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Immigration - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Immigration

One of my younger brothers has been living permanently in the united states having diversity immigration visa since 2004. I want to live with my younger brother in the usa. Please advice me how can my brother will proceed the papers to bring me usa.

2006-08-18 19:25:30 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Detest Canucks..

2006-08-18 19:20:41 · 12 answers · asked by Middle-Age-Man 2

To the pro illegals, how do we know which laws we have to follow and which ones we do not? I thought all laws had to be followed. But you guys seem to pick and choose which laws should be enforced and which should not be enforced. Can I have this list? I wanna know what laws I can break and get away with.

2006-08-18 19:10:52 · 5 answers · asked by de rak 4

2006-08-18 19:07:31 · 14 answers · asked by kytho 3

when people say that all immigrants MUST assimilate, isn't that like telling them what to do?

america is the land of the free. that's why we made it, to be free and also be free of a controling nation

when i hear people say that immigrants MUST assimilate, i think, "well, you could at least say something like 'in my opinion, immigrants should give an effort to assimilate"

i hope you all understand what i'm saying. i understand why you want them to assimilate, but when you demand it as if its an order, it comes off as rude or controling. it defies america itself.

2006-08-18 18:28:29 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

do these "illegals" who have worked here for 10-15 years get any credit for ASSIMILATION. Do they get any LESS hatred because they didn't have the money for the LEGAL documents BUT hate the radical ignorant mass who is making a mockery of THEIR hard work?

2006-08-18 18:26:50 · 21 answers · asked by sqwirlsgirl 5


"Indiana Congressman John Hostettler pledged to take up the case of Ignacio Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean. They were convicted in March on several felonies and a civil rights violation for wounding the man -- and trying to cover it up.

Several other House members, including Democrat Silvestre Reyes, agreed to the support a review. Reyes formerly led the Border Patrol's El Paso sector.

Andy Ramirez with the nonprofit Friends of the Border Patrol says the agents were wrongly prosecuted and convicted "for simply doing their job."

The facts will tell, of course, but from the road it sounds outrageous that these guys were sentenced to 20 years for shooting the drug smuggler who had first attacked one of them and had 800 lbs of marijuana in his van.


2006-08-18 18:09:40 · 12 answers · asked by DAR 7

many american's philosophy is "love it or leave it"

of course they are reffering to people in america who complain too much, therefore should leave since they are unsatisfied

well, when (legal) mexicans come into the united states and wave mexican flags (which is completely legal, within their rights, and not against the law), speak spanish, spread their culture, religion, and heritage, why do people complain about this?

this is america! the melting pot for all races. of course a group of people who come from another land are gonna bring their culture and some of their country with them.

and yet, so many people complain that america needs to be rid of a lot or all of "mexico"

so my question is, isn't it true that since america is now odopting some of mexico's style, it has become part of america? and those complaining should either love it or leave it?

2006-08-18 17:15:26 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

hey hex dont you think its time we got a new look.not that theres anything wrong with are present one its just everyones changing thier aviatars what do you think its time for a MAKE OVER YES.

2006-08-18 17:12:37 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

could she be 29 71 ?

Brotha Man for president 2008!!

2006-08-18 16:57:51 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

What is your opinion on illegal immigrates? Should they be allowed to stay and work here in the U.S.? Should we send them back home? What do u think about when u hear the words illegal immigrate? Should they have the same rights as anyone else? What if there parents or a relative got them to the U.S. illegally when they were 10yrs old or younger, should they be held accountable now for their parents or relatives action? What if the U.S.is the only home they know of? Do u think its fair how some illegal immigrates are currently being treated?

Your probably thinking why all these questions about illegal immigrates. I've been hearing and reading a lot about it, and since their is this i think town in PA and LI that wants to ban illegal immigrates altogether. From living in the town to working in the town. And i personally don't think its fair. Some illegal immigrates have families to support just like the next person. I just don't know what to think. I just feel bad for some of them.

2006-08-18 16:42:54 · 21 answers · asked by Baby T 3

Are there any laws prohibiting owning peroperty in Newzealand by either India or Newxealand?

