____________________ (NOTE: If the answer to "E" begins with a B, T, or A, discontinue and leave the premises immediately with your head hung low.)

15. What do you want to be IF you grow up? _________________________

16. Do you plan to attend a Catholic or Christian College? _________ Which one? ____________


_____________________ Signature (That means sign your name)

Thank you for your interest. Please allow four to six years for processing. You will be contacted in writing if you are approved. Please do not try to call or write (this action will void this application). If your application is rejected you will be notified by two angels wearing red suits and carrying pitch forks. (You might want to start praying now).

2006-11-28 16:32:23 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

My employer told me some lies about why they gave a new guy of another race priority in which shifts he wanted to work. The problem is that they had me working second on Sunday, third on Monday and Tuesday, and coming in for second on Wednesday and Thursday. (I would get off at 7 a.m. on Wednesday AND come back at 3 p.m. the same Wednesday.) The new guy got to work thirds on Wednesday through Sundays. His shifts are the exact same ones that I was promised before he interviewed. Once the individual in question showed up for interview, he got the shifts he wanted, not me. I was given the excuse that it was b/c he had another job in which required him to have those nights. When I found out that this was a lie, I confronted my supervisor who then said that he would check in on it. When I checked back with him, he never did, but promised to do it. This happened several times. After almost falling to sleep behind the wheel in broad daylight a few times going to and from work, I felt like I had no choice but to quit. Now my employer says that I can go back, IF I apologize for claiming discrimination. I feel that by having to apologize, that this is like saying that I had no right to claim discrimination in the first place. Can they do this? What should I do?

2006-11-28 16:23:43 · 8 answers · asked by Mr. Know it all 3

I had filed a chapter 7 and in the middle of it inheired alot of money from my Grandma. Can my bankruptcy be stopped? Or do I have to change to a 13?

2006-11-28 16:23:24 · 8 answers · asked by GraciAnne 1

Suing, a great priviliege provide by idiotic lawmakers have ruined many people's lives and businesses. If you're on the other side then good job you in for a big payday but otherwise sorry. What are the limits to suing random people for easy paydays?

2006-11-28 16:00:23 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

what are the laws, consequences, and details of copywright laws?

2006-11-28 15:55:13 · 2 answers · asked by mrsfabersham 1


how long does it have to be to file a petition with the court for paternal abandonment?? does it have to be from the last time he saw the child, or from the last time anyone has heard from him???

2006-11-28 15:53:52 · 1 answers · asked by shaylolo51 1

Just wondering if anyone can give me some differences between contracts of sale and common law contracts. I understand contracts of sale are regulated by article 2 of the UCC, but why? Why are they different than plain common law contracts? Thanks!

2006-11-28 15:50:23 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

circumvent the legislature? Just because a judge rules a particular way does not mean that the decision is legitimate.

Here is an example: Read the answer from elway_the_cat.


I am not at all making fun of this person nor singling them out. I am pointing out that this person's answer shows how Americans do not understand the role of the courts.

2006-11-28 15:49:56 · 6 answers · asked by GOPneedsarealconservative 4

Here is the scenario. You are at a school as a student. You go to the restroom which as been used by a person who has contracted certain STDs. Without a care for the seat to be clean, they leave it. Later, you, completely unknowning use the seat.
Two weeks, you test positive at a annual screening for STD's. Can you in this case sue the publicly funded school for causing this to happen to you? Why or why not. Also, if were not public funded and was a private place and the same thing happened, could you sue?

2006-11-28 15:49:20 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-28 15:45:42 · 17 answers · asked by MauiGrown W 1

What was the origin of this Act and what were its key points?

2006-11-28 15:37:15 · 4 answers · asked by I am S-M-R-T, I mean S-M-A-R-T 2

I was falsely accused of advertising and Yahoo refuses to give me any details about why they believe I was advertising. I answered a question about the 9/11 conspiracy by stating that there were many videos on it on youtube and I referred to a well known author's site who also had knowledge of it. I thought this was within the rules. Do they think I own youtube? Do they think I wrote a book on conspiracies and was promoting myself? I suppose so, that's why I received the violation.

2006-11-28 15:36:12 · 15 answers · asked by swissmiss620 4

I'm talking about Films and commercials.

