WE should have a sliding scale similar to this: Any family earning less than $150,000 per year qualifies for a tax credit for any insurance premiums they have to personally pay for, all the way down to families making at least $70,000 per year. Families making less than $70,000 per year get a much smaller tax break, but also get a discount of up to 50% of the cost of their health insurance. So they would have to go out and get their insurance and the insurance company can bill the fed government for the part the customer did not pay(50% of premiums). Families or households making less than $25,000 per year, get free healthcare if they can provide proof of citizenship.
Supply and demand will also affect this plan, because most health care providers who accept this government program will be busier, and those who do not accept it will be less busy. So consumers could decide to self insure entirely and go to less busy providers. That would be their choice.
5 answers
asked by
ningis n