1. Lower taxes.
2. Less gov't spending.
3. Less gov't regulation and programs.
4. An end to corporate welfare
5. A strong national defense that goes after our enemies.
6. A gov't that encourages individual "can do" attitude instead of making us all believe we are victims of some sort.
7. A gov't who looks out for the needy, and helps them get off of public assistance.
8. A gov't that supports traditional family values.
9. A reduction (not an end) to abortions. Abortions should be the last alternative, not the first one, to an unwanted pregnancy.
10. A gov't that encourages us to help ourselves, our families and our communities, rather than turning to Uncle Sam all the time when things get a little rough.
2007-11-13 11:44:17
answer #1
answered by Uncle Pennybags 7
In a way, the republican party is almost as divided as the nation.
There are the fiscal-conservative republicans, who want smaller government and lower taxes, but a strong defense, general law & order, and a general respect for America's traditions (like the Constitution) and values (individual responsibility, liberty, and, yes, even civil rights), the way they are now (after some 40 years of liberal social progress, keep in mind).
Then there are religious-conservative republicans, who want a government built on solid, christian moral foundations, with a strong defense, law & order based on solid, christian moral foundations, and a general respect for and enforcement of America's traditions (like 'God' in the pledge of allegiance) and Good Christian Family Values - and doesn't give a damn how much it costs to do all that, or how much they have to change the Constitution to make it all legal.
Now, you can see how they have some common ground, but you can also see how the Religious Right has it's differences with the Political Right.
2007-11-13 19:44:48
answer #2
answered by B.Kevorkian 7
Republicans and Democrats want the same things in a way. We all want people to be free, successful, happy, safe, and have opportunities. The difference is Republicans want to put the power to acheive these things in the peoples hands, Democrats want to put the power in the Governments hands.
Think about it, Social Security, Welfare, Medicare, are government programs. Wall Street investments are private. Jobs are private (except government jobs).
Now, which tends to be better run. We all make jokes about almost every government agency from DMV to Welfare. Governments are by nature highly inefficient because the prime driver is political.
Private businesses are driven by profit. The owners, those who invest in or run their own businesses must provide a product or service someone wants. If they don't they go out of business. Their motive is to give you a quality product or service, or they don't survive.
Government programs do not have to deliver what you want. They only have to perpetuate themselves. Do you know of any government agencies that have shrunk or "gone out of business" when they fail to deliver what is wanted or needed?
As an example, Social Security provided about a 2.5% return on your investment over the last 40 years. The DOW Jones return was almost 10 times that. If you had a choice, invest your retirement dollars in Social Security, or the Private Sector, given the same dollars invested, the person who invests in the Private Sector would have far more money at retirement than the Social Security investor.
As a thinking person, I would choose to have more money when I retire. Both systems provide for my later years, but with one I live, with the other I live well.
Want to see the difference in private healthcare verses government provided healthcare. Go visit your local hospitals. Check out your county hospital, then check out a private facility. Which one do you want to treat your heart attack, cancer, etc. I prefer the private care, it is almost always far superior to the government care.
Are there exceptions, yes. But as a general rule, Public Businesses and Individuals almost always out perform Government Institutions by a wide margin.
The result is that those who want to limit government spending, involvement, and leave choices and freedom of choices to the individual, generally perform better, earn more, and live well.
Those who want to turn over their lives to the government (Social Security, Government run Healthcare, etc) have less choice, more government involvement in their lives, and generally earn less, and get by most of the time.
Both paths move the wealth, health, and well being of the population forward. One makes leaps and bounds, the other takes baby steps.
Want proof?, Look at what Socialism did to the Soviet Union. Their leaders wanted what was best for their people and country. So do our leaders, regardless of party affiliation. One works well, the other not so well. One you can buy all kinds of food items, the other you're lucky if you can even get a decent loaf of bread.
Does that mean we leave the poor, infirm, disabled, challenged behind? No. In fact, you'll find that those who are more conservative donate more money and more money as a percentage of their income, than do more liberal leaning individuals. They tend to donate more of their time, also. Yes, there are exceptions, but there is a measurable gap.
