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Immigration - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Immigration

I think you see my point, and that includes the libs qu##rs, and illegals!

2006-08-17 16:01:31 · 8 answers · asked by tripledigit67 3


Who's to blame for illegal immigration?

A)Mexico (take care of your own damn ppl so they stop coming here)

B)Employers(quit giving them yobs{yes that was intended}so they quit coming here)

C)Pro illegals( If you didn't support them they wouldn't come)

2006-08-17 15:50:31 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

We'd save billions in the national budget, and the workforce would be chock-full of people working their butts off and generating a huge economy boost for everyone. Taxes could be decreased, and businesses would flourish. What do y'all think?

2006-08-17 15:45:43 · 21 answers · asked by Micah T Redding 2

2006-08-17 15:45:11 · 21 answers · asked by tripledigit67 3

[Sen.] or [Rep.] [FIRST NAME] [LAST NAME]
Washington , DC

RE: Oppose "Guest Worker" Amnesty for Illegal Aliens!

Dear [Sen.] or [Rep.] [LAST NAME]:

I’m writing to ask you to please oppose ANY "immigration bill" that includes ANY "guest worker" amnesty provisions, and to support the Sensenbrenner immigration bill that has already passed the House of Representatives.

Until the federal government is willing to enforce the immigration laws that are already on the books, Americans will be highly skeptical of any additional promises to enforce a new and deeply flawed approach.

If recent history is an accurate guide, this so-called guest worker notion would only encourage a new wave of illegal aliens and make America 's uncontrolled and unacceptable immigration debacle even worse than it is now.

Such legislation is a bad idea not only because it creates a transparent path to amnesty, but also because it would reduce work opportunities, depress wages, and lower worker protection for Americans. Further, it would be impossible to administer and even more unlikely to be enforced.

The most important job you have to do right now is to SECURE OUR BORDER against illegal immigration. Like millions of Americans, I'm sick and tired of the "inside the beltway" politics on this issue; I will listen to NO MORE weasel words or slick excuses.

This issue is BLACK OR WHITE - there are NO "shades of gray." We need you to pass TRUE border security legislation, such as the Sensenbrenner bill already passed by the House. Please, oppose ANY "immigration bill" that includes ANY "guest worker" amnesty provisions. I will be watching your vote on this issue very closely. Thank you.



2006-08-17 15:42:56 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

It is so obvious that we should close the border DOWN, all the way around and the government acts like a bunch of pot smokin' hippies! Cut the $hit you chicken $hit politicians before our country falls because of panic! YOU will split this nation! Remember the quote, "Hello McFly"? WTF?!

2006-08-17 15:33:50 · 36 answers · asked by tripledigit67 3

if America did invade Mexico, alot of Americans would fight against America for making such a bad call, i know i would because Mexico used to own most of America. Sorry to say this, but America would lose the war or face a very large amount of casualties because, not only would it start World War Three, but because alot of countries already are against America and there already fighting a war in the middle east. So i don't think America stands a big chance unless other countries help them, which i doubt because alot of countries wouldn't like America after suddenly breaking allies with Mexico. Therefor America would lose.
P.S. America HAS lost a war, The Vietnam War. Oh and Fox isn't president anymore, if you watch the news you would know Mexico has held elections.PEACE.

2006-08-17 15:33:45 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you have been displaced in your job by an illegal alien due to citizenship or national origin discrimination, you may be interested in a new reporting service that will be available soon.

2006-08-17 15:30:45 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous


2006-08-17 15:30:29 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is not intended to be mean, hateful or racist. But to have a better life while living in the US, do everything you can to learn how to speak and write English correctly. Even people born and raised in the US must have good English skills in order to succeed. After 16 years of school in the US (elementary, high school and college), I still have to work at maintaining my English skills. Why, because it is required. You will not succeed or be treated fairly without it. You can say this is unfair and you may be right but that doesn't change reality.

2006-08-17 15:18:03 · 10 answers · asked by John G 3

Why or why not?

2006-08-17 15:15:17 · 20 answers · asked by Beverly 2

Yah, I know loop holes and lawers that care less about anyone but themselves including their own childrens future, but is it possible?

2006-08-17 15:14:50 · 14 answers · asked by tripledigit67 3

Surf this site and get the truth.

