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Politics & Government - 18 April 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Is it possible for a citizen of a country (living and working there with no contacts in any other country) to defect (his citizenship)???

If yes, who takes responsibility of the citizen and how long will he be allowed to stay in his home country?? who would support his livelyhood?

Are there international laws that provide refuge to him?

2007-04-18 20:58:38 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

Muffins are too hard to chew. The government makes them that way on pourpose and Im too crazy to go on like this much longer.

2007-04-18 20:49:46 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

both are equally needed in order for a society to survive...and not allowing them to blend together will not allow burden on its citizens to be too great...

2007-04-18 20:48:22 · 10 answers · asked by turntable 6 in Law & Ethics

How long would this dictatorship continue. How many more Iraq's we have to see before the world community reacts. How much bodies needs to pile up before we say "no more".

2007-04-18 20:45:44 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

1. That congressmen do not pay Social security tax's.

2. That Congressmen receive their full pay for life after leaving.

3. That people who have used all their unemployment benefits aren't counted when the unemployment rate is calculated.

4. That bush's IQ is really 81.

2007-04-18 20:30:13 · 6 answers · asked by jeeper_peeper321 7 in Other - Politics & Government

Immigration is a basic human freedom to move freely in this world. This planet belongs to all forms of life and just as nature roams and migrates, so does humans. Walls have never stoped anyone from going to where he wants to get to. Even prison walls have failed to keep them in.

2007-04-18 20:24:37 · 15 answers · asked by JAQUI S 1 in Immigration

Today, by the slimmest possible margin, the Supreme Court outlawed the procedure that anti-abortionists have labeled "partial birth abortion." This was a big win for the Religous Right, Jerry Falwell, the "Moral" Majority, Pat Robertson, American Evangelicals and other Christian groups who have tried for years to outlaw a woman's right to choose.

Regardless of what you feel about this particular issue, here is the question: Which is more frightening for America, and more dangerous to your freedoms and personal beliefs:

1. Having the Federal Government make your most personal and intimate medical decisions for you, rather than you making those decisions with your doctor's advice

2. Having religious groups and zealots force their beliefs upon you and all Americans?

Before you answer, remember, the next powerful religious political movement could be Mormons, Christian Scientists, Jehovah's Witnesses, or Muslims. Would you still support religious groups dictating our laws?

2007-04-18 20:23:41 · 17 answers · asked by Don P 5 in Politics

his 18th birthday is in septemeber + he is worried he will not get served in the local pub

2007-04-18 20:15:04 · 20 answers · asked by hevnewton13 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

if the government tells me i have to pay more taxes to pay for programs for the poor, the sick, etc...where is my choice? why does the governement tell me how to feel or who to care for? If i want to help the poor can't i give to charity? if i don't want to help the poor can't i not give to charity?

2007-04-18 20:12:23 · 3 answers · asked by turntable 6 in Law & Ethics

Attack the small MEXICAN that does no harm, but let the wealth terrorist to live here because he is LEGAL. He can pay for flying lessons, live in gated communities. Yes our greatest problem is illegal mexicans.

2007-04-18 20:09:52 · 13 answers · asked by JAQUI S 1 in Immigration

How did the axis even come close to winning WW2.

how did it take 6 years for a bout 50 countries to defeat about 5.

the USA and USSR were way bigger than Germany and Japan so why did it take so long???.

plus GB had heaps of allies and colonies

2007-04-18 20:00:03 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I am trying to reenlist into the Navy from the Army Reserves. I took my MEPS physical and I have two disqualifying issues. My cholesterol is a bit high and I have hardware in my neck from when I broke it two yrs ago.
This reenlistment is important to me and I want the waivers to be approved. Does anyone have any insight about the Navy BUMED waiver folks and whether or not I have a decent chance at getting them approved?

2007-04-18 19:35:13 · 5 answers · asked by Jim 1 in Military


2007-04-18 19:17:37 · 18 answers · asked by Syed M 3 in Other - Politics & Government

if you do or if dont give me a reason why...

*personally i think he's a pompous idiot (to put it nicely) who has no clue what he's doing, he keeps pushing a war in Iraq and his own country is falling apart, his views suck for the most part, and i hate his self rightous attitude!

for the record i am not a democrat...nor am i a republican and before anyone makes a comment about the armed forces i was in the army so i know why most of the soldiers enlist it wasnt for a war it was for their country that is now in shambles

2007-04-18 19:10:07 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I have read the basic tenents of his presentation already, and I am IMPRESSED, because he apparently will withhold nothing.

He will present the whole sordid Iraqi bucket of worms (without lies), beginning with pre-911 times, which alot of us haven't taken the time to explore...

Might be worth watching --for truths' sake.

2007-04-18 19:06:22 · 10 answers · asked by charly 3 in Government

I just graduated from BSN in the Philippines and I'd like to know how can I join the US Navy? Would experience be needed or how would the trainings be?...I'm really looking forward to be part of the US Navy Nurse Corps..:-)

2007-04-18 18:57:27 · 7 answers · asked by Lyden 1 in Military

i got pulled over today for doing 65 in a 45 but i was behind a van that was doing the same speed... he slowed down and i moved to the other lane because i didnt want to hit him. he pulled me over for the speed and told me i tried to pass him, when i didnt. i believe he pulled me over cause i had the eclipse with an exsaust and the other car was an new mini van. anything i can do so i dont get the 4 points?

i came off of I-81 into an exit and the whole time it was 55, and where i was at im not sure if if it was 55 or 45

2007-04-18 18:48:15 · 20 answers · asked by Jonathan R 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

Is there any website to check his status, because I cant contact his family either. I also don't live in the States, and now I'm very worried bout him, please help!

2007-04-18 18:31:25 · 3 answers · asked by eat_in10 1 in Military

2007-04-18 18:26:31 · 5 answers · asked by LONG P 1 in Law & Ethics


2007-04-18 18:20:07 · 8 answers · asked by Reise 1 in Politics

Isn't Freedom the chance to find your own way in a dangerous world. Isn't it worth the risk when any animal or human leaves the safety of his nest in order to live his reality unfettered? Isn't it worth risking a few terrorists so that we can maintain our freedoms? Isn't it worth dying for these Liberties? Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have died. Would it be acceptable if a similar number died here and we still remained free?


2007-04-18 18:17:58 · 6 answers · asked by Ford Prefect 7 in Politics

Seriously, I keep hearing these people call suicide bombers cowards. But, cowardice usually involves the impulse for self-preservation, and an unwillingness to face an enemy. This is not a question of ethics and suicide bombers, or right and wrong, but what is cowardly about suicide bombing?

2007-04-18 18:16:21 · 14 answers · asked by John S 4 in Politics

Oprah Winfrey, one of the worlds biggest humanitarians, would she make a good president? maybe have Hilary Clinton as her VP?

2007-04-18 18:07:17 · 33 answers · asked by Austin 2 in Elections

Especially when you consider the billions of anti-terrorism money spent on training for just this type of occurance?

2007-04-18 18:05:13 · 28 answers · asked by St. Tom Cruise 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

is it jealousy ? Or is it because they got theirselves into all kinds of problems with immigrants so they don't dare to say what they think ?

2007-04-18 17:59:21 · 12 answers · asked by Vage Centurian 3 in Other - Politics & Government

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