If you made it this far, now go search out the facts. You'll see that both sides want to care for others, but the approach is what is different. Which one would you choose?
BTW, I have worked for both parties and am now an Independant.
2007-11-13 20:23:49
answer #3
answered by Partisanshipsux 2
Smaller government. Less intrusion on my daily life by Washington. Lower taxes is a huge part of that but even Republican politicians can't be counted on to quit stealing the money I earn. I want the government to cut spending and show at least a little bit of competence when it comes to money.
I want abortion to be a state issue and taken out of the hands of the Federal government. Same thing when it comes gay marriage.
I want the process of legal immigration to be made easier and the prosecution of illegal immigration to be more stringent.
I want my 2nd amendment rights preserved.
I want to be able to quit paying social security taxes and invest money to prepare for my own retirement.
I want a tax credit or at least a deduction for sending my kids to private school.
2007-11-13 19:44:36
answer #4
answered by VoodooPunk 4
Liberal Nazis to stop trying to control everyone! Quit pushing your agendas on our children in the schools! It's not the schools place to discuss same sex topics with our kids.Stop using your fake tone voices to talk down to our children teachers! Drugging children into submission is worse than just a spanken on their bottom, so stop trying to tell us how to disapline our kids. Funny though, now teachers are dealing with unruley kids that they have kinda created with their physcology crap. Quit telling us to save the earth,or a monkey! how about save a aborted baby, or one from an orphanage?. Don't tell me to recycle, then rinse out the jugs before I do. Don't tell me how smoking life threatening, when you really don't care if I die from it, you just want control! Homosexuality leads to AIDS, and that leads to death, so educate the kids on that!. Don't tell me to check my breast, My boobs are none of your business! Don't tell me not to drive a SUV, I will drive what I please. Don't tell me to shut my mouth when I or my children want to express our christian faith! Then promote every other religion. Don't try and have more government control, especially with health care, we have seen what it has done to other countries. Don't insult me and others by trying to kill their work ethics and pride in themselves by providing all these free government programs. Don't tell me how many children to have, we don't live in China!. Would you care if I had 5 dogs? or does it just bother you that I'm working on #5 baby?.We also want you democrats to remember this country was founded on God, so don't try and erase him from everything!. Quit twisting the constitution, and disrespecting it and our forefathers!. Be a Reagan democrat then you will be a wise and good man. I could go on and on, you really hit a hot button with me.
2007-11-13 20:04:42
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
To watch people die needlessly in other countries, guess it helps decrease the population.
2007-11-13 20:04:25
answer #6
answered by freekin 5
Less government. period
I personally believe that we need less gun control, less taxes (I know you said other than this), strength in family, no abortions, immigration control, personal accountability (not welfare for the sake of welfare), criminals prosecuted, death penalty, less lawsuit abuse, and a strong military for our protection.
2007-11-13 19:54:01
answer #7
answered by Smoke20 1
I want less government, less rules, less regulations, less collectivism. I don't want the government dictating how I live my life and what choices I make. I want individualism to rule. That's what makes us unique in the world.
2007-11-13 19:35:58
answer #8
answered by reaganite27 5
amazing how people collecting on stocks want to "keep all the money they work hard for"... (which is $0.00)
and amazing how the people who want to "keep america safe from terrorists" are advocating torture as a means.
and amazing how the very same people who want to deny immigrants "amnesty" are the same people who throw all our money to China by shopping at Wal-Mart...
Take a look at all those yellow ribbons and American flags that they drape themselves in... they say "Made in China" on them... and you will know them by their fruits!
2007-11-13 19:53:25
answer #9
answered by rabble rouser 6
I want what I work hard for.
I want people who dont work hard to get ZERO of my money.
I want fat, lazy, jerry springer watching people to be held accountable. No hand outs.
2007-11-13 19:45:30
answer #10
answered by jskmarden 4