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Although India's Muslims are ONLY 12% of the Indian population, they constitute the world's second largest muslim population. A reality which is even more saddening when one considers the fact that they were all supposed to leave India in 1947 and that India should theoretically not have a single Muslim living there.

At the rate that they are breeding, estimates indicate that by 2050 they shall possibly be 50% of the Indian population. This will have catastrophic consequences for India's already depleted and underdeveloped resources, infrastructure. But more importantly it shall cause great social and religious conflict, a civil war with another masses of killings and may even possibly bring about another partition of the country.

Do you agree with me that it is about time the Indian government starts to introduce incentives for Muslims to emigrate from India, in an endeavour to preserve Hindu demographic predominance and to preclude any possible future genocides???

2007-08-10 12:25:31 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

Isha, this question has nothing to do with hate nor racism. It is a valid political question. Maybe you are just not sophisticated enough to accept the practice of free speech without getting personal.

2007-08-11 03:43:18 · update #1

26 answers

Why??? Not at all, they are already getting the Haj subsidy. And, if at all the government does that; who the hell in the world would like to naturalize Indian muslims??? They are termed as 'Kafirs' in their 'very own' favorite country Pakistan.

They are like mutant parasites - you can't get rid of them through soft measures.

2007-08-10 12:41:52 · answer #1 · answered by presidentofasia 3 · 2 1

India is a secular nation because Indians beleive that everybody has the right to live here. If the freedom fighters thought that a Hindu state was needed, they would have established a theocratic state with Hinduism being the State Religion and emigrated all Muslims.
But,they did not.
For, they wished for a state where everybody lived with harmony.
Also, the population "problem" can be solved with education, not emigration.
And, what you think can have catastrophic results with countrywide communal riots.

2007-08-14 01:46:01 · answer #2 · answered by sid g 2 · 0 0

The connotation of the words you use are rather negative: saddening, breeding, genocide. You imply that Muslims are the root of problems in India. I am highly doubtful that if these Muslims left India that there would be no religious conflict or civil war. How can no other portion of the population - minority or otherwise - be held accountable for these travesties? It seems that in asking this question you want validation for your bigotry. I am always amazed at the discrimination that exists in India. I have never been, so I do not pretend to know precisely what problems exist. However, your question and evidence in the media (which I look to for insight, not theories) suggest that there are problems inherent in India's social structure. Why does the caste system continue to exist? Why is the east cowtowing to the west through their over-the-top Bollywood hotties while many in the nation cling to life without basic necessities. Why can certain peoples lay claim to India as being "our" country, leaving others (Muslims), who were born in India, to be the foreigners. Where DO you want them to go? Pakistan? Why are Indians less concerned with the presence of the imperialist British who forced hundreds of thousands of Indians to give up their languages and customs for British profit, than they are with the presence of Indian people who happen to practice Islam. Regardless of one's faith, religion should encourage solidarity, not segregation. To answer your question, no I don't agree. I think the gov't should focus on supporting their people, improving living conditions, and retaining the integrity of Indian people in this global economy. I do not want to get one more phone call from a telemarketer outsourced to India - I don't care if it is creating jobs. Those are not jobs to preserve the dignity of working people - Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, Christian or otherwise.

2016-04-01 10:25:11 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Indian Muslims have proved from time to time that their love for their motherland is no way less than the other religions.
I too agree that there are few who have spoiled the names and have joined with anti social and anti national agents. They are the real jurks, Presently all the countries face the same problem with different %.
Only the thing, what we expected the Muslim brothers to be more vocal and they should speak out aginst unjustice done by their own muslim organisation, but they keep mum.
They should be proud enough to say that they are admired over the world for having the Indian nationality with respect.
Muslims from Pakistan, Iraq, Iran and other arab world are just looked upon with question mark, at least they are free of this.

2007-08-10 19:52:41 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I am in agreement with you but the action required is ,I feel, at a different place.
Muslim bretheren will not be accepted by any country if they decide to migrate because there is no place . But there is a good solution to the very right question raised by you.

The partition of the country was illconceived,mishandled and not required at all. It was done only to capture power after independance. Without the partition there was the Muslim League asking for its share of power.There was nothing wrong in this, afterall ours was a democratic country.
Sharing of power was not palletable for the Congress party.So it agreed for the break-up of the motherland. For the elimination of any problem there is a very sciemtific method . We have to arrive at the root-cause of the problem.

