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Politics & Government - 9 August 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

promotes violence, similar to Hitler's "Mein Kampf"???
How do you like that?

2007-08-09 03:32:06 · 5 answers · asked by topink 6 in Government


"younger and college educated Hispanics in particular offer fertile ground for republicans, new data shows"

How can this be? A question some liberals are too scared to answer honestly.

There is more than one answer.

2007-08-09 03:30:24 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

ahmed from ethiopia

2007-08-09 03:30:08 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Embassies & Consulates

Does anyone else think that the smoking ban is a bunch of crap? I do. I smoke and my feelings aren't really hurt that I won't beable to smoke at a restaurant after I eat , but I don't eat out that much and I can go hours without a cigarette. I just don't think that anyone has the right to tell people where they can smoke. I think it should be up to the owner of the establishment. And if you are a non-smoker go somewhere else. Don't push your issues on me. If they can ban smoking.....what's next? Why not sugar-it makes people fat, why not trans fats-it kills people, why not alcohol-it kills people?I rarely drink and I don't drink in public and I NEVER drink and drive, so shouldn't drinking (in public) be banned because it is a hazard to MY health.I shouldn't have to worry about driving my own car minding my own business, prolly smoking a cigarette and have to worry about being killed by a drunk driver! To me drunk driving poses more of a health risk than smoking in public!

2007-08-09 03:24:39 · 5 answers · asked by Nico 4 in Law & Ethics

Example: 9/11, not offering aid to Katrina victims in time,Roberto Gonzales scandal,Iraq War, the list goes on!

2007-08-09 03:18:17 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Really, don't just say the feds will come get you, if you don't know for sure. Do you have any experience or know anyone who did not file a federal income tax return?

2007-08-09 03:16:39 · 12 answers · asked by ? 6 in Law & Ethics

This is a project im doing for law academy about search warrants. Subject A lives in Town B and commits a crime in Town B by stealing some stuff from a local merchant. Subject A then moves 300 miles ( still in the same state) to Town C (for college or work) with the stolen stuff. However Subject A's family still lives in Town B in the same house. Amount of stolen goods = 1500 dollars. Can the State Police get a search warrant for Subject's A location in Town C. How hard would it be to get the search warrant? Do they need hardcore evidence? Lets say Subject A is already being charged with petite larceny is there more incentive to get the search warrant 300 miles away? Is it normal for state police to issue a warrant so far away even though in the same state? or is the time and resources needed not worth their time for such crime? How hard would it be for police to realize Subject A's new location if he was living on a campus for college?

2007-08-09 03:15:39 · 4 answers · asked by mastaj121 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

she is under the impression that the new 18 is 17 because a police officer told her she was legally responsible for herself at 17 yrs. old ( can be tryed as an adult) is what i believe he meant but she doesn't think that what it was. but can she get into trouble with the police or family and childrens sevices either one? oh and we live in Il. I know each state is different.

2007-08-09 03:09:58 · 15 answers · asked by lacedjewel1968 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-08-09 03:05:53 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

A friend of mine that just got out of the navy and was wondering how to get ahold of her certified cpr card and the college credits she earned in A-School. She got out on a ELS admin discharge from the navy and wants to get the credits she got while she was in.

2007-08-09 03:04:16 · 5 answers · asked by Gir B 2 in Military

Do you support Mr.Obama?If not, who do you support and why?

2007-08-09 03:04:08 · 16 answers · asked by ajisfresh_*™ 2 in Elections

This week, a timid Congress caved in to President Bush and his demand for more out-of-control authority to spy on Americans...

Aren’t you sick and tired of Congress failing to defend freedom from Bush administration?

2007-08-09 03:02:01 · 24 answers · asked by Mr. Beef Stroganoff 6 in Politics

2007-08-09 02:54:40 · 16 answers · asked by SEXIEST AVATAR™ is HERE. 6 in Politics

I am tired and frustrated that persons here illegally are given any credence at all, and I just want to know some intelligent reasons why this is even an issue.

Forget the "guest worker" or "humanitarian" points as they are invalid.

I think we should treat all these illegals the same way that their home contry treats us should we decide to go there illegally. Check out the Mexican laws.

2007-08-09 02:51:41 · 18 answers · asked by bikeworks 7 in Immigration

Before we knew Iraq was a mistake, there was a significant outcry against Cheney, Bush, blood for oil, Haliburton, etc.

You'd have to be a complete moron not to recognize these rants were all about "anti-capatilism". So, if liberals own the 3 primary parts of governemt, will they legislate to outlaw certain capitalist practices, to make them a crime? What's the fiirst target?

2007-08-09 02:51:13 · 15 answers · asked by ? 7 in Politics

I'm not talking about the Board of Directors or personal of Yahoo, just those that might be using all this information for 'tracking'.

2007-08-09 02:47:58 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Radical Islamists planned and carried out the 9/11 attack either want the infidels of America to convert or die.

Who would you start negotiations with?

What would you say/offer?

2007-08-09 02:45:38 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I have talked to many people who say that they have come across many lazy recruiters, who will not got the extra mile to search for all the options that there are available to get one in. Some have told me that they have gone to recruiters who have told them"Beacause of your criminal past,or not having a H.S. Diploma, etc...you will never get in"..and then they come across other recruiters who are very motivated and willing to explore all the options to help one, and they have gotten them in.Well my recruiter seems not too interested in working hard on my enlistment...so I was wondering if, i were to offer him a $500.00 AMEX gift card or something, for him to be motivated to help, if something like this would help my chances.

