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Politics & Government - 29 April 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Also the war supporters look like they are all sucking lemons. Why?

2007-04-29 20:17:46 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

why or why not?

2007-04-29 20:10:13 · 15 answers · asked by Jay 2 in Elections

I think poisoning someone is more cruel than chopping his head off or shooting his head.

Beheading is an instant death also shooting.

2007-04-29 20:09:55 · 11 answers · asked by Erika 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-04-29 20:05:27 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Embassies & Consulates

The cops just get worse year after year.

2007-04-29 20:03:32 · 13 answers · asked by Mister Bald 5 in Law Enforcement & Police

For the first white female or For the first black male president

2007-04-29 20:01:16 · 15 answers · asked by dan_198660120 3 in Elections

my father is a disabled vietnam vet, he recieves disability, and a disbled check from the vets. A while ago they made him get a payee for his vets check because he has a drug problem. Can social security also do the same? Can he fight it if they try? he helps me with money also, if he does have to get a payee will he still be able to help me, since he earned that money from being disabled? Please help, im scared for us.

2007-04-29 19:55:28 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

do you believe in global warming?why and why not?

2007-04-29 19:53:40 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

As An AUSTRALIAN I Saw Bush in the early years he was very cleaver but what happend to him that he cant even talk normaly any more

2007-04-29 19:43:52 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Hi! Everyone,
Recently, I received a few email from someone out there, stranger for me, delivered by postmaster mentioning something about 'being the next kin' or 'beneficiary' of their own personal fund in a very big security international bank company whether they are in serious illness condition or already pass away with a lot of money to send to me if I agree to be their next kin or beneficiary. If as soon as I agree and I reponds to their mail all about this by giving my personal data to them they say they will guiding me through a project which leading me to help other by this fund. I don't know and understand much of this issue or matter. I just feel very bad and a lot of sympathy for any of their life problem. I just wish to help them without making any trouble to anyone including myself. What is all about? I don't understand at all. Can I trust this thing as a desperate needed help request? I'm in very doubt about it. If it is true, then what should I do? Is it good for me?

2007-04-29 19:42:49 · 14 answers · asked by Khamirul Bin Mataree 5 in Law & Ethics

I am moving out of my current apartment when my lease ends at the end of June. My landlords emailed me tonight and said that their leasing agent has a key and will be showing my apartment to several interested parties starting May 1. I've had problems in the past with them wanting to enter my apartment without notice for a repair and really butted heads with them (all I wanted was notice). I'm a single woman living alone and really don't feel safe with people entering my apt without my knowledge. The two units above me have the exact same layout and are empty, so it seems more logical to show those anyway. But in Texas, aren't they legally required to provide 24 hrs notice before entering, except in the case of emergencies? Any advice on how to aproach this with my landlords? They are very difficult and abrasive people. I don't trust their leasing agent and REALLY don't want people in my apt with no one here. Advise from any Tx lawyers especially would be appreicated! Thanks guys!

2007-04-29 19:39:57 · 5 answers · asked by Iris 4 in Law & Ethics

Hamas were elected by democracy. If the Bush admin. do think that democracy should be encouraged and nurtured in the Middle East, why does the U.S. administration then ignore what should, according to their own hopes, must be a step in the right direction? Is it a case of President Bush paying lip-service to the idea of democracy, yet in practice disliking what it produces? Surely the U.S. should realise that democracies can produce governments which do not agree with them, but that such is the price of freedom?

2007-04-29 19:34:19 · 12 answers · asked by Chaucer 1 in Government


2007-04-29 19:28:40 · 4 answers · asked by Betty B 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Their interpretations of the Constitution don't seem to make any sense. Do they have a different version of the Constitution than the rest of us?

Where in the Constitution does the president have power to spy on the American people, wage war without a declaration of war, torture people whom it calls "enemy combatants" or interfering in a family's medical decisions? Can somebody explain what language in the Constitution supports the actions of the Bush Administration?

2007-04-29 19:20:03 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I'm doing homework...and I want your opinion. It'll help LOTS when I finally start writing the research paper that's due TOMMOROW. (I know. I know. That's terrible that I haven't written it. Oh well).

Do you know what euthanasia is? It deals with someone intentionally helping a sick person kill themselves, (usually the sick people are in commas or are brain dead, or "vegetables"). The sick people don't want to live anymore (sometimes because their in pain. sometimes they aren't conscious) so they ask friends, family, doctor's or nurses to help them die, by either giving them an injection, pulling a plug, or NOT giving them necessary food or water.

Tell me if you already knew what euthanasia was before I told you. Had you heard that word before? And tell me your opinion about it. Do you think it should be allowed in the U.S.?

