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Politics & Government - 29 April 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Here we go...A topic that has been in debate lately. Illegal Immigration. Do you support reform or amnesty? Throw out a reason with your answer!

2007-04-29 18:38:49 · 21 answers · asked by Anti-Illegal07 1 in Immigration

2007-04-29 18:35:22 · 13 answers · asked by better option 1 in Military

Do we not have enough crime in our country so we have to import the crime problems of the entire third world?

2007-04-29 18:34:30 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

I ask because I displayed what I would do if I was president see link to see what they are - http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=An1xhLUwiI1.5M8dJj0Y73Xty6IX?qid=20070429191720AAXdiuC
and people said my idea to line the border with troops with orders of shoot to kill was harsh but the government will do what I layed out if a nuke is smuggled in from Mexico and if you think they wouldnt you people who want illegals and wide open borders are fooling yourselfs . Understand the open borders are not just about Mexicans there about no security from anyone who wants to come in with a nuke let alone to work off the books and rob America blind . Do you agree or not ?

2007-04-29 18:31:56 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

It's just surreal and horrific to me the direction this once glorious country has driven itself into, and the very real and urgent danger this administration poses to other nations, and ultimately, to ourselves. I feel that we are in so deep there is no turning back, and I fear for my own safety and the safety of my children. What can an individual do in the face of such absurdity? I vote. I march in protests. I've joined organizations, and I've written my senators dilligently and desperately seeking real and pronounced action against this belligerent and seemingly unstoppable government. This all seems so useless, and hopeless, and just 'waiting it out for the next tide to come along in 2008 doesn't cut it. I want accountability, I want action, I want this all to stop and I want to stop feeling guilty about being an American.
What can I DO to help this CAUSE? Do not answer me if you are going to belittle my beliefs or questions, because it will fall on deaf ears.

2007-04-29 18:25:29 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Civic Participation

They do that in Quebec to prevent others from speaking English instead of the official language French - I think it's a good idea for this country.

2007-04-29 18:22:17 · 17 answers · asked by nummy 2 in Other - Politics & Government

i really want to wear my sunglasses for my learners permit picture because i wear them every day all the time sometimes even when i sleep and i don't have a single picture of me with them off. its a total obsessive compulsive type thing. i am getting my learners permit this friday and i really want to know if i can take my picture with them. because if i cant i dont think i will get my licence then

2007-04-29 18:22:07 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I know what you're thinking. North and South Vietnam. North and South Korea. But so what? The Iranians will try to move in anyway if we move out. At least this will give them a road block until we come back and swat them for breaking the very same rules they accuse us of breaking. Lord! let us make our own alchohol fuel soon so we don't depend on these crazy people. The British almost interupted OUR civil war over cotton in 1862. Instead they used less quality cotton from India and got by. Good for that. If not who would have helped them out in 1940? Not us! Perhaps if England fell, we'd take Canada under our wing and be a lot larger a nation, but WW II would have lasted into 1948 or later. By then the whole mess would hae gone nuclear.

2007-04-29 18:20:56 · 10 answers · asked by Don S 2 in Military


And if they did send them, were they combat troops...and how many? Please real facts not speculation

2007-04-29 18:20:08 · 5 answers · asked by Ford Prefect 7 in Military

what will happen if i check the no contest box and send the ticket in? what will happen if i check the not guilty box and send it in?

2007-04-29 18:17:21 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Don't say it is because if you think about English being the main language then their shouldn't be no need for bilingual classes at school and etc. .......

2007-04-29 18:13:29 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

late night at 11:30ish i was driving down the frwy back home i was doing 65 and had my cruise control on because there's barely any cars on the road. and some person from no where rear ended me aleast at 85-90+mph push me from 65mph to 70+mph in to another lane luckly i didnt lose control of the car and after he hit me he try to run away i quickly realize that he's try to get away so i chase after him for 20 mins (crazy story) but any way he cant get away and he drove back home while chase after him i called 911 and giving them the location and cops show up not long later. the guy was charged with DUI because he had too much to drink and hit and run and was taking to jail. i then tell every thing to the police and after that i went to the hospital because my back my neck and shoulder are all mess up. any way i just wanna know how you deal with some thing like this? the police told me he had insurance and i also have insurane on my car but just libility but with uninsured motorist. thx

2007-04-29 18:12:22 · 6 answers · asked by jeff 2 in Law & Ethics

2007-04-29 18:09:25 · 7 answers · asked by Jomel 1 in Elections

Is it just to help them sleep at night?

