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Politics & Government - 16 October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government

Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

I borrowed $1500 from a man for a house payment. He cared a lot about me. I didn't pay him back for 6 months before he decided to just make it a gift. I didn't really accept the gift, I said i'd pay him but I have not paid him. Times are/were tough. He kept saying take your time.

Anyways three months before he let me borrow $1500, I let someone have $400 for a trip from FL to NYC. I also let this someone have $50 for a video game AFTER I borrowed the $1500. Well.... I felt bad for him. He has had a drug problem in the past.

The man that borrowed $1500 found out about this and got very upset and called me a user and said I took advantage of him. It all started when I said I wanted to buy a WII in front of him. I wasn't going to buy it, I just wanted to jeeze!

Now he thinks I am a user and I don't take insults well so it spiraled out of control. Hes judging me and using his own fears against me. I hate him now and resent him.

2007-10-16 13:01:42 · 17 answers · asked by LOVE 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

for me it would deffinately have to be all the nonsense about drugs. i mean yea some have killed people in the past... but i think that if they were legalized the death rates would drop severly, because you could put dosage labels on the package (much unlike now obviously). the ingredients could be labeled on the packaging, so if you happen to be ellurgic (sp) you could find out before winding up in an emergency room. tax money could be made and used for good purposes. less people would end up in prison. and the billions made would end up in the hands of someone more trustworthy than criminals.

im sure theres more important rules to be looked over, but this is the only coming to me right now. anyways what rules are you tired of?

2007-10-16 13:00:16 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

i am going into the air force and i was wondering if there is any way possible that my fiance can stay with me on base over night during the holidays and during the summer without us being married.He cant live with during the year bc he is in medical school and has to finish his studies as do i..and he lives in austin tx and i will be in tech school in tx so i was just wondering if i could get it approved my my commander if he could live with me during next summer until we are married in October '08.... please help me thanks...nuthin negative plz

2007-10-16 13:00:02 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

the hypothesis is backed up by no experimental data, right now, it is nothing more than just that: a hypothesis.

do the conservatives on here who keep copying and pasting his speech word for word (about ocean salinity causing the warming) actually know this, or have they just been in a such a rush to find some scientist who supports their cause that they don't care much whether or not the claim actually has any scientific credibility?

2007-10-16 12:58:39 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Ive heard a rumor that they put a maggot in them. Is this true?

2007-10-16 12:58:24 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

It would just make sense. Intervention is only for addicts. There ought to be something we would do with someone who's saying he's going to commit a crime.

2007-10-16 12:57:00 · 5 answers · asked by whitetop94538 2 in Law & Ethics

I certainly wouldn't. How about political party drones?

2007-10-16 12:56:48 · 23 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5 in Politics

Okay I had a son in 03 which the birth father was not around at all and his name is not on the birth certificate then when my son was almsot one the birth father reconnected until my son turned two when I got married and has not reconnected since and my husband wants to adopt my son. how would I go about this(the adoption) ? Im in missouri and the last time my son saw the birth father was in march 05. And can I bring evidence to the court stating why he should have no rights?

2007-10-16 12:56:35 · 4 answers · asked by Mamichula 1 in Law & Ethics

Do all politicians lie?

A simple yes or no please, its for my government class and Im polling people online.

2007-10-16 12:54:39 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

what are your views on statutory rape? and should it be legal?

this is based on a question we were told to debate in LAW CLASS.
we have to debate both sides and i need opinions. this isnt meant to be perverted.

and in the past in most cultures people married young women (12-15)year old

i know its odd but i really need something to debate with.

2007-10-16 12:53:02 · 4 answers · asked by bk 1 in Law & Ethics

Do you want all the illegal immigrants to migrate illegally to your country???
People are always complainin' about the attitude of the LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZEN towards ILLEGAL immigrants.
Wouldn't you feel the same way if this problem we have in the U.S.A. was the same problem you had in your country?

2007-10-16 12:51:02 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Should we leave Iraq?

If we do, what do you think the second and third order effects will be?

Do you believe that withdrawl from Iraq will end terrorism?

Do you know what a Caliphate is?

2007-10-16 12:50:52 · 10 answers · asked by Kitten S 3 in Politics

About the same percentage of Democratic women support her, at least those who vote. This week is her pandering for Democratic women week. She plans to spend some time in the future courting the Republican women.

What can she offer us that will change our minds and make us want to vote for her? Any ideas out there?

I can't think of anything.

