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Politics & Government - 20 July 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

It is 100 degrees outside where I live. See, Al Gore and Robert Kennedy are right. Global warming is REAL! Our planet is getting hot and we need to cool it down. Just a few months ago it wasn't that hot. The arctic is melting.
Please by new light bulbs and stand in lines to buy canvas bags. Buy new hybrid cars and throw your old ones away.

Al Gore wants to save our planet. Why do only us liberal voters care about how hot our planet is????

2007-07-20 09:32:38 · 17 answers · asked by Granny Gruntz 3 in Politics

I have a friend that has 850 in rent due on the 15 of the month and she gave her landlord only 750 of the rent, the landlord said that she has to come up with the rest of the money within three days or he would be served with an eviction notice, if he dosent come up with the money will he be intitled to the money just paid to the landlord?

2007-07-20 09:32:21 · 9 answers · asked by Dee J 2 in Law & Ethics

Personally, I think they were just doing what normal teenagers do, and that they don't do it anymore, and it's nice to see a bit of honesty in the houses of parliament... what about you?

2007-07-20 09:32:06 · 44 answers · asked by floppity 7 in Law & Ethics

why do i get only 300 eu p/m when others get double and triple money working less than i do and spend double this money just for clothes?? you think it's fair?

2007-07-20 09:31:58 · 9 answers · asked by Mer0pe 2 in Other - Politics & Government

are we not only paying for it tax-wise, but at the pump too? if the war has contributed to the high gas prices, then is the war benefitting the oil companies profits?

2007-07-20 09:31:43 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Do you think that our next president should be a Republican or a Democrat? Why? Who?

2007-07-20 09:30:47 · 14 answers · asked by slatty 2 in Elections

Will America change from A.D. to after Bush or A.B.?

2007-07-20 09:25:53 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

so why do the marines dog on the army? the army has infantryman, snipers, tankers, scouts, and etc just like the marines. the only difference i see is the marines bootcamp is 3-4 weeks longer and maybe the yelling. the army has rangers and special forces what does the marines have? we're out there everyday fighting just like the marines. it seems like more soldiers fight and die than the marines do. it's understandable to dog on the air force and navy because they dont have any combat jobs besides the dudes that fly the airplanes. and if theyre lucky theyll get to roll out with us or the marines. so dont get your heads too big marines on the trash talking because we do the exact same **** you do.

2007-07-20 09:22:58 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I was asking if you Americans (I'm Italian) would ever give up weapons and I had this answer from this user
My ancestors found out the hard way what happens when you let the government disarm you. When the police have all the guns, you have a police state! >>
I'm really interested in knowing how many other Americans have the same opinion!


2007-07-20 09:20:46 · 21 answers · asked by Kissa 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

My dad died in Missouri, and had allot of money. There was no will my step mom told me. My dad and I were very, very, close and it is hard to believe that he would of not left me anyhting. If my name was not on anything, do I have a right to it as his son? what can I do to find out I have not been lied to?

2007-07-20 09:19:30 · 18 answers · asked by timothy_a_turner 1 in Law & Ethics

mind, be a socialist?

Socialism IS Communism in slow motion.

This is a fact.

2007-07-20 09:17:39 · 19 answers · asked by Chris Chong Kim 1 in Politics

2007-07-20 09:17:32 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Whenever someone asks about immigration laws they are greeted with stupid answers. Like the girl who wanted to know if she found out her non american husband used her if he woudl be deported.She was told to not marry him because he was an immigrant. Also many people ask questions about becoming citizens legally and are greeted with "stay in your own country" What's the point in that?

2007-07-20 09:15:16 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

If prohibition didn't work with alcohol then why should it work with cannabis?

When cannabis was declassified to class C, cannabis use dramatically decreased in the UK. Should we then assume that if it gets reclassified to class B, cannabis use will increase?

Have the government got this right? Do not people react against such infringement on there liberty by doing it all the more? Is it cool to be a rebel?

What say ye?