2006-08-18 16:35:40 · 2 answers · asked by helilife 1

My wife and I were denied her visa from the us embassy in Lima,Peru over a year ago. After sending back our documents to the California office for final disposition, and many months of Senator and lawyer inquiries they finally contacted us and gave us about one week to send documents on why they should not deny the case, so after I sent them over fifteen hundred pages of e-mails, yahoo and gmail messages, health insurance forms and other things proving our relationship they took just two weeks to approve us for the second time for our I130, and it is my understanding it now goes back to Lima again. My question is does anyone out there know what the next process will be? Will they just contact my wife and give her her visa, or does she and or we have to come there for yet another interview? Any help would be appreciated as they did not provide ANY info pertaining to this after approving us again

2006-08-18 16:32:50 · 2 answers · asked by allenstan@sbcglobal.net 1

For those who are interested, I asked a question on Yahoo! Mexico about why so many of them come illegally instead of legally. If your interested in seeing the answers you can go here: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/?qid=20060818202126AAD4GfS

i guess you can discuss if you want here but I just though you guys would be interested in what they had to say.

2006-08-18 16:30:06 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

you can't call me racist because unfortunately, its true a lot of the time. they come and speak spanish everywhere they go like theyre in little mexico. Isnt it time they realized what country theyre in? they shouldnt even be here in the first place, america is not a country that should have to give away everything good it has. and for those who say the economic benefits are a good reason to keep them....youre wrong. americans would take their jobs if they paid fair wages. america worked fine before this problem. im not against legal immigration. its unfair to every legal immigrant entering this country for an illegal to steal the right to live here. i have lots of hope america will elect politicians who know whats happening to the country and do something to stop it.

2006-08-18 16:27:06 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Willys cynical thought for the day;

In my web research, Declaration of Independence, etc., I have yet to find where the government says they'll be my freaking mommy! So you goddamn politicians stay the hell out of my life and pockets AZZHOLES!

The Nanny State (I got this in a Biker email rag)

Worrying about bacteria, New Jersey banned restaurants from serving eggs sunny side up. The ban has since been lifted. Some New Jersey localities have a ban on people pumping their own gasoline. Policemen issue citations for driving without a seatbelt. By law new cars must be equipped with air bags. Federal law mandates that all new toilets flush using a paltry 1.6 gallons of water. Georgia's governor mandates that classical music be given to all new mothers so as to aid infant IQ development. California, and others, has banned smoking in bars. Clinton wants a law passed banning smoking within 100 feet of a federal building. In parts of Ohio, children going trick-or-treating must obtain a special permit. These intrusions and more were recently revealed by television journalist John Stossel on ABC's 20/20. The stated motivation behind this gross intrusion and criminalization of private behavior is to protect us from making unwise choices.

John Stossel asked Ricardo Martinez, head of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), why can't people at least have air bag on/off switches. Martinez responded by saying that society makes decisions about what benefits most people, and most people benefit from air bags. Stossel interviewed Yale University's Professor Kelley D. Brownell, director of the Center for Eating & Weight Disorders who thinks Americans eat too many hamburgers and French fries. Professor Brownell wants government to tax fatty foods and those with little nutritional content and use the proceeds to subsidize fruits, vegetables and other nutritious foods. He's suggested that some of the tax proceeds be used to build bike and hiking trails.

I'm wondering just when Americans are going to decide that we've had enough government meddling in our lives. It is nobody's business whether I eat eggs sunny side up, drive without wearing seat belts, or pig out on hamburgers and French fries. I'd like someone to show me Congress's constitutional authority for government protecting me from making unwise choices. Those who believe government should be in the business of making us take care of ourselves, should tell us where does it all end? Should government decide what time we go to bed? After all sleep is vital to good health. Should government force us to exercise, read wholesome literature, and bathe regularly?

