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Politics & Government - 6 April 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Doesn't that seem a little preposterous? Adam and Eve, I mean most of the bible fables are rip offs of pagan religions for pete's sake!!!

2007-04-06 06:06:03 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I am thinking about taking my college to court because of an amount of money I believe to be due to me that they refuse to pay. What sort of lawyer/practice law firm should I seek?

I am having to pay fees at another university because my college does not offer the class that I need to graduate. I would like to sue for those fees.

2007-04-06 06:05:07 · 3 answers · asked by Katie S. 1 in Law & Ethics

i heard Hillery killed her former law partner with a bat and stuffed his body into a trunk and dumped him in a sewer in new jersey back in 1992.
is this true?!
if so she is just what we need to kill all the terrorists

2007-04-06 06:04:39 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

this is a definition of terrorist given to me by a conservative.
(not that i agree with this defintion)
but according to it is george bush not a terrorist?

Define terrorist: A terrorist is an individual who brings "terror" upon a society or individual (or any living thing for that matter) A terrorist can come in different nationalities, Religious backgrounds and Gender!! They can terrorize in several different manners it isn't limited to hijacking planes, or bombing buildings. A terrorist can do just as much damage behind the scenes than in the public eye.

2007-04-06 06:01:58 · 22 answers · asked by bluebear 3 in Politics

Are all copyrights universal? If, so how are they are universally governed by law, what if there are differences in copyright laws in different countries.

2007-04-06 06:00:55 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

In original reports (i.e., not simply going off the reports of other news agencies) by Newsweek, the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, the Washington Post, Associated Press, and Gannett News Service, the below accused 9/11 hijackers have been named as having trained at U.S. military bases:

Saeed Alghamdi (United Airlines 93)
Ahmed Alnami (United Airlines 93)
Ahmed Alghamdi (United Airlines 175)
Hamza Alghamdi (United Airlines 175)
Mohamed Atta (American Airlines 11)
Abdulaziz Alomari (American Airlines 11)



Also how could the US gov't say they had no idea about 9/11 when NORAD ran terror drills on 9/11 based on planes flying into the WTC and Pentagon?



Also does anybody have an exact date when Bush will 'smoke out' Osama??

2007-04-06 05:59:59 · 21 answers · asked by guiseppeamore 2 in Military

What is "victory"?

I know it's unpatriotic to even ask, but I'm feeling a little bit like dissenting, today.

Who shall be my champion? Who will pull me from the wreckage? Behold, harken unto my query, and divulge a little knowledge. Perhaps a ray of light will fall upon my visage, and chase the shadows of ignorance from my mind.

Are not many things possible?

Perhaps a simple label will suffice. Maybe a fleeting reference to a "liberal" something or other.

Who can say?

2007-04-06 05:57:31 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

please email me at evsherrot@btinternet.com and we can sort something out

2007-04-06 05:55:16 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

And what's the big deal about her wearing a burka? I mean when a foriegn politician comes to the US and goes to a ball game and eats a hotdog, or visits disney world or something we love it.

I mean I've heard her called traitor... but isn't wearing traditional clothing from the country your visiting just a harmless gesture of respect?

I think the US could probly benefit by showing a little more respect and tolerance to other nations customs or beliefs.

2007-04-06 05:53:17 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Is that why cons are pushing the pro-circumcision agenda in the news lately?

2007-04-06 05:52:55 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I really am not being ficicious and I would like answers from knowledgeable people. I just can't find anything she has done for the Country other the the liberals in San Francisco and would like substantial answers about her - not about her party or politics.

2007-04-06 05:52:15 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections


2007-04-06 05:51:06 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Will America elect a woman to the White House in Nov 08? Are women as capable of men to be leaders and why or why not?

2007-04-06 05:50:24 · 89 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Doesn't it seem like the news, lately, has been using allot of misleading headlines for their stories and some people just go off that, instead of reading the story, and end up looking foolish?

2007-04-06 05:49:57 · 2 answers · asked by friendlyflyr 5 in Other - Politics & Government

My husband got a speeding ticket last night (50 in a 35). What he came home steaming about was the way the police officers approached him. He said he saw in the rear view mirror that they both got out of the car and unsnapped their guns, they shouted at him to "keep your hands on the wheel". Then when they came up on both sides of the car one shouted at him "do you have any warrants or are you on parole?" After he told them no, they asked him "do you have any objections to us searching your vehicle" He again said no, he had no objections but they decided not to search the car after all.

Since this is the first ticket he's gotten in eight years, he is trying to figure out why they were so agressive towards him. Is this the way officers approach people now? Or was it possibly something about my husband that caused them to suspect him as more than a traffic violator? He does drive a red sports car so maybe that has something to do with it?