2006-08-17 15:11:13 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Homophobia= Someone who fears their childrens safety from a pervert that enjoys sticking his penis in another mans hairy anus for pleasure. Even if you don't believe in God, Nature couldn't make this mistake!
Xenophobia= Americans afraid of there own government because they are not enforcing laws already in the books and allowing a 3rd world nation to infultrate and over populate America, after it has become evident that it is destructive to our nation on so many levels!

2006-08-17 15:04:52 · 19 answers · asked by tripledigit67 3

Some of the gentlemen at the yacht club were discussing the issue and one said several protesters showed up, but left after a little light afternoon rain shower,I do so hope the presence of certain undesirables shant provoke an response from our local law enforcement officers.Anchors away!

2006-08-17 14:51:54 · 4 answers · asked by getnabargain 2

I don't think Fox would get there before gangs and the corrupt Mexican Military would? I think we see what the Mexicans are made of so why do we let them keep on treading on us ? Stand up America and screw the Government! Revolt and send the invaders home! Our naive niceness will result in the same slaughter the indians took if we wait for all to see the truth!

2006-08-17 14:50:29 · 25 answers · asked by tripledigit67 3



2006-08-17 14:49:11 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I will personally bring free coffee to all illegals who go back to Mehico.

Do you want FREE Columbian coffee?

2006-08-17 14:42:27 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I recently gave an asnwer and it gave me an idea:

If American citizens started illegally entering any other country on earth and increased any problems that country had, what would that countries government do? They would tell our leadership to get their own people under control and stop the illegals from leaving because they are increasing problems for us and your citizens are not ours so we shouldn't have to take care of them.

Why cant our government do the same? Tell Vincente he needs to get his problem under control and he has to pay for his people to become citizens of America if he does not want them to leave. This should be HIS problem not ours and HE should have to pay to fix it. I'm sure he doesn't want his country to be run to the ground with his exports stopped and his economy crushed when the good old U.S.A. stops buying goods from him. Anyone agree? Respectful criticism is also appreciated.

2006-08-17 14:38:12 · 16 answers · asked by ? 4

What percentage of marriages taken place oversears ( between a US resident / US citizen and a national ) is to be considered as credible?

How would you know those marriages are credible? is there a way to find some flaws?

answer these question as if you have to make a decision on a case in which you have limited time to say wether or not that marriage type isn't phony.

2006-08-17 14:35:48 · 2 answers · asked by leng 4

Please don't be afraid. Don't try to stop running water. Join us.Clever hispanics will succeed in moving into elitist jobs anyway, kicking both American men and women on their way up. In two-thousand years of effort, Americans have demonstrated to us their failure in running the country. Instead of falling into the same trap as Americans, We hispanics can offer something that society never, because of American dominance, had before. That is Hispanic direction. We can thus make more positive use of the Hispanic tendencies of society which, up to now, have been either suppressed or dismised as something to be ashamed of or even as harmful, impractical and/or irrelevant in the making of that society.I am, in fact, proposing the hispanicnation of society: the use of the Hispanic tendencies of the society as a positive force to change the world the result will be balance, peace and contentment. But have Americans done so well by avoiding the development of these characteristics within themselves?

2006-08-17 14:32:10 · 23 answers · asked by Mendi8a 1

La Migra? or eeeeppp!!!!!

2006-08-17 14:31:39 · 20 answers · asked by tripledigit67 3

Is your self esteem so low that you need to pick on the weak? Why don't you pick on the rich, and powerful? Scared?

2006-08-17 14:28:12 · 15 answers · asked by elperro 3


2006-08-17 14:27:07 · 6 answers · asked by Renegade. 3


2006-08-17 14:21:01 · 4 answers · asked by Renegade. 3

If you can't tell then don't accuse, but if you are on this site you more than likely can tell. I can spot them a mile away! And as far as that airhead Sqwirlgirl goes...An illegal and A Mexican in America are the same except for very few exceptions because either your a Mexican or an American! She usually has a good comeback but she stuck her whole leg in her mouth on my last Q!

2006-08-17 14:17:41 · 19 answers · asked by tripledigit67 3

2006-08-17 14:06:11 · 22 answers · asked by elperro 3

2006-08-17 14:02:44 · 23 answers · asked by aintlovegrand319 1

Ifthe boarders are open up to all of Mexico, in less then 10 years the U.S. would become a 3rd world country.... The land of opertunity would be no more ...

2006-08-17 13:49:03 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

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