The people who advocate a nanny government (a better term is Nazi government) are cowards. You say, "What do you mean, William?" Take Kelley Brownell. If he doesn't want me to eat that Big Mac and French fries, let him walk up to my table and remove them from my plate. He wants no part of doing that because he doesn't want to meet his maker this year so he prefers using the brutal forces of government. "The rest is mine;

When I was young, bullies use to pick on me, take food off my lunch tray and otherwise harass me. That's until I followed the advice of my father who told me that if you let a bully get away with one thing, the next day it's going to be something else and the following day something else again. He told me that the bullying won't stop until I decide to stand up and fight. He said that even if I lose the fight, the next time I'm bullied, stand up and fight again. Let the bully know that when he bullies, win, lose or draw, he has a fight on his hands. Eventually he will stop. I think Americans should employ my Dad's advice. As long as we stand as lambs before the slaughter you can bet that there'll be no end to Congress's bureaucratic stooges bullying us.

This is still America, last I checked anyway, yes we have 'freedom' here but 'freedom' is, never was and never will be 'Free.' Those of us who like to eat hamburgers and greasy fries must take responsibility by a) walking around with a big butt b) doing exercise or c) (in my case) taking cholesterol lowering pills and *trying* to stay away from the greasy stuff.

If we don't want to wear seatbelts, or helmets, WE, not Congress, must pay in pain, time (in hospitals, rehabs w/e), or loss of body parts. I'm firmly convinced I would never have survived, some of, the accidents I was in had I been hog-tied to the seat. The insurance companies, and Medical providers, ALWAYS lobby for these laws but I haven't heard of a single case where after such a law was passed the insurance company says, "Oh with your 20 year perfect driving record (not mine) we've decided that your next ___ year's insurance is on us." Has a hospital ever said, "Now that our ER doctors and nurses won't have to be patching up all the accidents maybe we should offer breast enlargement at half price?" Now stop laughing and reread this paragraph in it, under sarcasm, is the point I'm trying to make. The answer to both is NO! And unless an insurance company or hospital administrator is reading this, and wants to prove me wrong, I don't think it ever will be!

The 'it's good for you' doesn't stop at the things listed above. What if a slimy politician took it in his, or her, head that tattooing is wrong? Or certain subjects can't be tattooed on anybody? Like large breasted blondes, skulls, flames, or spider webs? I hope I'm NOT giving them any ideas because I have all these. This can be taken as far as you want to go like; they pass a law that ONLY Army, Marine, Navy, Airforce w/e tattoos are kosher. Or just Democrat or Republican ink is allowed. How about the ONLY lower back, female, tattoo that will be allowed is a 'GodSmack Sun?' Okay tattooists stop salivating imagining how much business you'll get by people running out to get their favorite tattoo done. And remember the upswing will only last until enforcement duties are figured out, i.e., the local Police, County cops, State Police or help us all if the FBI gets the job. Actually help them I don't need any help!

And of course that's not the only thing 'good for you.' This has been tried but what if Congress actually passed a law banning Rock & Roll, Country, Blues, Rock-a-Billy or Rap music. Or what if they legislate pianos, Violins and Trumpets are the only acceptable instruments? No electric guitars, fiddles, Blues Harps or Saxophones? And of course subsidizing lessons is another way to do, almost, the same thing!

Americans are lucky the founding fathers came from Europe where Religion - a belief in their God - was considered 'good for you' so it was mandated in some places; which is where 'The First Amendment' came from. If European governments had mandated seatbelts on cable cars and horses, and or required at least 4 oz. of meat at dinner -- chicken, beef or fish -- there may have been another Bill of Rights. This one saying, something like, "Congress shall make no law requiring citizens to do anything somebody thinks will be good for them." Unless, of course, any of them made, or sold, seatbelts or had anything to do with producing, or selling, meat. In 1776 that was, almost, everybody. This was long before people either ate meat or were vegetarians. In fact getting enough to eat was more important than the cholesterol!" Now a few quotes;

"The career of a politician mainly consists in making one part of the nation do what it does not want to do, in order to please and satisfy the other part of the nation. It is the prolonged sacrifice of the rights of some persons at the bidding and for the satisfaction of other persons. The ruling idea of the politician - stated rather bluntly - is that those who are opposed to him exist for the purpose of being made to serve his ends, if he can get power enough in his hands to force these ends upon them." -- Auberon Herbert

"There is no worse tyranny than to force a man to pay for what he does not want merely because you think it would be good for him." -- Robert Heinlein

"The most basic question is not what is best but who shall decide what is best." -- Thomas Sowell


2006-08-18 16:25:54 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

about this page? and why?


