As a conservative it is easy to see many flaws in the liberal mindset. Every time a liberal spews forth some pathetic self-righteous utterance we as conservatives react. We feel the passion against their drivel deep in our guts, but many times we fail to see the rational evidence against their position. Our thought is based on a belief that there is a definite right and wrong, and we must always do right. Righteousness is based on a belief that regardless of our state it still exists. We cannot justify doing wrong because we do not make the rules, and if we were to die tomorrow right would still be right. A defining principle of liberalism is moral relativism in which right and wrong are defined by an individual’s position in life. Here in lies the problem that we as conservatives face. We cannot fight their position on any intellectual level because we are not even playing the same game. Trying to judge their position by our moral principles is comparing apples to oranges. Take heart because we do not have to display their errors, their own philosophy does a better job of that than we ever could.
Their main flaw lies in their inane definitions of self. They profess not to believe in an all encompassing right and wrong, but in a belief that it is each individual who defines their own personal right. They throw the idea of a moral law, and a creator out the proverbial window. Fear not because they continually contradict this defining principle of their own doctrine. They rationalize all of their actions based on moral relativism, but judge the conservative position based on our rules. They will not define an abortion as wrong because they say it may have been right for that individual at that time while in the same breath they cannot emphasize enough how wrong the conservative position is. How is it possible to define our position as wrong, but justify their own immoral acts? They cannot without contradicting themselves. In light of this it becomes clear that they do not really believe in moral relativism, rather there is some other motivation to their thought. I contend that despite their vast efforts to seem righteous, it is evil that navigates their ship. They deny moral law because it is easy to cheat steal and lie.
We as humans have this little problem called original sin, and unless we submit to the fact that we must avoid wrong we will do wrong. All the budding liberal has to do is deny the fact that they are bound to moral law, and bingo life is great. They can now proceed to whittle away what conscience they ever had by repeatedly doing the wrong thing and justifying it through a liberal doctrine. You and I as conservatives give ourselves over to moral law and are fulfilled by true righteousness. The liberal in turn floats from scandal to scandal all the while justifying their acts, but never finding the peace that comes from truly being right. Their attempt to break free from the moral law confines them in a prison of immorality much like a bank robber. In his attempt to flee the law he increases the time he spends in prison. The liberal is the bank robber of the philosophical world. They believe that robbing another will provide them with wealth, but all they accomplish is their own self-demise. I pity the liberal for their blindness, but I am weary of them because bank robbers will shoot back when the law catches up with them. We as conservatives must hone our intellect, and be prepared to put the liberal down when he tries to shoot his way out of the corner he put himself in.
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