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Politics & Government - 30 March 2007

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His family fought for the south, he watches the Dukes of Hazzard, and he is a die hard Lynyrnd Skynyrd fan.

2007-03-30 05:36:28 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I thought the Hillary Clinton and the Barack Hussein Obama ads were simply because they paid for them. That is clearly not the case. If you question..."Are liberals sheep?" they will pull it. Wow I thought Yahoo was just another business. I guess I was wrong. But I will cancel all my Yahoo accounts. It's better to vote with your wallet. Let's see how fast this get's pulled.

2007-03-30 05:32:31 · 15 answers · asked by Da Coach 2 in Politics

What does his global warming doc have to do with "Peace?"


2007-03-30 05:31:54 · 10 answers · asked by Robert S 2 in Other - Politics & Government

I mean if you care about fiscal conservatism, that is the only party left to you. But if you want to be a religious fanatic who tries to dictate what people can do in their bedrooms, then by all means remain a Republican.

2007-03-30 05:29:47 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Is the left wing conspircy part of the vast right wing conspiricy? Please click the link to view the question about the democrat and republican involvement in the war.

2007-03-30 05:26:39 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

new hampshrie rhode island vermont and delware will be states the dems willl defend in 2008

2007-03-30 05:22:37 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

new yor maine new jersey ohio and maryland will very important for the gop

2007-03-30 05:20:56 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

"They" are the Sheep and then call us sheep

"They" control and censor the media, and then say the media is Liberal owned

"They" are destroying our Constitution and murdering our troops, but call us un-American and say we are losing thier war!

"They" say we are terrorists for wanting the war to end - I say they are the worst terrorists the world has ever seen!

"They" tell us to be scared and live in fear - we tell them to quit making enemies who eventually wish to destroy us because they occupy their lands and stick their policing nose in everyones business!

"They" send $400 billion to Iraq for rebuilding what they destroyed over a lie called WMD's- while we tell them to fix our own country like New Orleans

"They" make Foreign policy first and America second while we call for an end to foreign outsourcing, selling port security to enemy Nations

"They" call our news crazy - yet "they" have that loofah loving sex phone pervert O'Reilly and an Oxycontin/Viagra drugged out Limbaugh!

2007-03-30 05:20:18 · 25 answers · asked by scottanthonydavis 4 in Politics

Why do the RedsStaters seem so dependent on Hate Radio???

2007-03-30 05:20:16 · 15 answers · asked by ? 2 in Politics

This morning in the Dallas Morning News. They were looking for a 6 foot man with black hair and brown eyes wearing a blue shirt. It was for murder and they still would not say the race.... STUPID

2007-03-30 05:19:35 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-03-30 05:18:58 · 15 answers · asked by gtamayo1 4 in Government

Why nuke our enemies.....RAP MUSIC is far worse!

It would haunt and torture them for years to come !!

After 15 minutes of high volume RAP MUSIC...Osama would beg for forgiveness and lick our feet in fear!!

Actually... Rap Music should be outlawed by the Geneva Convention as a form of Super- Torture

2007-03-30 05:17:14 · 11 answers · asked by Razor11 2 in Military

How would you react

2007-03-30 05:16:44 · 27 answers · asked by stef8705 2 in Politics

...are being treated? (Idea stolen from a Moltar answer)

Secondary question, if you didn't like the first - Instead of the naked pyramids at Gitmo, should we have dressed them up in the garb of monks and nuns?

2007-03-30 05:16:03 · 5 answers · asked by Whootziedude 4 in Politics

"Artist" Cosimo Cavallaro, will release his newest sculpture, “My Sweet Lord,” an anatomically correct six-foot statue of the Savior made entirely of milk chocolate - in the lobby of a Manhattan hotel.

Isn’t it time we demand common decency? How about a little respect for others beliefs? I have no problem with free expression—he has the right to create any vile piece of trash he wants. But doesn’t this belong in a private gallery and NOT on public display?

And before you lefties start calling me a neo-con who is trying to stilfle ‘free speech’, (or that I have a problem with nudity in art), what if Cavallaro decide to make 6 foot chocolate anatomically correct naked Mohammed? Would there be consequences for such a disdainful display? I can guarantee you that his ‘artwork’ would get NO public attention and that he’d be called a bigot trying to incite the Muslim community—Hillary and Obama most likely leading the charge.

