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Politics & Government - 30 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

what is the basic views?

2007-03-30 09:58:46 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

i just wanted to know what inspired you to become a cop. i am doing a survey for my universty project

2007-03-30 09:58:24 · 6 answers · asked by serial_kisser_96 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-03-30 09:53:54 · 11 answers · asked by trydluv4u 1 in Immigration

I never compared Hitler to Bush and included both parties chirping with messianic fervor the phrase: We might be monsters but support our troops.

And, I am not a liberal.

The German people did support the Nazi's, and why do we support evil? For the same reason? Or is it that death and murder abroad does not affect you, and as such it is simply a thought of passing conversation to you?

It would be real funny to find out that we are in Iraq to stage a front against Iran because Isreal is afraid of Iran's nuclear ambitions. Would you support our troops if you knew they were dying for Israel without Israel shedding it's own blood, because they can sent the American putz to fill in for them?
You think that a lie?

Again we are cowards, period, for permitting our government to engage in an ongoing atrocity. The Germans were cowards for the same reason.

Yeah we did carpet bomb Baghdad Shock and Awe. And we did murder children in their sleep

2007-03-30 09:52:39 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

What shud be the strictest punishment for child molestors?

2007-03-30 09:52:29 · 18 answers · asked by vishnu d 1 in Law & Ethics

I ask this because, when I am selecting a candidate, I have never asked myself, "is this person a christian?". Shouldn't we be looking at the candidate's credentials, rather than their religious beliefs?

For instance, Pat Dobson, the founder of Focus on the Family, said of Fred Thompson, "Everyone knows he's conservative and has come out strongly for the things that the pro-family movement stands for. "[But] I don't think he's a Christian; at least that's my impression.". He goes on to say that "Sen. Thompson hasn't clearly communicated his religious faith, and many evangelical Christians might find this a barrier to supporting him."

I find it disturbing that people are basing their votes based on religious views.

This is not a knock on religion, but if you look around the world, the countries that have religious figureheads running things are usually the most dangerous places on the planet.

2007-03-30 09:52:18 · 13 answers · asked by rob 3 in Politics

Was it to get rid of all the incriminating evidence?

2007-03-30 09:51:14 · 10 answers · asked by Ugly Betty 3 in Politics

yes he admitted to it on his show

ha ha ha ha hh ah ah ah a hah

2007-03-30 09:50:25 · 2 answers · asked by WMD LIE p 1 in Politics

2007-03-30 09:48:21 · 4 answers · asked by danny s 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-03-30 09:47:24 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

so many of them....its time we took the kid gloves off and started really fighting like an army should fight...for total and complete victory and domination...what would be so bad about america and britain having these fools in the middle east as colonies that we can maintain stability in again..??? we may have to kill a few hundred thousand, but so what, they all want to get to paradise anyways...i say lets give them a superhiway there....the ones that want to be docile and not be any trouble we let rule the rest as our puppets...it seemed to work for a few centuries before...why not now...???

2007-03-30 09:45:50 · 7 answers · asked by badjanssen 5 in Military

2007-03-30 09:45:50 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

We moved into a great neighborhood last year... lots of kids and nice neighbors. Our next-door neighbors on one side are a family of 5 smokers. Our properties are very close together; when someone smokes outside, it wafts into our home. I can smell it all through the house. What can I say to them? We have 2 young kids, ages 2 months and 2 years. I don't want to have to keep our windows closed all the time, I don't want to subject my kids to second-hand smoke, but I am not so unreasonable as to see that smokers should be able to light up in their own backyards. Is there any way to compromise? We're not protected by any tenant laws as we are all homeowners. They have been nice to us, but I also don't want to anger them. We plan on living here for a long time, and it sure would be rough sharing a fence with people who are mad at you! Help!

2007-03-30 09:43:17 · 19 answers · asked by mornia 1 in Law & Ethics

I was listening to Sean Hannity on the way home from work in my car and he was talking up a poll that just came out saying that 60% of Americans would not support cutting funding for the troops in Iraq. No surprise there, as I am not sure who would support leaving troops out in the battlefield with no funding. I thought that was interesting, so I looked up the poll he was talking about online when I got home. What he failed to say, is that the same poll also said that 60% of Americans favor a timetable for leaving Iraq. My point is this. He was also talking today about Pelosi and the Democrats speaking in half-truths, but isn't that exactly what he is doing? He talks about the poll being bad for Dems, but the Dems have not cut off funds, they just suggested a timeline for withdrawal, which the poll shows Americans favor.

