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Politics & Government - 30 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

On March 21, 2003, the first American was wounded in the war in Iraq.
A Marine Staff Sgt. stepped on a landmine and broke his right arm and damaged his leg so badly that it was amputated.
He was awarded a Purple Heart.
He recently came out as gay.

Also, the military has discharged over 300 service members with skills in Arabic, Farsi, Korean and other critical languages over the last 10 years because of the ban on homosexuals in the armed forces.

Do you think that people who say "Support Our Troops" support ALL the troops by being against discrimination within the military?

2007-03-30 11:45:06 · 7 answers · asked by χριστοφορος ▽ 7 in Military

The libs seem to get a kick out of putting the poor vs. the rich

2007-03-30 11:42:13 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Your recent piece on "our generation" [Viet-Nam] on the those who served and those who went to canada failed to discuss a key point. When President Nixon gave them a pardon that was a slap in the face of those who died and served our country. I have no problem if they came back and did their 2 year commitment to America. they could do some type of service pick up litter, community service etc. But to say just come home all is forgiven was just plain wrong.

2007-03-30 11:41:41 · 7 answers · asked by steven l 1 in Military

My daughters father is suppose to have our daughter from 12-5pm every other Saturday. Well, he hasn't because he has NEVER been a part of her life, by HIS choice so she is afraid to go with him. Anyway, he has been coming at 2-5pm. ONCE he came at 1pm after I suggested it so they can spend more time together,and he can maybe take her a little later in the visit. He tried to take her as soon as he walked in the door she freaked and barricated herself in her room. Now he is calling and wanting visitation earlier because he has having scheduling problems with his other child. He has put my daughter on the back burner all of her life, everytime he has something with his other children my daughter gets last place. I want my daughter to go with him, but not traumatize her. I have done everything to accomidate him and his life, but now it's getting inconvenient. I know he can get an Enforement Order if the judge goes for it, but it won't be enforced in my town, already checked. Suggestions?

2007-03-30 11:37:15 · 3 answers · asked by Spring loaded horsie 5 in Law & Ethics

Someone explain to a concerned citizen why firing a few attorneys by our AG must be blown to front-page proportions. To me this is just further proof that our entire Executive and Legislative Branches must be completely overhauled. The current elected officials no longer seem to be able to contact with the concerns and hopes of their constituents.

2007-03-30 11:35:59 · 20 answers · asked by Open Your Eyes 1 in Government

I particularly would like to hear from current military, former military, and former or current military family members, but anyone else is welcome to comment. Watch the video first please, it's about three minutes long. It's of an anti-war demonstration in Portland, Oregon.
I know they have freedom of speech and all, but it's men like MY HUSBAND who give them this freedom. And what do they do with it? THIS kind of crap makes me SO angry, and ASHAMED of the country I love. If you're going to protest the war, that is NOT the way to do it!
Is anyone else as angered by this as I am? If so, we need to start speaking out about it. I'm stationed in Germany with my husband, so I can't participate in any counter-protests. Is anyone willing to speak for us? Is anyone willing to stand up for us? Is anyone else as shocked, saddened, and sickened by this as I am?

2007-03-30 11:35:35 · 24 answers · asked by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 in Military

The "God hates fags" Westboro Baptist Church has been picketting the funerals of dead gay people for years. Now they are doing the same to our soldiers. They are doing it because they believe America has become to gay friendly and deserved to burn in hell.

Have the fundies gone to far?

"God Hates Fags"

"Thank God for IEDs"

Official fundie website. Notice how they are planning more protests at dead soldier's funerals

2007-03-30 11:32:47 · 2 answers · asked by trovalta_stinks_2 3 in Politics

the whole ritlin bottle

2007-03-30 11:31:30 · 26 answers · asked by WMD LIEr W 1 in Politics

2007-03-30 11:31:23 · 2 answers · asked by detroitmike20 1 in Elections

i hope so

2007-03-30 11:27:42 · 33 answers · asked by WMD LIEr W 1 in Politics

Main Entry: pa·tri·ot·ism
Pronunciation: 'pA-trE-&-"ti-z&m, chiefly British 'pa-
Function: noun
: love for or devotion to one's country

LOVE AND DEVOTION would mean SUPPORT for one's country --- wouldn't it?

2007-03-30 11:25:43 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

At my high school there are tons of people who have spontaneously become obsessed with the movie "300". Someone (one of my friends) put the downloaded movie on the Student Server, and as I was talking to him about it, he claimed he legally bought it online from the site of the company that produced the movie. He says that since the movie was made with greenscreens and CG, that company has the rights to sell it as they wish.
Since he put the movie on a publicly accessed computer server, the 3800 some-odd students at my school all now have access to it and many have already downloaded it. Is this piracy? Or since my friend "bought" the movie, is it technically okay? If it's not okay and it IS piracy, what kind of consequences could he suffer for this?

