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Politics & Government - 13 November 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

i know there is an acadamy for this and during wartime, all merchant ships can be called upon by the gov to assist. my q is this, if one works on a cargo ship etc.,on a regular basis but, has not attended the acadamy, are they considered merchant marines,during wartime, as well? i've tried to find info on wikipedia and the m.m academy web site but, i can't find the answer to this. any mariners out there who would know?

2007-11-13 11:48:24 · 1 answers · asked by racer 51 7 in Military

i was watching the show shootout and a story of a marine named John something came across. I forgot his lst name and was wondering if anyone out there could refresh my mind. My cousin told me they have a hill named after him out a camp pendelton

2007-11-13 11:48:17 · 4 answers · asked by Ryan Silva 2 in Military

Hi, I'm from Syria and I'm a freshman in high school. I'm thinking of enlisting in JROTC my Sohpomore year so it'll help me in the ROTC. Well one for all, at the rate we're going, I don't think The Iraq War will end soon in the next year or two. I'm from Syria and I'm thinking of joining the army. But my friends in Biology are like "PFFT! Are you kidding me?! Your Arabic, they would NEVER receuit you". Why is MY reason for joining the army you ask? Well I feel it is right to repay my country for the oppurtunities and the privelges even in the modern society, and if I die, well, I die for the engravement of my country. This country has always had a growing mentality-to strive forward-we were a bunch of settelers and now were a SuperPower with the most brightest minds. I can speak Arabic and I also am going to enroll in JROTC for 2-3 years..How many ranks will that help me? Will it help me at all?

2007-11-13 11:42:40 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

this is going to be so great!!!!

2007-11-13 11:42:19 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government


Your thoughts?

2007-11-13 11:41:27 · 12 answers · asked by chuck_junior 7 in Immigration

Is this the return of the evil empire?


2007-11-13 11:41:27 · 7 answers · asked by WJ 7 in Politics

do you get a ticket/fine send to your home adress?

2007-11-13 11:41:01 · 1 answers · asked by maaike 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

I want a good knife thats not over 80$, foldable, and has black blade, under 6 in. anyone have any suggestions, model name and brand are both acceptable answers. any help will be appreciated.

2007-11-13 11:39:03 · 8 answers · asked by pi-man 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

I am having a hard time finding any info on this? I worked at a Organic Grocery store and found out they have product that is expired all over. I was told by the Manager that he would rather take a loss on inventory than have me rotate the stock. I was finding Product that was over a year EXPIRED??? This was in Brentwood, CA. They had so many terrible polices, I couldn't take it anymore. Where can I find info on the laws?

2007-11-13 11:38:42 · 3 answers · asked by Jordan Ryan S 2 in Law & Ethics

Working on a debate thing for school about the guardasil vaccine. The side i am on is "for" the vaccine to be there and the other side opposses so one of the angles id like to come with is something along the lines is by them saying that the vaccine should not be available and the information that goes along it they are taking away a person's right or osmething but id like to find something that is actually written in canadian law form.. lol thanks :)

2007-11-13 11:38:41 · 1 answers · asked by crimsoncrush15 1 in Law & Ethics

regardless if it's legal or not?

I keep hearing how third worlders are the only immigrants who refuse to assimilate, learn the language, tend to have lots of kids and outbreed ctizens, demand it's host countries change it's way to accomadate them, etc.

The immigration problems in the U.S. and U.K. are good examples of what I mean.

Your thoughts?

2007-11-13 11:34:39 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Yesterday my friend was taking a test and i was texting him answers. The teacher caught him with his phone out so he turned it off really quickly but was forced to give it to her. The teacher took it down to the office where she and the principal turned it on and searched through his phone. They found the text messages and so i got caught too. I know what i did was wrong, but could i attempt to fight this because they turned on and searched his cell phone with out permission or a warrant? Or can they search it because he is not allowed to have a cell phone with him during the school day? This may be different for each school but it seems like the school would not be able to search it without permission or a warrant.

2007-11-13 11:32:44 · 5 answers · asked by A H 2 in Law & Ethics

I am totally, 100% PRO-LIFE. Anyone with me?
I know that the issue isn't black and white... it is many shades of gray. But the main point is, innocent lives need to be spared. They are helpless and dependent upon the person whom they are living within, for the time being.