2007-04-29 18:09:13 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections


Fiery Crash Collapses Bay Area Freeway

OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) - A gasoline tanker crashed and burst into flames near the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge on Sunday, creating such intense heat that a stretch of highway melted and collapsed. Officials predicted a traffic nightmare for Bay Area commuters for weeks or months to come.
Flames shot 200 feet in the air, but the truck's driver walked away from the scene with second-degree burns. No other injuries were reported in the 3:45 a.m. crash, which officials said could have been deadly had it occurred at a busier time.

"I've never seen anything like it," Officer Trent Cross of the California Highway Patrol said of the crumpled interchange. "I'm looking at this thinking, 'Wow, no one died'—that's amazing. It's just very fortunate."

2007-04-29 18:07:46 · 17 answers · asked by Yak Rider 7 in Politics

Its a test i have to take in the military, most of the naswers are simple... but then again there's a few that completely throw me off

2007-04-29 18:07:19 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2007-04-29 18:05:20 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

If so on what issues

2007-04-29 18:02:43 · 16 answers · asked by ? 2 in Government

From the UK media:
Why Bush should let a damaged Wolfowitz go, by Financial Times, Fri, Apr 13, 2007
Woeful Wolfowitz, by The Economist , Fri, Apr 13, 2007
The deputy who told his boss to quit at Financial Times - Thu, Apr 19, 2007
Wolfowitz tried to cover his tracks over lover's job, The Independent, Apr. 29, 2007

The US media:
Let the World Bank Go Down with Wolfie - Naomi Klein, The Nation , May 14, 2007
Girlfriend Salaries for Everyone at World Bank - Amity Shlaes, Bloomberg , April 26, 2007
A Tale of Two Scandals - Bret Stephens, Wall Street Journal , April 24, 2007
Wolfowitz Sin Was Waging War on Corruption - Kevin Hassett, Bloomberg , April 23 2007
Can the World Bank Be Saved? - William Easterly, Washington Post, April 22, 2007
Beware a Rush to Judgment Over Wolfowitz Flap - Washington Post, April 22, 2007;
The Bureaucracy Wants Wolfowitz Out - Robert Holland, Wall St. Journal, April 20, 2007

2007-04-29 18:02:02 · 8 answers · asked by Truth-for-all 2 in Immigration

Im just curious but does anyone know how a government operative manages to stay awake for long periods of time when stuck in situations where they must stay awake. For example, lets say one of our soldiers gets caught and is being held hostage in an undisclosed area. However he must stay awake or else he will miss important signals from allies on how to escape. So what would he do to keep himself awake?

2007-04-29 18:00:31 · 10 answers · asked by Taigawithapen 3 in Military


SAN DIEGO (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards said on Sunday he would consider raising taxes on the wealthy in addition to his earlier proposal to roll back tax cuts ushered in by President George W. Bush.
Earlier this year, Edwards became the first Democratic candidate to embrace taxes hikes to fund an ambitious health- care plan he estimates would cost from $90 billion to $120 billion a year. Under that plan, he would eliminate tax cuts Bush implemented for those making more than $200,000 a year.

2007-04-29 17:59:13 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

In the past five years, hundreds of Americans have been murdered, raped, and victimized by illegal aliens. How did the government allow this to happen and how many more citizens will die before the borders are secure?

Crime Victims Of Illegal Aliens

2007-04-29 17:58:44 · 10 answers · asked by osirassun6 2 in Immigration

im doing crossword puzzle for W history and dont know the name. It starts with a "C" though.

2007-04-29 17:53:12 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

emergency surgery was needed and my court appearance was also right after the surgery.(the next day) now i have a bounty on my head for 37000.00 ...i called ahead of scheduele as best i could notifying both the courts and my lawyer i would have to reschedule a appearance.the bails bond that got me out. it was 36,000.00 on paper. i had to pay the bondsman 3600.00 to get out and he also had my dad sign his cows and land. after i paid the bondsman in full and went to court, wasnt the deal with the bondsman done? he is telling my folks that hes going to take the land and cows if i dont turn myself in. i thought i was awaiting a notice to appear as a result of my inability to go the last time? ive appeared 4 to 5 times since/after i paid him back. does he/can he do this?

2007-04-29 17:48:27 · 4 answers · asked by letgo_my_ears_iknow_what_im_doin 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Justifys the difference in elected serving individuals? It seems to me the U.S. government is pointing its finger at the U.S. government and saying "it's all their fault !!"

2007-04-29 17:40:54 · 8 answers · asked by in pain 4 in Politics

I've never felt so much tension in this country.If you live in a major city I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.The U.S. has turned into an overpopulated multi-cultural disaster.Most americans tolerated it at 1st but now they realize it has gone way too far in every aspect.

2007-04-29 17:39:10 · 21 answers · asked by Linda L 2 in Immigration

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