Apparently in the liberal world, loyalty to one's country means to bash, criticize, undermine and discredit whenever possible. All the world's ills must be traced back to the USA and it's embrace of free markets. So how is that Loyalty? Counterintuitive, isn't it?
The liberal will claim that their criticism is a form of patriotsm, but do not be fooled. If such criticism was indeed intended to equal Loyalty, you would find Liberals criticising, for example, the poor for their own plight instead of blaming society, racism, capitalism, etc. If criticising meant loyalty, the Liberals might point out how poverty is largely a choice in the USA, and that perhaps the poor might do well to avoid crime and drugs and pre-marital childbirth. In pointing out their flaws, this would show true solidarity with the poor. But, don't hold you breath for that to happen...
But of course, as will many things, the Liberal is singing one tune while his feet are moving to another song.
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