2007-08-09 02:41:25 · 16 answers · asked by Antonio R 2 in Military

p.s. briefly what is a liberal exactly?

2007-08-09 02:39:15 · 14 answers · asked by just_a_hick 4 in Politics

Why do people have the impression that the Democrats give lower taxes to the poor and middle class, while the Republicans raise their taxes and give tax cuts to the rich?
It isn't true, check out this website if you don't believe me

I will compare some tax rates from 2000 and 2007 for various incomes, these are real numbers not guesses or anything else.
2000-$1,500 or 15% of income
2007-$1,109 or 11.1% of income

2000-$4,988 or 16.% of income
2007-$4,109 or 13.7% of income

2000-$7,788 or 25.9% of income
2007-$6424 or 16.1% of income

2000-$25,681 or 25.7% of income
2007-$22,111 or 22.1% of income

As you can see, with all the incomes even the poor and middle class the taxes paid in 2007 are less than in 2000. And why does the person making $100,000 pay 0.2% less in 2000 than the person making $40,000? I thought Clinton and the democrats wanted to help the middle class?

2007-08-09 02:36:53 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Conservatives do not condone this Administration. Not only have they attacked a country without just cause, but they have increased spending astronomically. Most conservatives do not vote on religious grounds. Give me a break. We want small government and more economic and civil freedom (individual responsibility), so why the attacks? Can't you see the polls? We want change, too, but we don't want liberals who believe in socialism. The GOP on the local level is involved in helping minorities build businesses and training entrepreuers, but our local media never reports that. I have been to many of the workshops, and have met many bright, willing men and women, but it's 100% under the radar.

2007-08-09 02:35:25 · 11 answers · asked by Stereotypemebecauseyouknow 7 in Elections

my employer telling because of no business we are not rights to get full amount of salary...actually we do serve him neary 10 month for year good bussnus.Is this fair...how we can adjust this.which autority must meet regarding this?

2007-08-09 02:26:36 · 7 answers · asked by Kelvin 2 in Law & Ethics

I was flipping through the channels and saw he was interviewing someone from Veterans Against the Iraq War. He basically tried to completely discredit this guy who had served in the military for nine years because he does not believe in the war in Iraq. Among the ridiculous statements Bill made was that "Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is left wing propaganda"....(don't even get me started about propaganda since you are employed by Fox News)..I worked at a homeless shelter in 1997 and there were people living there suffering from PTSD decades after Vietnam ended. They must have been part of some vast left-wing conspiracy, completing destroying their lives just to discredit you. Bill, when exactly did you pick up a weapon and fight in Iraq, because until you do, your opinion means nothing compared to the opinion of someone who served there. This guy was in Iraq fighting in 120 degree heat while you were back here sexually harrassing women in your free time.

2007-08-09 02:25:48 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

18-21 jury duty

2007-08-09 02:24:54 · 7 answers · asked by Megan 2 in Law & Ethics

Okay my question is this, why is it that the peaceful Muslims of this great country are not rallying together to put an end to these Muslim extremists? They say they do not agree with it but they do nothing to change it. Okay they might not be able to put an end to it, but at least they can oppose it right?

2007-08-09 02:23:48 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Mr. President. When are you going to help the ordinary "man". This great country has the resourses yet the average man has to work his tail off to make ends meet evey month. Don't you think it's about time you helped US here in the USA instead of just helping other people around the world. do you know the old saying CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME.
Lower gas prices, so the average "joe" can at least afford to drive to work.
Lower mortgage rates so that the average "joe" can afford a home for his family.
Lower taxes so that the average "Joe is not loosing a quarter of his income to the government.
You probably don't remember what it's like, to not be able to afford the little things like buying your chld a new pair of shoes for the start of School. Living in the USA is becoming unbearably expensive.
Go and have a look at the price of food. When was the last time you visited a Grocery Store, and I'm not talking about the Gourmet grocery stores . Help your self by helping the people

2007-08-09 02:23:42 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Does every legally working american receive an annual statement from the social security office? I've been working for almost 10 yrs but never received one.

2007-08-09 02:22:31 · 4 answers · asked by NYCgal 2 in Government

I just asked another question and this one popped into my head. With all this ant-American sentiment does the international community realize that a great deal of Americans I dare say a majority (info not just from this forum but friend family and strangers in a recent visit to the states) are swinging back to isolationism...is that why they want?

I'm asking without prejudice but surely they realize that we are easily a self sustaining country. And when I say Isolationism I refer to the pre WW2 era were we traded only with the American continent, Great Britain and a few assorted other countries but gave no foreign aid and made no international military movements such as those dictated from NATO.

So worlds were the US does not belong to NATO and does not participate in the many humanitarian missions we conduct.

In essences the US acts just like China foreign policy wise.

2007-08-09 02:21:51 · 11 answers · asked by Commodevil 3 in Military

im a single mother living off 6.25 hr,having to pay for a 52 dollar gas drive off is hard.does the owner not have insurance to cover this kind of loss

2007-08-09 02:19:27 · 5 answers · asked by baby d 1 in Law & Ethics

fedest.com, questions and answers