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Politics & Government - 21 May 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

You insisit that women should be able to choose whatever or not to abort a innocent child. Well the next time a man kills a women or a man kills another man we will be sure to tell you to mind your own business cause this is a man matter. And that you have no voice in the matter cause your women, and the perpatrators where men, same thing as you pro choice people.
somebody dies and only women get the voice.
(Trying to speak from the point of veiw of Pro choice.)

(Yes i know it would be considered Sexist but that is what i have to say to you pro choice ingrates.)

2007-05-21 03:18:29 · 26 answers · asked by Proud Michigander 3 in Politics

When it's close to the trillion dollars, you're talking real money.

2007-05-21 03:13:08 · 18 answers · asked by Lou B 4 in Military

Last Thursday at my apartment complex, a kid drove his truck into my car. After the accident, i got out of the car and asked him for his insurance. I told him the damage was minor so i didnt want to file a police report but that i did want to call his insurance company. This was Thursday of last week. His insurance company is telling me to get an appraisal but they told me he has not answered their phone calls to claim responsibility. What can i do, if i dont have a police report? Is it still too late to file one? There were witnesses at the apartment that saw everything. The guy who hit me lives at the complex... Any ideas anyone?

2007-05-21 03:09:16 · 12 answers · asked by soobielover26 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

All these wars have a similar component and that is they involve people . People in the war on poverty who are not able to function in society because of learning , drug or mental problems . The war on drugs because so much money is at stake for those wishing to put their own lives on the line to make money selling and trading drugs .
And the war on terrorism which is one that is about practicing the religious traditions followed by hundreds of millions of people . While we may feel it is wrong to stone a woman to death for having an affair to these people it is a way of life .
Since we do not respect these people because of their belief's and expect change are we doomed to fail no matter how many soldiers we have in the middle east .

2007-05-21 03:09:00 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I need to find info on the policy of using the pink ribbon logo for my own use.

2007-05-21 03:06:16 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Civil Suit for declaration filed in Hon`ble High court of Delhi.Injunction order passed. Disobeyed-Contempt filed. Main suit transferred to District Court-Delhi-on valuation ground. Later on Ccp also transferred to Distt. Court-for trial. Separate trial held. Suit Dismissed in 2004 but Trial of Ccp was going on. Now the court held that since the main suit is already dismissed then Ccp is not maintanable. No appeal filed as the main suit dismissed under 32 of Arb. Act.1940. Now pl. suggest that what to do otherwise property in question could not be re-stored.
Rajan Sharma.

2007-05-21 03:06:01 · 3 answers · asked by rajan sharma 2 in Law & Ethics

having visited america on a few occassions, this is one of the things that struck me as "odd"

2007-05-21 02:59:36 · 19 answers · asked by Lee Stephenson 1 in Government

Why would George Bush feel that Jimmy Carter is irrevelvant? Mr. Carter is a great statesman, ambassador and can actually speak English. He could have taught Mr Bush a great deal but Mr "Ego" Bush thinks he knows everything but by observation, he don't know Jack. Please explain how we got such a stupid, corrupt administration in our country, not once, but twice.

2007-05-21 02:57:38 · 42 answers · asked by LINDA L 2 in Politics

Start with our president he could give a few oil wells to help our budget?

2007-05-21 02:55:29 · 3 answers · asked by Gypsy Gal 6 in Politics

2007-05-21 02:53:16 · 13 answers · asked by Gypsy Gal 6 in Immigration

I don't know why I would take Nyquill and drive but what if i did.

2007-05-21 02:46:29 · 10 answers · asked by Patrick N 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-05-21 02:44:15 · 10 answers · asked by April 2 in Government

I am in the Marine Corps DEP. I leave June 25th. My recruiter says it will be open in about a year. I don't want to jepordize my leave date that much. Any comments are greatly appreciated. Thank you.

2007-05-21 02:43:55 · 12 answers · asked by crim1989 1 in Military

In two years I will be graduating from college with a BA in English, a Psych minor, and some science background. I'm not really sure what I want to do for a career yet, but I know I won't be happy with my job unless I am happy with where I choose to live.

I am dissatisfied with America in a lot of ways, and I refuse to stay here merely because it is where I grew up. If I do choose to stay here, I need to at least be sure that I do so because it is the best fit for me.

I am looking for a place that is very liberal-minded, culturally and environmentally aware. I don't mind a higher cost of living- I am willing to pay the price for a cleaner, safer home. America is almost too large for me. I would possibly be interested in an area with greater history... England is a possibility. I also like more urban areas.

Any suggestions?

2007-05-21 02:41:35 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

MAKE SURE he gets his meds.

2007-05-21 02:32:15 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics


32 were still 'reading it' today at the time of the poll, yet they are supposed to vote on whether to debate it, today.

