Why Illegal Aliens MUST Be Licensed to Drive!
Democrat politicians in California have attempted on several occasions to grant driving privileges to illegal aliens.....aka, undocumented Democrats.
Their argument goes something like this: Illegal aliens are 'good-hearted, hard-working' folk----even George Bush says so--- who are very concerned about breaking California law by driving without a license and insurance.
Put that in perspective: California has about six million miscreants who have invaded America by crossing our borders illegally, and who have ignored all US immigration laws.
These criminals access public services to which they are not entitled, evade both federal and state income taxes, and have overcrowded California's penal system to the point where authorities are unable to effectively deal with the US citizen inmate population.
They have also bankrupted several hospitals in the state by demanding medical care that hospitals are obligated to provide regardless of ability to pay.
Yet, dimwit liberals want California voters to believe that illegal aliens simply want to do what's right in order to comply with the law?
Has human history ever recorded a more illogical, stupid argument?
Well, just one: The morons who want to license illegals are the same fools who vehemently oppose laws that would require positive identification at the voting polls.
So if California Democrats had their way, illegal aliens would be licensed to drive to the polls and would vote uncontested....for Democrats, of course!
To those illegals genuinely concerned about following the law, my suggestion is this:
Head south, do not look back, do not come back, and do not write..... even if you are able to!
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