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Politics & Government - 10 August 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Just to get it out of the way, I know all ready. I was stupid. Now I would like to know where to go from here. Problem:
I purchased a Louis Vuitton pet carrier from a person on craigslist. They seemed as honest as you can seem for a stranger. I sent a money order to New Jersey for almost $500. The person said they would send it by Priority Mail /signature receipt and would call me with the tracking number. There was no call. After 2 weeks, I started to worry and asked for a copy of the tracking receipt. She said it got lost. I asked for a copy of the original receipt and "it was in the package". I asked for a copy of the report to the post office that the package was lost and communication (by email) stopped.
I called the Union City police and they said it is not for them to deal with.
If you want to criticize, go ahead, but what I really want are some ideas of next steps.

2007-08-10 13:02:43 · 2 answers · asked by ignoramus 7 in Law & Ethics


who would make a better president Bush or a monkey???

2007-08-10 13:02:21 · 6 answers · asked by EsmGuardGirl 1 in Government

According to you what plays a greater role in defining or describing a person, his religion or nationality? What do you lay more emphasis on personally? If you face a dilemma where you have to protect your country or religion, which one would you choose?

Would you feel closer to a person from same country and different religion or to one with different country but same religion? Please give reasons too.

2007-08-10 12:58:18 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2007-08-10 12:56:04 · 11 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5 in Politics

2007-08-10 12:52:18 · 3 answers · asked by stayyoung 3 in Government

Democrats have been promising universal health coverage for at least 30 years, and healthcare is more screwed up than ever.

They've promised to stick it to the corporations, who have become more powerful than ever.

They've promised for 40 years to clean up the environment which is now dirtier than ever.

Republicans have promised to reduce government, which is bigger than ever.

They promised to defend freedom from government intrusion, which is now all but a joke.

They said we wouldn't 'police the world' and here we are in two simultaneous lands, 'nation-building.'

Why does the majority of the voting population continue to vote for the same old thing when they all claim to want change? Has propaganda become so refined, have our attention spans become so short, or is it just that history is not valued or understood?

2007-08-10 12:49:27 · 7 answers · asked by freedom first 5 in Elections

Afterall, in order to show profit and get good grades on Wall Street, these entites could cut staff and equipment and leave Americans to defend their own homes and put out their own fires.

Its the American way, right?

2007-08-10 12:47:50 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

It's fill in the blank. Any thoughts?

2007-08-10 12:45:08 · 2 answers · asked by Rachel 3 in Other - Politics & Government

2007-08-10 12:43:02 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

How does it work? What are grounds for you being arrested for having a firearm vs just going to the range?

2007-08-10 12:42:55 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

... has me leaning more towards the Marines, or if that fails, the Army. My question is whether or not either of these branches have good technical jobs that I can use in the future. My interests lie in military intelligence, namely intercepting and decoding enemy communications.

Are positions of this nature available in the Marines or Army? Also, about the new Army sign-up bonus they've been mentioning... when is that paid? After basic or after individualized training?

2007-08-10 12:38:24 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2007-08-10 12:37:44 · 11 answers · asked by mission_viejo_california 2 in Politics

Shouldn't the voters consider the most competent candidate over the candidate that most follows the party line? Isn't it time to end the partisan control of federal agencies?
With all the "broken" federal agencies, shouldn't the next president be considering removing the thick layer of political appointees from the upper ranks of federal agencies and replace them with merit based appointments?
All the upper tier candidates in both parties having been debating ideology, who's the most liberal and who's the most conservative. None are talking about who is the most competent. None are discussing how they will fix our broken system of partisan government.
Does America simply want to elect the most conservative or the most liberal candidate? Or, do we want the most competent candidate regardless of ideology?

2007-08-10 12:36:55 · 14 answers · asked by Overt Operative 6 in Politics

Is it the Army

2007-08-10 12:33:56 · 9 answers · asked by DBznut 4 in Military

My boyfriend of 3 years recently told me that he will join the army for 4 years. It's always been his dream and his grandpa is a big influence in his decision. He says its his dream, however it seems to me like he's just looking forward to the bragging rights of being in the military and big ego after he returns. He is physically fit and conditioned but He is just too optimistic about it and he already thinks he is going to be the best one there and he will have no problems at all throughout the 4 years. He has no worries about our relationship because he thinks everything will be the same after he comes back. I love him and i know he loves me too, and im not even questioning our relationship or leaving him. I just have all these worries and he has none, so i don't know if its me that is overreacting and being too dramatic or him not reacting at all at all about what might happen?

