I have traveled, lived and worked in 42 of the U.S. states, over the last 40+ years.(As a contract q.c. inspector). The citizens of each of those states believe that their politicians are the ONLY politicians, in Washington, who are honest,sincere, and correct, the problems are with the other states politicians! In going to another state, those
citizens believe the same of their politicians! So on,and so forth. MY PLAN WILL NEVER BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN !!!! The politicians will NEVER permit this to occure!! I call this "across the state line's voting". Lets start in Maine, those voters elect the politicians from Nevada, the Nevada voters elect those from Georgia, the Georgia voters elect those from Oregan, Oregan voters elect those from Vermont, etc. Always one state voters electing the politicians from at least 300 miles away !!!!
Folks, in one complete 6 year election cycle, we Americans can clean up the mess in Washington, D.C.!Unconstitutional?? They stomp, it daily!!!
Uncle Wil
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