2007-03-30 09:40:52 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

But nobody is willing to call them an evil regime (They still stone people to death for crying out loud!). Is Iran truly evil like Hitler? Or is more needed to be done on their part to be concidered evil?

2007-03-30 09:39:20 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Do you think this will discourage people from reporting anything suspicious now?

MINNEAPOLIS - Six Muslim men removed from a plane last fall after being accused of suspicious behavior are suing not only the airline but the passengers who complained — a move some fear could discourage travelers from speaking up when they see something unusual.

The civil rights lawsuit, filed earlier this month, has so alarmed some lawyers that they are offering to defend the unnamed "John Doe" passengers free of charge. They say it is vital that the flying public be able to report suspicious behavior without fear of being dragged into court.


2007-03-30 09:37:39 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

how many words that begin with L can you string together to describe rosie. I came up with LargeLiberalLoserLierLuose

2007-03-30 09:32:43 · 21 answers · asked by conservative for life 2 in Politics


2007-03-30 09:23:29 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I took my daughter for her first dental exam today. She's three.
We are fairly new to the area, so I had never visited this particular clinic before. I chose it because it was on the list of dentists in my area that our insurance covers and they could get us in the soonest. When I scheduled the appointment, I made it clear that she was very little and had not ever been to a dentist before. They said they wanted her to watch me have my teeth cleaned and then they'd do her. I told them I didn't think this would work, but they insisted that's how they do it so I went along with them. When we got to the clinic, we waited over an hour and she was getting tired from waiting when they finally took us to the exam room. They wanted her to sit on the floor. I said "No I don't think she's gonna sit on the floor, and she's tired. Just do her exam and I'll reschedule mine." The doctor started chuckling and said it was amusing someone with a "chubby kid" was so afraid of germs...

2007-03-30 09:21:33 · 9 answers · asked by Jen F 5 in Other - Politics & Government

CHICAGO (AP) — More than half a century after 14-year-old Emmett Till was brutally murdered in Mississippi for whistling at a white woman, his family sat down with federal investigators to discuss the final autopsy on the boy's exhumed body and to hear about the investigation.


2007-03-30 09:18:34 · 17 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5 in Politics

While he was reading "My Pet Goat" ?

2007-03-30 09:17:11 · 16 answers · asked by Ugly Betty 3 in Politics

those imams (the ones that were kicked of a plane for acting like terrorists) for trying to make a joke out of our legal system? Did you know that they are also trying to include in the lawsuit the passengers who dutifully complained about these idiots' creepy behavior? This makes me sick! These are men who claim to be religious? What kind of god would condone such evil behavior as that displayed by these imams?!

2007-03-30 09:17:09 · 4 answers · asked by 180 changes 2 in Law & Ethics

The Federal Emergency Management Agency - FEMA's purpose is to coordinate the response to a disaster which has occurred in the United States and which overwhelms the resources of local and state authorities.

I have a project to do in english class and I am a democratic person. The problem is, our candidate we're supposed to make is republican.

I need the views of BOTH the democratics and republicans on FEMA and economy and whatnot. Help please?

2007-03-30 09:14:39 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

did they really do so at the behest of the British war hawks...to add more fuel to fire/an added excuse to attack Iran? And what happened to the Iranian captives being held in Iraq under the United States' orders?
Appears to me that Bush and Ahmadinejad are very similar in their tactics, even though it is the British navy who are being held captive.We all know, Or at least we SHOULD know, that the USA and Britain work in cohesion with each other.
But after a while, these back and forth "tactics" become puerile.

2007-03-30 09:14:09 · 17 answers · asked by rare2findd 6 in Politics

If someone makes another person a trustee to look after some land for them and then that person dies and leaves the land to 4 people (one of them being the original trustee) does that person remain the trustee or do the four people have equal say as to whatever happens to the land?

I would appreciate a quick response. Many thanks.

2007-03-30 09:09:45 · 12 answers · asked by Heather K 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-03-30 09:06:42 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

And I don't mean the war on terror. They are not the same thing.

2007-03-30 09:01:29 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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