What do you think, is that the way our system is supposed to run?

2007-05-21 02:31:02 · 8 answers · asked by DAR 7 in Immigration

By the way we instituted a "Gulag" for terrorism "suspects", I get the strong impression that there is an unmistakable element of cruelty in this administration !

By the way that this administration has over reacted to 9/11, there is a palpable air of cruelty within its ranks.

The reasonable and prudent reaction to our enemies has always been a respectable given with our country.

Why have we so obviously over reacted this time?

There can be only one answer.

Sadism !

There is a critical mass of sadism in this administration !

You can pick up on it when listening to the way Cheney, Bush, Rove, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, etc., make statements and answer questions.

I hope some other people out there are beginning to see the unmistakable evidence of SADISM in this administration.

There is the biggest concentration or critical mass of sadistic feelings and actions in this administration that has existed since Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan !!!!!

2007-05-21 02:29:02 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I am praying for your family and for all the beautiful families that send their loved ones to protect our Nation.
HONOR soldiers show us , & respect to their commanders are miracles most of us could NOT perform.
What MIGHTY people our soldiers are! To go out as Christ did to do what they are commanded to do.
A soldiers belief system is an example IN courage that WE ALL must duplicate.
Thank YOU all families that make the sacrifice to be with out them for their enlistment.
YOU all should be validated as the BEST of the STRONG, Validated and celebrated for YOUR GIFT to our country , in a time when people forget HOW WONDERFUL our LIBERTIES are.
The PURSUIT of happiness we are guarenteed is KEPT into view because our SOLDIERS and THEIR families LOVE of the USA~ through the ages many lives changed by loss for US.
Dear God,I pray as I hope others do~for the saftey of our people.Amen LOVE http://360.yahoo.com/debrazgalaxy

2007-05-21 02:24:48 · 16 answers · asked by dbzgalaxy 6 in Military

Support for the war came from various special interests that had agitated for an invasion of Iraq since 1998. The Iraq Liberation Act, passed by Congress and signed into law by President Clinton, stated that getting rid of Saddam Hussein was official U.S. policy. This policy was carried out in 2003.

Chew on this Demotards

2007-05-21 02:23:21 · 3 answers · asked by pedohunter1488 4 in Military

The terrorist are bogged down in an iraqi quagmire...way to busy to attack us
The economy is the envy of the ENTIRE WORLD
the supreme court is much more conservative at last
no more partial birth abortion
Is there anything bush cant do????? I say lets change the constitution and give him four more!!!!!

2007-05-21 02:19:05 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

In Discovery channel, proved T-34 as Queen of all Tanks in ww2
and impression for modern Tanks.

2007-05-21 02:17:37 · 9 answers · asked by nmkmathan 3 in Military

Our company employs lots of Polish staff, and many of the young women seem to get pregnant very quickly after coming to the UK. I don't think it's to get benefits (these people are in the UK legally, and they waive their rights to benefits for a certain period after arriving - also, many of them actually travel home to give birth back in Poland).

Is it purely because Poland is a catholic country, or is something else going on?

PS: This isn't intended to be a racist question - I am genuinely interested.

2007-05-21 02:13:32 · 18 answers · asked by pinksparklybirdy 2 in Immigration

A recent call to court has a line in a witness statement as:

"At the time of the offence no Police Radios or mobile phones were not in use or transmitting." (My quotes).

In relation to a temporary speed-gun (type LTI 20/20 TS/M) and the double negative could I argue that the gun might well have been incorrect from interference from a large number of sources? How would a court react?


2007-05-21 02:11:27 · 18 answers · asked by christb 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

I think there should be a petition asking him to move to Venezuela. He's the most anti-American former President we've ever had. I think he'd like it there.

2007-05-21 02:10:52 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

* Jews of Israel are the known enemy for the Palestinians, drove & deprived them from their homes, land & country.
Put them under seige till this minute, daily killing them & destroying their homes.
* The pro west arab government (Egypt,Jordan,Syria,Lebanon,Lybia,Old Iraqi government), had killed palestinians in total more than the number killed by Israel. Example :- 1970 in jordan, then in Syria, then throughn out of Lebanon to Tunisia by the syrian army while in Lebanon, satisfying by that the aim of israelin 1982.
* It is very sad to mention all these facts, But the Palestinians are hit & squezed from evey direction.
** I don't blame the Arab people! i only blame their betraying governments, who use their weapon only against their citizens.

2007-05-21 02:06:51 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

What is their obsession with forcing people into the military...cant they see that our present army is the best in the world, nobody can beat it..so whats the point of dragging up the draft? Just because the dems under Roosevelt, Truman, and Johnson drafted so many people doesnt make it a necessity nowadays does it???

2007-05-21 02:01:50 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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