On analysis we find that the root cause of the present problem very rightly highlighted by you,is the partition. The root cause of the partition was the Congress party.

Here-in lies the solution. Instead of inducing the muslims to migrate,which is impractical, we as Indians should ensure that these Congress self-seekers,paracites,goondas murderers and killers of the Mother-India never come to power again.And this is practical too.

2007-08-11 21:31:46 · answer #5 · answered by brij_26pal 3 · 3 1

Yes and no. I do think India should make all efforts to remove the most extreme Muslims within their population. If India can find a country that would be willing to accept Muslims who were willing to leave, then by all means, yes help them move. However, India is in a very precarious position. India (from what I've read in published reports) would like to become a nuclear power. Most Americans (I live in the USA) are generally supportive of this . . . however, we are not supportive of giving nuclear technology to militant Muslim states. Most Americans want the benefits of participating in economic trade with India . . . however, should India support a militant Muslim population, we would withdraw that support (including jobs outsourced to India). Most Americans look forward to a long, mutually beneficial political relationship with India . . . you are a natural choice for keeping China in check . . . however, we would be forced to look elsewhere should India support a militant Muslim population. Americans are very pro-India right now. We are excited about the future relationship of the two countries. In order to maintain this excitement, India faces the Herculean task of managing it's Muslim population, eradicating extremists within the population, and not creating an international refugee crisis. All eyes are watching to see how India will handle the situation.

2007-08-12 02:36:09 · answer #6 · answered by CHARITY G 7 · 0 1

YR 1947 has already given answer of muslim minds of India and Pakistan.
In fact he has given a solution so as to create several Gujrats in India
Great idea by yr 1947 to kill hindus and create Gujrats
Ha Ha ha
Shivas Tandava nearing for an un finished business of year 1947
Those who needs kicks can not be given incentives

2007-08-17 21:03:42 · answer #7 · answered by shiva 1 · 0 0

I, myself, am living in what was once a 'Christian nation'. There is a board online called Stormfront (don't know if you've heard of it) and it is full of white nationalists who want to preserve their culture and kick us out. I know that feels horrible, so I don't know how to answer this question. Yes, some "Muslims" give Islam a bad name, but many don't and if they are willing to integrate, I don't see the problem. Look at Shahrukh Khan, Aamir Khan, Saif Ali Khan etc. They seem like decent people to me.

I know a Muslim from the Khoja community. They are also known as the Agakhanis (I think they are the ones who converted from Hinduism to Islam years ago), and she is a nice person. She has no problems with our beliefs

2007-08-10 22:31:18 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Let us review the recent History of Hindustan step by step--
1. The Britishers decided to relinquish their rule in India..
2. The Muslims represented that they need a seperate Islamic nation for themselves , free of Hindus & other nonMuslims.
3. India was partitioned & pakistan was created for muslims.It was expected that all Muslims from the peninsula would leave India & emigrate to pakistan
4. Some muslims , however,remained in India voluntarily, fully knowing that they would not be staying in a Muslim State.
5. Since they did not migrate to pakistandemanded by them , it was logically expected that theywould follow the unIslamic Constitution & laws of India .
6. Instead of doing this, they are trying to resist & defy the Constitution, the laws & the Courts of India .
7. Most of Them seem to be loyal to Muslim pakistan, which forced 4 wars on india & got bloody nose every time.
8. Such Muslims have no business to continue here since they R fifth columnists, & loyal to our hostile country--Pakistan.
9. They should have no right to vote , since they do not fulfil the requirements of a loyal Indian citizen.
10.They must not be pampered here & should be made to --ether
A) leave India promptly & go to pakistan or Saudi, or
B) live & work here without voting rights.
Is there a single statement in my note above which is not completely logical ?The present Congress Govt is bending backwards to appease Muslims , hence their terrorist activities R thereby increasing.
All vigilant Indians must throw out the pseudo secular Govt & the rains of power must come to Loyal Hindu Indians.

Ramsay james,

2007-08-10 18:56:28 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

The safest place for muslims in the world is India. What more incentives can India give to entice muslims to move away fro india. India is the safest place for Muslims even for Saudi Kings .

2007-08-11 22:05:05 · answer #10 · answered by Lavgan 4 · 1 0

If India wants to claim that she is a democratic state: how could anyone support this religious cleansing you propose. It's not even ethnic cleansing because they are the same people with a different religion. This "problem" is not unique to India, as you may well understand.

2007-08-18 11:22:18 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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