2007-08-10 12:33:51 · 14 answers · asked by Sandra! 1 in Military

I am a high school teacher. This past summer, I had a facial piercing (monroe- small beauty mark above lip). When I returned to school this week, the principal asked me to take it out. He said he did not allow any piercings, but ears.
Is this legal? I feel like I am being discriminated against. I thought I was protected by the first amendment.
The dress code does say it is up to your school principal, but does not say piercings aren't allowed. How can one piercing be okay and another not. Can he legally do this?

2007-08-10 12:30:56 · 16 answers · asked by kim3moe 2 in Law & Ethics

The law needs to be changed if it becomes another Tony Martin case, don't you think? My first thought about the burglar was "Serves you right, you ****!" Thieving is a criminal offence for god sake and so is trespass and B&E, so why should the owner be punished for preventing his rightful property from being removed?

2007-08-10 12:30:52 · 19 answers · asked by Pixxxie 4 in Law & Ethics

Although India's Muslims are ONLY 12% of the Indian population, they constitute the world's second largest muslim population. A reality which is even more saddening when one considers the fact that they were all supposed to leave India in 1947 and that India should theoretically not have a single Muslim living there.

At the rate that they are breeding, estimates indicate that by 2050 they shall possibly be 50% of the Indian population. This will have catastrophic consequences for India's already depleted and underdeveloped resources, infrastructure. But more importantly it shall cause great social and religious conflict, a civil war with another masses of killings and may even possibly bring about another partition of the country.

Do you agree with me that it is about time the Indian government starts to introduce incentives for Muslims to emigrate from India, in an endeavour to preserve Hindu demographic predominance and to preclude any possible future genocides???

2007-08-10 12:25:31 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

You have to give people some credit out there. It is very difficult to learn English on your own. It is very difficult to teach yourself something completely new. Try teaching yourselves Spanish or better yet, because Americans are supposedly so damn smart, teach yourself Arabic (writing, reading, and speaking (with a perfect Arabian accent)). I know, I know you don't have to learn those languages because you don't live in countries where those languages are the vernacular, but the point is to give credit to people. It is very difficult. When we bash others who have an accent or who don't speak English, we actually discourage them from learning. They think, "If that is the way English speakers treat people, then I don't want to be an English speaking person. " This is not a white, black, or any racial subject. It is just about language. Please give credit.

2007-08-10 12:18:19 · 26 answers · asked by Hattie Mae 3 in Immigration

(fill in the blank)

2007-08-10 12:16:44 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

Am I the only one who is having a hard time finding a candidate to support based on the current choices available? While I can find something to support in almost every candidates purported platform, none of them offer enough substance for me to throw my support behind them wholeheartedly. Are these politicians truly the best that America has to offer? Is there anyone you would like to see announce their candidacy who has yet to do so? In your opinion, are their any politicians out there who are truly for the people? I don't care what their political affiliation is, as long as they have the best interests of America, and her citizens at heart.

2007-08-10 12:15:54 · 7 answers · asked by What's The Point 3 in Politics

I have a son in-law out there and i would love to send him some things

2007-08-10 12:14:13 · 17 answers · asked by phyllis v 1 in Military

I feel that that only course of action now, that we are so far from the intent of the Constitution,is armed rebellion.The whole system that our fore fathers gave us has been hijacked by the the Socialists,Globalists,Homosexuals,Muslim threat,and the Federal Reserve.In a nut shell ,if we,who are pure in the understanding and belief of the Constitution,are to enact the change that is necesary to the original intent of our Fore Fathers then pick up your weapons because the war is about to start.Do not be blind to the religion of "Tolerance" for it will destroy us all.I have no problem of tell the alphabet agencies to kiss my ***.Bring it on.
How many of you are willing to make the sacrifice that our Fore Fathers did?Our way of life and our decendants future depends on YOUR willingness to give up your comfort and status to ensure their freedom.The time for TRUE BATTLE is at hand.The war shall start.My honor as an American and Veteran will no longer be impuned by cowardice.God Bless Us.