Don't Christians deserve the same respect?

2007-03-30 05:14:21 · 10 answers · asked by Cherie 6 in Other - Politics & Government

One admits they did not know who said what.

Yet what is the bigest problem in our country; that the british started? and then added fuel to. and still part british from down under wants the United States to send more troops to what and for what? (Iraq). Think twice before you judge some one, because it is you that should seek help. The british started slavery then the british to the US to keep your nigras' in control put the darker ones against the lighter ones, yes they are always telling us what to do, they even join in the stupidity for awhile then pull out; are you to blind to see. Look at their hearings on tv. really do you see one black face on there? Yes the british are all for us, then when things get rough they pull out. Yes we back you USof A; oh now enough is enough. How many british have been shipped home in a body bag. Then ask yourself how many USofA men and women have been shipped to our home in a body bag. Then remember smiling faces etc...etc.....

2007-03-30 05:12:21 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Whoop dee f****cking do! That'll bring the sailors home, won't it?!

2007-03-30 05:09:33 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Did you know Bush went AWOL? That he orchestrated the Terror Attacks of 911? That people who don't know the truth are blind sheeple? Huh? Or are you too ignorant?

2007-03-30 05:09:24 · 34 answers · asked by Surfer Dude 2 in Politics

Just reading an answer where the Brit referred to a photo shop as a chemist and suggested pay an "extra quid or two". May you have some examples of our language differences.

2007-03-30 05:08:35 · 7 answers · asked by Sgt 524 5 in Law & Ethics

2007-03-30 05:05:02 · 4 answers · asked by rgreenfi 2 in Law & Ethics

i see them as crooks and gangsters....and killers

2007-03-30 05:04:27 · 18 answers · asked by stef8705 2 in Politics

22% of Iraqi's wish to support coalition forces, 78% oppose; 38% say Iraq is better now than before the war, 62% say about the same or worse; and 43% want a democracy style government, 56% want an Islamic state or a strong leader, headed by 1 man for life.

2007-03-30 05:03:43 · 11 answers · asked by Firesidechat 2 in Politics

What's he going to say??
THIS : ?????
"It's unfortunate you don't like your stay here but theres a war on and Dick "I'M A WAR PROFITEER" Cheney and Haliburton need their war profits to help us fight the war on terror.
Giving all of you the proper medical care cuts into their profits and so helps the Terrorists undermine Democracy.
So stop complaining and let me get on with the business of insuring corporate profits so that the terrorists stay at home.
Otherwise your being crippled/maimed will have been in vain and Haliburton stock may go down."

2007-03-30 05:02:22 · 2 answers · asked by Your Teeth or Mine? 5 in Politics

this mornig i recieved an email from someone claiming to be a legal practitioner in malaysia. He said a client of his deceased in 2001 with no next of kin. He says my surname is the same as the deceased and wants me to pose as next of kin he has all the paperwork etc and there is $4.7 mil in this bank account which would be split 60% him 40% me. This sounds too good to be true and i dont know where he got my email address and name.
Serious answers only

2007-03-30 05:02:09 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Religion plays a big role, some say religion is evil especially those who practice religion under the koran. My thoughts on this issue is that the middle east will never be a peaceful place no matter how hard we try to help.

2007-03-30 05:02:06 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics


I can't speak for the rest of the anti-Iraqi war Liberals.. but I can say one of my biggest gripes is that they aren't doing enough for themselves.. if 12 million voted and only a hand-full by comparison are the violent ones then they have more than enough peaceful people to take care of their problems.. so why aren't they? the military and police are just as guilty of atrocities as anyone else in the nation... so if they aren't willing to do more for themselves then why are we there? Honestly.. if I felt they WERE doing more for themselves I wouldn't have a problem sending troops to help.

2007-03-30 05:01:11 · 14 answers · asked by pip 7 in Politics

See senator Dodd's 3/22/07 opening statement. His committee was relying on the industry to monitor itself to protect the consumer? Why were they not proactive and doing investigation prior to a "debacle" occuring? What does the money trail show relative to their responsibities and political contributions? If they are an after the fact committe, what good are they?

2007-03-30 05:00:16 · 7 answers · asked by Bill W 1 in Other - Politics & Government

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