2007-11-13 11:32:37 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I'm really curious please don't think I'm egging you on. I just haven't really heard what it is that Republicans want other than lower taxes. I don't think anyone running for office wants that so, I ask you. What do you want?

2007-11-13 11:32:16 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I live Georgia, and I received a ticket for 44mph in a 25mph school zone. I honestly did not know I was breaking the law and here's why...

The road is a 4-lane highway. The normal speed limit is 45mph. The route I take, I recently found out goes around the flashing lights on that highway, so I entered the highway after the flashing lights. I told the officer, and he said there were some on the road I came from. Later that day, I drove back to that spot to see if there were flashing lights and the school zone sign was posted but there were no flashing lights or times posted for the school zone. so I thought that I was obeying the posted limit.

There were no children in sight.

Had I known that it was a school zone, I would have slowed down! I feel like I got scammed by the government.

The date on my ticket is in January, and I'm not going to just pay a fine and admit fault to something that I know I did not do wrong. I cannot afford a ticket either.

What should I do?

2007-11-13 11:31:09 · 5 answers · asked by Anon Y 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

Pelosi on ABC TV The View said OH! I was raised to believe in God's Will be done... then giggle...

The forecast for Georgia... slightly gullible with a chance of coincidence...
Bookmark it is has fun stuff!

I grew up believing in faith. But ? Is this not slightly getting ridiculous?

2007-11-13 11:28:39 · 6 answers · asked by Mele Kai 6 in Other - Politics & Government

My neighbor tells me it is Illegal and I do not think it is.

I have a young daughter and need the extra income especially with X mas coming up.

2007-11-13 11:24:05 · 37 answers · asked by Mike M 2 in Law & Ethics

It's hard to believe in 2007 this kinda thing still goes on in America. I just happen to notice this Racist Capitalistic Pig of a business having a very Racist sign in FULL view of everyone. I went to the City, they were NOT interested in my complaint so I went to the manager of the laundry mat and said: WTH ...why do you have such a RACIST sign up in your STORE (then he played dumb) and said WHAT RACIST SIGN..I said the one above the washing machines that says: WHITES ONLY...this is NOT 1950 in Selma Alabama...he LAUGHED in my FACE!!!!!!!!

What would you do to fight this???

2007-11-13 11:23:20 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

a comprehensive poll of iraqis shows that 70% of the iraqi public hopes for a u.s. troop withdrawal within two years.


2007-11-13 11:23:15 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

aside from air power

do they not know how to aim? do they have inferior tactics? crappy weapons? what tactics do they use that a coalition soldier would not use?

2007-11-13 11:22:35 · 14 answers · asked by 8lboreck 1 in Military

I’m a dreamer but I need a foundation.
Something with the same or close to the benefits.
School, retirement, job training and travle.
things the say they offer.

2007-11-13 11:19:44 · 6 answers · asked by batotheijacic 1 in Military

I am currently a high school sophmore and I am 15 years old. For about a year and a half now I have wanted to be a Maine. I am in mostly AP classes at my high school and my parents want me to go to a UC school and major in engenering. My dad is a proud American and he has always told me that a true man is always ready to stand up and die for his country when it is in need. My mom is also proud to be American but she thinks that the fighting should be left to others. I am worried that if I tell her she will break down and try to make me reconsider. I need advise. Whats the best way to break the news to my parents.?

2007-11-13 11:17:41 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I recentally filed a claim w/ the district attorneys office b/c i was having to punch out for a break while contiuning to work (i work at a hotel 3-11, where im at the hotel alone). corporate got in trouble and got upset with me. After all this i was supposed to get a 1.00 raise as promised 3 weeks ago and when I was first hired after my 90 day eval, now the hotel today tells me I'm not getting that raise. I'm planning on file a employment retalation dicrimination act for denial of promotion, before I do this im just curious what I'll get out of it. will I even get my raise you think? or will this just add fuel to the fire and get my job even more upset with me?

2007-11-13 11:16:45 · 3 answers · asked by trustTHYself 2 in Law & Ethics

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