2007-07-20 09:13:18 · 6 answers · asked by tuthutop 2 in Law & Ethics

im 15 and im about to go to high school, as a 9th grader... i live in FLORIDA
i want to be a lawyer and id like to know if there is anything i can do this early to get my career going, and get a better law school..

2007-07-20 09:12:33 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics


What are the odds of a soldier taking advantage of their school benifit?

2007-07-20 09:10:51 · 12 answers · asked by gthesweetheart 2 in Military

The New York time reports that Hillary is now showing cleavage to prove to Mr. Edwards that she's not a man. Will this work?

2007-07-20 09:09:37 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

My doctor prescribed me a dog for my very bad anxiety disorder. I am also disabled, but that is not what the dog is for. He is to help me cope with my anxiety. This landlord refuses the dog. What can I do? Thank you!!

2007-07-20 09:08:29 · 8 answers · asked by angel_rat_83 1 in Law & Ethics

What is your view on abortion? Do you think it is good or bad? Why?

This is information I got on the subject which ultimately led me to believe abortion is bad:

Members of Yahoo Answers get on the subject of abortion, these are peoples thoughts;

Question: “Okay - Senator Bird is rabidly AGAINST dog fighting but abortion is okay? Baby...eh, but dog...an abomination?”

Responses: (not full responses only parts)
-”dogs actually feel pain, unlike a fetus” (received 9 thumbs up 11 thumbs down)

-”Dogs are already, like, born.” (received 8 thumbs up 9 thumbs down)

-A dog is conscious and can suffer.
A fertilized egg or blastocyst cannot.
UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERENCE????” (received 10 thumbs up 10 thumbs down)

-”Abortion: Removing a fetus. Not killing a baby.” (received 5 thumbs up 8 thumbs down)

I’m going to just stop now, to read more go to place listed in sources (#1)

(Continued in added details)

2007-07-20 09:08:09 · 70 answers · asked by JohNy 2 in Politics

Please be specific....and logical as if you were presenting a a case in court. This means hillbilly sounding answers are not welcomed (this means you..Bushies).

2007-07-20 09:04:52 · 6 answers · asked by ningis n 1 in Politics

2007-07-20 09:03:04 · 12 answers · asked by irish dubliner 2 in Law & Ethics

I owe bank of america $1,700 and I just had a baby and have a 2 year old. I am not married and havent worked for 3 months, I cant go back to work cause I cant afford a babysitter. They sent me a letter saying that they want me to be found in contempt of court. I have 2 kids and cant work , what if I go to jail, who will watch my kids. I am really scared and dont know what to do. They sent me a letter of interrogatories and I didnt fill it out because they wanted a lot of personal information from me. And because I didnt they want me to go to jail for 5 days. What can I do?

2007-07-20 09:01:52 · 13 answers · asked by cruz o 1 in Law & Ethics

Like if someone owed him a favor or if he pardoned someone and in return they let him pitch a game and it turned out he's got a wicked curve and a fastball that topped out at 102 mph and his command was just spot on. Would it matter if he pitched against one of the better teams or not?

2007-07-20 09:00:38 · 11 answers · asked by Chris D 4 in Other - Politics & Government



Well there goes our right to protest the war. BushFraud supporters, flag wavers and war cheerleaders are going to have a field day with these orders.

2007-07-20 09:00:23 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

After parents sacrifice so much to send them to college so they can get a good job only to have businesses do this.


Something must be done to stop this.

2007-07-20 08:59:37 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

where are the demonstrations?

2007-07-20 08:59:36 · 46 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

In view of the social problems that alcohol produces, it's addictive properties and in line with the governments hardening line on cannabis, I propose that;

1. Alcohol should be banned.

2. Anyone found in the possession of alcohol should be made to carry out communitiy service.

3. Repeat offenders should be sent to jail.

4. Brewers should be given a minimum 5 year jail sentence.

What say ye?

2007-07-20 08:58:47 · 38 answers · asked by tuthutop 2 in Law & Ethics

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