Feel free to explain your opinion as much as you want. OR you can answer as short as: Never heard of it. Yes it should be allowed. Don't know.

2007-04-29 19:17:49 · 9 answers · asked by ina 1 in Law & Ethics

i dont know y US soldiers in iraq ? do thay liberate us ? but now it is more worse than saddam time ? do we have the right to do any think to liberate our self's agian?

2007-04-29 19:09:11 · 14 answers · asked by almudaris 1 in Military

Designed by Americans,built In America by Americans, with American parts?

Name five.......

2007-04-29 19:05:56 · 31 answers · asked by Mr. KnowItAll 7 in Politics

I would like to go back to the days when soldiers wouldn't be paid so much, they're taking advantage of our war on terrorism to make "careers" for themselves. The problem is, by offering soldiers money you encourage the women not to marry rich and the men to not become rich by going to college and get really good jobs.

We should instead have a system where people who don't have a certain amount of income be drafted into the military and we pay them almost nothing, that would be a lot better than our current system. I married rich myself, I think thats the best thing to do!

2007-04-29 19:03:38 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

But I still think Bush & Cheney are drunken war criminals.

2007-04-29 18:59:30 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I don't mean to disrespect anyone, but is it only me who sees footage of the war, Bush and his decisions and thinks that he is completely bonkers? It is as if he makes things up on the spot- like a child- then has lots of 'parents' who sweep things under the carpet for him. I think he is extremely unitelligent... I am from the UK and we possibly get a less edited view of the war...? Possibly.. not sure.. what do you think? (PS- I know that Blair is not much better- at least he's stepping down this year)

2007-04-29 18:58:42 · 24 answers · asked by Emma 3 in Politics

2007-04-29 18:58:25 · 10 answers · asked by Steve 1 in Politics

If these women WORKED instead of depended on the Government for EVERYTHING - would they have time to be so promiscuous?

EVERYONE should pay their fair share, and EVERY "able bodied" head of household should have a JOB to support their families.

2007-04-29 18:54:32 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

How should governments balance law and order with individual freedoms?

2007-04-29 18:52:15 · 9 answers · asked by Lauren r 1 in Other - Politics & Government

Even if you weren't convicted, if you admit to using drugs say two years in the past are you automatically disqualified from the military? If not, are there any negative consequences as a result of admitting to it?

Either way, I'm not going to lie.

2007-04-29 18:50:03 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Would not a law against it help heal society. I mean it is one of the commandments.

2007-04-29 18:47:58 · 19 answers · asked by bell4884 3 in Law & Ethics

I am in Paralegal School and I am clueless. I understand the basic principles but I am having issues. The case is State of NJ v Shirley Reid. The docket No A-3424-05T5.

Please help!

2007-04-29 18:47:15 · 2 answers · asked by samlevine05667 2 in Law & Ethics

I was arrested at my house for not showing up to court on this paticular monday, I simply made a mistake and thought it was for tuesday they come in ready to taser me at 9:30 at night when I am trying to lay down my dish towel and get my shoes they charge m,e for resisting arrest, and they hold me on 3 thousand sollar cash only warrent for a 3 citations of my dogs running at large when I get to court on thursday they set bail at 1500 dollars and order me to take drug testing 3 times a week. I have nmever been so dumb founded in my kife I refuse to take any tests not that i am hiding something it is the pure fact that i feel that there isa no reasoning behide it allo I feel that i have rights there have been nmo drug related crimes. what do i do to protect myself from such harrasment?

2007-04-29 18:41:57 · 10 answers · asked by kiidavis 1 in Law & Ethics

As far as I know, there is no law saying you have to have insurance. The law instead says that you have to have proof of "Financial Liability" to drive, so if you're a Billionaire, do you still have to have insurance? Obviously if you're a billionaire, you are financially able to cover any liability that an insurance company would have been able to, but what counts as proof? If a billionaire drives around with a bank statement in the glove box and gets pulled over with no insurance, is he safe or does he get a ticket? Most insurance is limited to around $500k anyway, so if you have that in the bank, are you good? If your house is worth that in equity, what then?
Secondary question: why don't they just simplify it and change the law to "thou must have insurance to drive." Why pussyfoot around? This whole "financial liability nonsense makes me think may be it is illegal for the government to actually outright require insurance. Is it?

2007-04-29 18:41:29 · 4 answers · asked by Nick C 1 in Law & Ethics

Since the bible says in Mark 12:41 Now Jesus sat opposite the treasury and saw how the people put money into the treasury. And many who were rich put in much. 42 Then one poor widow came and threw in two mites, which make a quadrans. 43 So He called His disciples to Himself and said to them, "Assuredly, I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all those who have given to the treasury; 44 for they all put in out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all that she had, her whole livelihood."

2007-04-29 18:40:20 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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