The movie "300" is about the battle of Thermopylae where 300 Spartans stood up against the million-man persian invaders. If you dont know anything about this historian event, google "thermopylae" and/or see the movie (excellent movie).
If youve seen the movie, and have a brain, the symbolism couldnt have escaped you. To the credit of the producers, everything remains in vague metaphor and there is no sappy leftist "slap you in the face with condescending simple political messages". However, as great art should, the broader principles are nicely illustrated.
This was a real battle, between totalitarianism and the birth place of western civilization itself. Historians rightfully point out, that if the Spartans failed to cripple the Persian juggernaut, the world may never have known liberty or anything resembling the rights and freedoms western democracies enjoy today.
Xerxes totalitarianism is almost exactly like that of the Islamic state today..all under a religious premise.
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