2007-10-16 12:50:42 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Gen. Abizaid on Iraq War: "Of Course It's About Oil"
A former top US general has admitted the war in Iraq was about oil. Former CENTCOM Commander General John Abizaid told an audience at Stanford University “Of course it's about oil, we can't really deny that." At the same forum Thomas Friendman said “We've treated the Arab world as a collection of big gas stations. Our message to them is: Guys, keep your pumps open, prices low, be nice to the Israelis and you can do whatever you want out back." General Abizaid's comment comes one month after former Federal Reserve Chair Alan Greenspan wrote that “the Iraq War is largely about oil."

A personal friend of President Bush secured an oil deal with the Kurdish regional government in Iraq. The Texas-based company Hunt Oil signed the deal in September. Hunt CEO Ray Hunt has been a key Republican fundraiser. He sits on the board of directors for Halliburton and was appointed to the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board by President Bush.

2007-10-16 12:49:27 · 16 answers · asked by Richard V 6 in Politics

i know the answer is "obvious"...so please no need to insult me if you are smart enough to know this...well i don`t- that`s why i am asking, just learning)

2007-10-16 12:48:58 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

remember the torture policies he accepted which broke the geneva convention? he put the troops in prison but he gave them confirmation to treat them that way. i was head of the security council, i'll force my way in to the white house and put him on trial for war crimes. i believe in pure justice. just because he has great power doesnt mean he can abuse it!
Your opinion?

2007-10-16 12:48:27 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

just curious. I like them both but prefer a good hotdog

2007-10-16 12:47:44 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

I was born in California in my mother's old house. She never made it to the hospital. My parents aren't citizen's so uncertain of the californial/U.S. laws they never registered me which made a HUGE pause to my life now that Im almost 20. Im not able to receive a c.a. id due to not having a birth certificate. Though I DO have a record of birth over my baptism certificate and my social security stating i was born in CA. I researched over the internet and came across a page on how to get passport. Theres also a area that tells you what to do if you do not have a birth certificate " http://studenttravel.about.com/od/planyourtrip/f/nocertificate.htm
" It says I need a " .Letter of No Record " SO my question is how do i get one? I tried to search for it (how it says on the site i gave) but cant come across anything that specifically tells you how to. Also, do i also have to tell them I was born in a house? Please someone help me.

2007-10-16 12:44:26 · 4 answers · asked by DP 1 in Law & Ethics

I was born in California in my mother's old house. She never made it to the hospital. My parents aren't citizen's so uncertain of the californial/U.S. laws they never registered me which made a HUGE pause to my life now that Im almost 20. Im not able to receive a c.a. id due to not having a birth certificate. Though I DO have a record of birth over my baptism certificate and my social security stating i was born in CA. I researched over the internet and came across a page on how to get passport. Theres also a area that tells you what to do if you do not have a birth certificate " http://studenttravel.about.com/od/planyourtrip/f/nocertificate.htm
" It says I need a " .Letter of No Record " SO my question is how do i get one? I tried to search for it (how it says on the site i gave) but cant come across anything that specifically tells you how to. Also, do i also have to tell them I was born in a house? Please someone help me.

2007-10-16 12:44:09 · 2 answers · asked by DP 1 in Government

Im 28 & too old to join the Airforce but i still want be a part of it...soo Im thinkin about joining the Air National Guard..an just be full active....

2nd question...which can guaratee better paying civilian jobs......
Air National Guard or Navy Reserves.....please how much the jobs pay in civilian life

2007-10-16 12:43:42 · 6 answers · asked by Willie C 1 in Military

Hi, about 10 years ago i was arrested for burglary. I was under 18 at the time. I was never fingerprinted and i never went before a judge. I had a meeting with a counselor who decided that i should do community service and pay restitution. Does that mean that i am convicted in the "employment application" sense?

2007-10-16 12:42:27 · 21 answers · asked by fantaman_green 1 in Law & Ethics


2007-10-16 12:36:17 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

How come they make kids in juvenile remove shoes before going in their cells but allow must adults in state prisons to wear shoes in cells? Child abuse?

2007-10-16 12:34:40 · 4 answers · asked by John A 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Why did US helped Saddam during Iran-Iraq war? Is not the right time to take that revange now?

2007-10-16 12:32:52 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Who do you think is the better choice for democrats? Hillary or Obama? Personally I believe Hillary.
Also, who will the republicans nominate?
And, are is Guliani and Obama qualified enough?

2007-10-16 12:32:51 · 9 answers · asked by fabregasfan 3 in Elections

sorry i know this must be a retarted question to most of you,

but do the british armed forces, force service (like the us draft once did) or is it on a basis where people join like the us is currently?

2007-10-16 12:29:28 · 5 answers · asked by me 3 in Military

2007-10-16 12:29:13 · 6 answers · asked by Isaac R 1 in Military

2007-10-16 12:28:57 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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