2007-03-30 11:25:14 · 13 answers · asked by Miss Taylor 3 in Law & Ethics

I know some of you will say you did; thank you for your service. This question is directed at the many who support the Iraq war yet refuse to join up. Assuming you could join, why haven't you?

2007-03-30 11:18:17 · 20 answers · asked by Studbolt Slickrock Deux 4 in Military

I'm not a DA, I'm a young, aspiring DA at the age of twelve. I thought of this question while playing the Nintendo DS game Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney.

2007-03-30 11:17:52 · 13 answers · asked by TheKraken22 2 in Law & Ethics

Who's one first. Tell me.
The statute of liberty play?
I'm not criticizing, only watching the ballet.

2007-03-30 11:16:13 · 1 answers · asked by Wonka 5 in Politics

My brother once said our country was more elitist and our country isn't that democratic-he's in college. Can anyone give me examples about how our government isn't democratic and some websites about this?

2007-03-30 11:15:41 · 5 answers · asked by NFrancis 4 in Government

Not much to say but basically I was charged with a misdemeanor but I was actually guilty but however ther was a deal worked out where it got dismissed but I had to serve 12 months probation and now the 12 months is over so does that mean, its simply on my record as a dismissed case, and no one can see what exactly it was, therefore I wouldnt have to put it on a job application?

2007-03-30 11:01:47 · 10 answers · asked by Brandon H 1 in Law & Ethics

Yes, yes, we hear about what Clinton DID...but isn't this just a neat, clever trick to shift resonsibility from one who has no accountability to one who already paid the price for his mistakes?

Can you give us something MORE on why Gonzales can't tell the truth...Libby...VP...Bush?
Or is it American's don't want the truth?

2007-03-30 11:00:33 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I need to take a 1st mortgage (for major repairs) out on a home that was given to me in 1996 by mom; who retains a life estate on the property. The property is completely paid for and has not liens etc.. Will I have to involve her at all, since I'm not sellling the property or preventing her from living there if she chooses? I NEED AN ANSWER ASAP; AS I AM IN THE PROCESS OF LOAN APPLICATION, PLEASE HELP!!!

2007-03-30 10:59:12 · 3 answers · asked by kdavis1469 1 in Law & Ethics

Hanoi, now Jihad Jane Fonda.

2007-03-30 10:56:49 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

what about all of the rest of our VA hospitals that are chronically under staffed and under funded? We are pathetic at taking care of those who have served us.

2007-03-30 10:55:58 · 3 answers · asked by icunurse85 7 in Military

Since the federal government pays out billions in disaster relief (DR), why not have property owners pay into them instead of money hungry insurance companies. When you receive money for a loss from DR, taxpayers are kind of paying themselves and the defecit isn't raised as much.

2007-03-30 10:54:51 · 4 answers · asked by thumper_545 1 in Law & Ethics

A "good" economy has the same future as an agressive tumor.

2007-03-30 10:50:07 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

why did USSR broke into 16 countries.
what are the factors that let them to withdraw the currency and replace them by new currency.

2007-03-30 10:49:38 · 6 answers · asked by Anne Marie D 1 in Other - Politics & Government

Read up on Paul, he is a conservative citizen statesman, a Texan and a hero. He doesn't play games either.

Republican Congressman and Presidential candidate Dr.Ron Paul says that Bush should be impeached not under the umbrella of partisan vengeance but for ceaselessly breaking the laws of the land.

"President Bush has presided over a system wide doctrine of violating the Constitution, from the Iraq War to the War on Terrorism and pursuing a North American Union agenda, without legally required Congressional oversight.

When the President signs all these bills and then adds statements after saying I have no intention of following it - he's in a way signing it and vetoing - so in his mind he's vetoing a lot of bills, in our mind under the rule of law he hasn't vetoed a thing.

2007-03-30 10:48:14 · 11 answers · asked by big-brother 3 in Politics

Seems like they're more concerned about Rosie or whoever than liberals are. Does that mean conservatives sit around watching TV all day?

2007-03-30 10:46:15 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

If yes no wonder why they define who is a terrorist and who's not !

2007-03-30 10:40:38 · 13 answers · asked by nauiocelotl 1 in Law & Ethics

Lies about WMD
Lies about his election
Lies about Osama Bin Laden
Lies about 911
Lies about the yellow cake
Lies about Saddam
Lies about Bush going AWOL
Lies about the Attorneys
Nothing but Lies, lies, lies.

2007-03-30 10:40:10 · 8 answers · asked by Ugly Betty 3 in Politics

Homework help....any answers?

2007-03-30 10:39:18 · 8 answers · asked by icecoldchic30 2 in Government

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