2007-08-10 12:14:09 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

When Will Stuff Come Out on Obama?

RUSH: Janet in... Godley, Illinois?

CALLER: (Laughs)

RUSH: Is that really Godley, Illinois?

CALLER: Yes, it is.

RUSH: Well, Janet, welcome to the program.

CALLER: Thank you. I am so excited about talking to you, and I'm so nervous. I wanted to talk about a different aspect of Obama's candidacy. No one has touched on his very far left stance on social issues such as abortion, and there was an incident here in Illinois about seven years ago, at Christ Hospital -- a suburban hospital to Chicago -- where babies who were born alive after a botched abortion, were left to die in linen closets and a nurse exposed it, and she was of course fired, and there were demonstrations, and it led the Illinois legislature to formulate the Infants Born Alive Act, which stated that infants who were born alive as the result of a botched abortion, could not be left to die, and Barack Obama voted against it.

RUSH: May I stop you right there?


RUSH: Don't lose your train of thought.


RUSH: What does it say about the state of Illinois and the country in general, when such a law is required?

CALLER: Yes, I know. It is very sad.

RUSH: A baby born alive in a botched abortion can't be killed!

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: (Gags.)

CALLER: I know. It's pretty sick.

RUSH: Okay, what did Obama do?

CALLER: He voted against that act. He went on rerecord and voted against a law to protect those children.

RUSH: Well, I’m sure he had a reason! What was it?

CALLER: You know, I could not for the life of me tell you. I'm sure it was to protect the right of the woman to choose.

RUSH: It is that, but I'll tell you what it is? There is something corrupting about the Democrat Party. Do you know that both Bill Clinton and Al Gore were pro-liers?

CALLER: No, I did not know that.

RUSH: Yeah, they were. When you seek national office in the Democrat Party, one of the first things you have to do is cash in that chip, and you have to pay homage to the sacrament of the religion of that party which is abortion. You don’t' stand a prayer of getting the nomination in the Democrat Party if you do anything that would make any abortion harder to accomplish or to get done. So that's Obama. It's clear to me he had national aspirations at the time, then he did not want to do anything that would anger the NAGs and the militant feminists, and the general leftists in the party.

CALLER: Right. I think that should be publicly known during this campaign, how far, far left he is.

RUSH: This stuff will all come out. I'm going to tell you something. Aside from the most-informed audience in media, which is you and everybody else listening to this program, most people really start paying attention to this stuff after Thanksgiving, when the primaries start.

CALLER: Mmm-hmm.

RUSH: I'll give you a great example. At this time in 2004 on the Democrat side, who was all the hullabaloo about?

CALLER: Ummmm, was it John Kerry?

RUSH: No, it was Howard Dean.


RUSH: It was Howard Dean. He was raising all this money, and why he was raising all this money, and why he's collecting more money than anybody ever knew existed out on the Internet! He's setting new examples for everybody to follow! Howard Dean, everywhere he went, was the frontrunner. And then they had this little thing called the Hawkeye Cauci, and they actually started voting, and he was nowhere! He was nowhere. John Kerry comes out of there as the guy who wins it, and that's what launched Kerry, because they said, "Wooo! He's the guy! Look at the surprise," because everybody had assumed, because the wonks and the pundits who paid attention to this stuff and believed all the polls that are out there. Howard Dean was in exactly the same place as Hillary Clinton is.

CALLER: Mmm-hmm.

RUSH: Maybe not in fundraising, maybe not as much money, but "Presumptive nominee, only a matter of time," but most people didn't start paying attention to Howard Dean and see how weird he was until late in the year, late in November and early December. So this stuff about Obama... (sigh) I don't know that Democrats are going to bring it out about him. If he happens to get the nomination or if he's chosen to be veep, you wait. This stuff will all come out. It's just waiting, but you don't want to bring it out now. People forget about it. The timing of this kind of stuff is crucial.

2007-08-10 12:13:39 · 12 answers · asked by mission_viejo_california 2 in Politics

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