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for me it would deffinately have to be all the nonsense about drugs. i mean yea some have killed people in the past... but i think that if they were legalized the death rates would drop severly, because you could put dosage labels on the package (much unlike now obviously). the ingredients could be labeled on the packaging, so if you happen to be ellurgic (sp) you could find out before winding up in an emergency room. tax money could be made and used for good purposes. less people would end up in prison. and the billions made would end up in the hands of someone more trustworthy than criminals.

im sure theres more important rules to be looked over, but this is the only coming to me right now. anyways what rules are you tired of?

2007-10-16 13:00:16 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

8 answers

I quite agree with you on the War on Drugs. That has turned neighborhoods into war zones and created numerous opportunities and excuses to the government to violate our civil rights. The Cato Institute has done a great deal of research on this. I have a link to their research below.

2007-10-16 13:07:09 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Ever been to a Meth House? Addicts need porn to get off, they ignore their kids, it is all about the high. And they chase the high until they have nothing left.

Meth is the single most addictive, destructive, and victim intense drug. They call the police to come save them because they hear a man trying to break into their house. They meet the police with rifles in hand. Legal, never.

Oh, these are not just stories, I have filed and prosecuted these cases. I have read reports where the children, ages up to five, are fed their food in a bowl on the floor.

2007-10-16 20:09:38 · answer #2 · answered by Songbyrd JPA ✡ 7 · 1 1

I want to get rid of the rule of ettiquette that says it's required to *** kiss just so you don't hurt someone's feelings. Truth hurts. Get over it. I know I'm not great at everything I try to do but I appreciate it when someone tells me I've got it completely wrong and the right way is this way or that way. Instead of lying to my face and letting me continue to do it the wrong way only in the end causing me to lose a job, a lover or a friend.

2007-10-16 20:09:22 · answer #3 · answered by Wicked 3 · 1 0

the problem is that too many abuse them instead of using them for what "God" intended. Yes...God even made the plant that cocaine is derived from. It has medicinal purposes. Honey...some of the biggest drug abusers are doctors and nurses...why? because it is made so easily available to them. yes...banning them does make the price of them on the street go up...it causes more crime, but...the problem is...there is no solution. you will always have irresponsible people out there that will misuse the drugs...they say..."im not hurting anyone but myself"...well...that is not true...you hurt everyone around you when you abuse drugs...and you put other people's lives in danger when you are not thinking or reacting soberly. Rules are made to protect us...not the restrict us or punish us. No matter how flawed they may be...we must try to keep some type of order in our society.

2007-10-16 20:10:36 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

The ones of engagement. I think I acted too rashly. I want to meet other men.

2007-10-16 20:03:34 · answer #5 · answered by Estrella E 4 · 0 0

geneva (sp) convention...... if we werent so nice the enemy would be scared and we would have been done already.... and also the rule that says I cant beat my husband..hehe

2007-10-16 20:08:17 · answer #6 · answered by Rina 5 · 0 1

i hate that darn jaywalking rule

2007-10-16 20:55:52 · answer #7 · answered by michigan go blue 2 · 0 2

the UNspoken ones. that everyone knows AND everyone DENIES. ie: racial profiling.

2007-10-16 20:12:48 · answer #8 · answered by bi2unicorn 3 · 0 2

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