Today, by the slimmest possible margin, the Supreme Court outlawed the procedure that anti-abortionists have labeled "partial birth abortion." This was a big win for the Religous Right, Jerry Falwell, the "Moral" Majority, Pat Robertson, American Evangelicals and other Christian groups who have tried for years to outlaw a woman's right to choose.
Regardless of what you feel about this particular issue, here is the question: Which is more frightening for America, and more dangerous to your freedoms and personal beliefs:
1. Having the Federal Government make your most personal and intimate medical decisions for you, rather than you making those decisions with your doctor's advice
2. Having religious groups and zealots force their beliefs upon you and all Americans?
Before you answer, remember, the next powerful religious political movement could be Mormons, Christian Scientists, Jehovah's Witnesses, or Muslims. Would you still support religious groups dictating our laws?
17 answers
asked by
Don P