2006-08-18 16:20:18 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do people say that Muslims do not belong in the west?

Just because my husband is Muslim does not mean he can't be British.

My husband was born in the UK so were his parents. His mother can even trace her family back to the Magna Carta.

He has served in the Bristish Army in Northern Ireland and Bosnia protecting his country and the people who say he is not British just because of his religion..

He now has a susccessful business paying taxes and giving jobs to people like those who say Muslims can't be British..

My husband loves his country. And the British values of freedom , fairness , and democracy. He is a true Brit.

Are those people who want to take away my husband human rights acting like true Brits?

What right do they have to say that my husband and other Muslims can not be British?

2006-08-18 16:16:34 · 15 answers · asked by CELT GIRL 1


"The Private Police Force is threatening to actually detain illegal immigrants.

"They will be handcuffed to the Oak Trees," according to the group's Web site, so they can be picked up by authorities.

"Don't treat this website lightly," the group states. "We will make Citizens Arrests on Illegal Aliens. We will File Criminal and Civil Complaints if you Hire or House an Illegal. If you have sold a vehicle to an illegal, we will prosecute you under the DMV law too. If you house an illegal, we will also prosecute you under the Zoning Laws."

"The names and photos of those who oppose the group's efforts will be posted on the Web site, www.privatepoliceforce.com, according to a statement on the site. The names and photos of known illegal-immigrant workers will also be posted, the statement says.

Also, arrests will be recorded on video and offered for viewing on the Web site..."

What do you think?

2006-08-18 15:42:52 · 29 answers · asked by DAR 7

In a society of immigrants, where government and corporations, so avidly pursue survey after survey, to collect data about ethnicty, do we really understand the meaning of such common terms as Anglo, Hispanic, Caucasian, and why these terms are mostly used incorrectly (either as all-inclusive or mutually-exclusive)?

2006-08-18 15:32:27 · 8 answers · asked by 'stavo 2

I wonder if they do the same in Europe and other countries ?

2006-08-18 14:48:29 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

She would not agree with this, but that's my feeling about it.

2006-08-18 14:28:50 · 17 answers · asked by Zoe 4

2006-08-18 14:24:02 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've seen so many deferent numbers when it comes to quoting statistics on illegal, so now I'm asking for the true numbers.
How many total illegal immigrants are in the US
How many illegal Mexican or Latino immigrants are in the US
and the most important number to me......How many LEGAL Latinos are here?

Please don't just throw numbers around, provide proof, links, or proper quotes.

And above all else.....keep racial comments to yourself..... trust me I've herd them all in my life time.

2006-08-18 14:05:51 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

"on Friday, a government official close to the case said immigration agents have decided against entering the church to remove Arellano.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because it is against ICE policy to discuss operational matters, said the Arellano case carries "no more priority than any of the other 500,000 fugitives nationally."

She will be apprehended "at an appropriate time and place," the official said"

So...... Does that mean she can stay there for years and years like the other 500,000 have been milling around for years?

I think they should go in and get her so as not to encourage others.

What do you think?


2006-08-18 13:44:57 · 16 answers · asked by DAR 7

What about all those Indians who do telemarketing in India ?

2006-08-18 13:21:39 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

"In a new front on the assault on illegal immigration, a proposal would require companies doing business with Suffolk County to certify their employees are in the U.S. legally ....Levy's proposal, which has its opponents, would affect about 6,000 companies and agencies that have county contracts. The penalties include fines and potential jail time, and repeat offenders could forfeit their contracts."


2006-08-18 13:18:52 · 12 answers · asked by DAR 7

a lot of belly aching, finger pointing and whining. My question is pretty darn clear. When all the Mexicans are gone, how much money to do you think American construction companies are going to make tearing down their ghetto duplexes and rundown houses to build homes for Americans?

2006-08-18 13:12:49 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

fedest.com, questions and answers