2006-11-28 15:35:55 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had a court order for the father of my 2 year old child to pay child support on May 2006. As of now, my daughter hasn't received a penny. The employer is required to report his earnings, for witholding purposes. They didn't respond until October! The court papers I have say that the employer must respond within 14 days of the order (b/c they may be held in contempt as being non-compliant employers). Now, the employer is saying that he doesn't report enough income to withold the funds for child support, although the father himself reported that he made enough per month for the order to be $75/week. ($92/week now due to back child support owed). I have had to call the Office of Child Support Enforcement in my county. They've made no effort to enforce this order, nor have the followed up on any action against the employer for not responding for so long. I want to know how would I go about having the employer be responsible for the support order owed, due to non-compliance.

2006-11-28 15:33:10 · 5 answers · asked by Jen 2

Today the terriost in Sri Lanka & Turkey won a victory because of a law suit broght by a american group. The Humaitarion Law Project sued Bush because he froze the funds for these two groups because they have been deamed to be terriost. He also made it a crime to give aid , humantarian or other aid to these groups The court said Bush was not being humain to denie the funds that were being used to blow up things in Turkey & Sri lanka,. so again the bleeding hearts in america undercut the goverment trying to make us safe. I think groups like the one who brought the suit on befalf of the terriost are unamarican Do You agree?

2006-11-28 15:29:46 · 2 answers · asked by BUTCH 5

2006-11-28 15:09:37 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I watched on the News tonight, and they're doing this in the city I currently reside in. Tow trucks are coming in and hauling off the cars that no longer work in people's yards. They call them eye sores. I was surprised because I assumed that if your vehicle was on your private property, that you were paying for, then it was your business if you wanted to keep it there. I guess it's not. There were a lot of angry people too.... Is that really fair?

2006-11-28 15:08:31 · 10 answers · asked by LibraT 4

Help! I am in a mess. My old landlord claims I left the apartment a mess...I live in Tennessee...I had a 350 deposit and they claim damages came to 469 dollars. I took 3 days out of my schedule to clean the entire apartment so I could get my money back... it was in perfect condition when I left...I cleaned every cabinet, every appliance, every toilet, wall...door...and I have been charged crazy amounts. I received a list in the mail today of charges but it was very vague. It stated ''appliance/kitchen cleaning-130 dollars" and when I called to be given a more specific reason, the lady refused because I did not go to the walk out inspection she said I gave up any rights to dispute by not coming to the inspection. At the time I was moving out, they were fine with me not showing up...they didnt mention any of this to me!..it also took 47 days for her to get the letter out to me. Is there anything I can do?? I know this isnt right and I am being screwed..

2006-11-28 15:05:47 · 4 answers · asked by SugarPlum 2

I was investigated as a person of interest in a burlgary. I have not been charge and I took a lie detector test to prove that Iam innocent. I passed. and that was it. Now I have learn that the taped session has been given out. I know the victim has a copy of it. I have no problem with them seeing it but having a copy of it. I dont think that , that is legal or fair. I have been in trouble before thats why I became the first person of interest and so I took the test to clear myself. But I feel that my rights were violated because I didnt know I was being taped and why didnt the police give me a copy.
The interview was for 2hours and then I took the test. The officer said that is was between me and him and that he had to ask really personal qustions to get a feel of me. Iam embarass what can I do?

2006-11-28 14:51:21 · 10 answers · asked by talented@sbcglobal.net 1

I know you have to have a drivers licence to get into the bar. But can they ask you for any other ID to confirm your identity? Like your birth certificate, or what?

2006-11-28 14:50:02 · 9 answers · asked by Karissa 1

Realistically, what would be the consequences of a state employee using his/her state e-mail address and e-mailing a few people (say 5) asking them to vote for a certain candidate in a small local election? I know it's against state policy and that it's possible to get fired over such offenses, but realistically, what would be the consequences?

I'm talking about consequences for the employee. He/she opened his e-mail one morning, spent 15 seconds typing a message saying "Please Vote for Bob Doe for City Council". He/she sent this message to five colleagues. The election is for a small town of say, 500 people.

REALISTICALLY, if anyone found out, what would be the consequences this person would suffer?

2006-11-28 14:48:59 · 4 answers · asked by cardinalfanusa 3

I think these officers were in the right of shooting this guy. He hit them with his car

2006-11-28 14:13:39 · 15 answers · asked by Brian S 2

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