2007-04-06 05:47:59 · 23 answers · asked by 4532 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-04-06 05:47:09 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

So it is no small irony that today's U.S. Army finds itself under the greatest strain in a generation. The Pentagon made that clear April 2 when it announced that two Army units will soon return to Iraq without even a year at home, compared with the two years units have traditionally enjoyed. One is headed back after 47 days short of a year, the other 81. "This is the first time we've had a voluntary Army on an extended deployment," says Andrew Krepinevich, a retired Army officer who advises his old service. "A lot of canaries are dropping dead in the mine."

Read about America's Broken Army here: http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1606888,00.html

2007-04-06 05:45:51 · 23 answers · asked by Marc Miami 4 in Military

the number of US casualties than the nuber of jihadist casualties that will not have a chance to blow themselves up at a highschool football game in Kansas?

2007-04-06 05:45:35 · 18 answers · asked by mbush40 6 in Politics

I am going with 51% cause I know at least more than half of the people on here are crazy. They think all thee vil republicans areout to get them, they just sit in that absement cooking, then posting conspiracys on Y!A, inhaling fumes, then bashing republicans.

Can we dispatch hazmat teams to private residences based soley on Y!A posts?

2007-04-06 05:44:49 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I've heard alot of criticism aimed toward the brits and their confessions.

But look at it this way,

If Iran offered the sailors a deal, like a plea bargain, and agreed to release the sailors without standing trial as long as they admitted their guilt. Then wouldn't it be smart cooperate?

In Iran the penalty for what they would have been tried for is death, and i think it's safe to assume they would have been found guilty.

There's no way Britain would allow it's sailors to be excecuted.

So not only did the sailors save their own lives by confessing, whether they were guilty or not, but in a very real way, didn't they also prevent a large scale violent conflict? If not a declaration of war?

I think this is a likely scenario and if it is the case, I think the brits made a damned good decision, not only for themselves but for their country.

2007-04-06 05:41:11 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

With millions in jail and prison will people in the future be shocked at the fact that so many people get locked up.

When I was in jail I met loads of people in there for stuff liek drugs, not paying fines and just simple theft. I ws there for robbery and then for DUI but even think that stuff liek that could be dealt with in other ways.

When they look back at pictures of people in chains for simple stuff as I have been will they think that that is shocking just like people think slavery and cutting people's arms off for stealing is today.

2007-04-06 05:40:31 · 7 answers · asked by Jamie 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

......Global warming!? Its REAL, and its DANGEROUS! Already polar icecaps are cracking....and polar bears are DYING.

2007-04-06 05:39:35 · 42 answers · asked by ~ Lillie ~ 4 in Politics

Why do cops take the risk of getting hit by a car when clocking for speeding, they hide behind trees and other objects, they zoom from the interstates just to catch a speeder, or they tag team clock people where one stands in the street and the other say which car and then run in the street to pull them over. Would it not be more sufficient and safe for all if the cops would just let themselves be seen? Who speeds when they see a cop, no one that I know. so if you cops are out there to make the highways safer why not just be seen? i am sure there will be less speeding!!!!!!!!!!

2007-04-06 05:37:22 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

The first three months of the new Democratic Congress have been neither terrible nor transcendent. A Pew poll had it about right: a substantial majority of the public remains happy the Democrats won in 2006, but neither Nancy Pelosi nor Harry Reid has dominated the public consciousness as Newt Gingrich did when the Republicans came to power in 1995. There is a reason for that. A much bigger story is unfolding: the epic collapse of the Bush Administration.

Tell me what you think of this: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1607243,00.html

2007-04-06 05:36:45 · 11 answers · asked by Marc Miami 4 in Other - Politics & Government

Are we like Ceasar who fiddled while Rome burned? Has our vision narrowed to the insides of our pocketbook?

2007-04-06 05:35:30 · 16 answers · asked by pamela d 1 in Civic Participation

And what are your reasons?

2007-04-06 05:32:59 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

A question for Crypto Jew Girl/ Nancy/Surfer Dude/Hippie/Citizen of the New World/Skip/Ugly Betty/Bella Buela/Perry L/Sgt BMF/Brenda/ Ginger....did "Operation Bite" turn into "Operation Bite Me?" 4AM, Friday, April 6th came and went, and no "surprise attack" on Iran. Why am I not surprised? And so, NOW what do you have to say? Anything? Anything at all?

2007-04-06 05:32:05 · 14 answers · asked by Team Chief 5 in Politics

British sailors and marines held for nearly two weeks in Iran were blindfolded, bound and threatened with prison if they did not say they had strayed into Iranian waters, a Royal Navy lieutenant who was among the capitives said Friday.


2007-04-06 05:31:05 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Do you think the FCC violates the First Amendment? Do you think the FCC should be gotten rid of?

2007-04-06 05:29:58 · 4 answers · asked by nate 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-04-06 05:29:08 · 3 answers · asked by nasserking 1 in Embassies & Consulates

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