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Politics & Government - 15 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

2007-03-15 06:20:37 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

does the marines have thir own college (like the army and the united states military academy) or would i have to go the naval academy?

2007-03-15 06:18:37 · 9 answers · asked by simkvn64 2 in Military

I had some very spicy Mexican last night and well lets just say
I have been violating the Kyoto Treaty all day today with unauthorized gas emissions.

2007-03-15 06:17:15 · 6 answers · asked by mr_methane_gasman 3 in Politics

What needs to happen NOW?

2007-03-15 06:17:11 · 12 answers · asked by bulabate 6 in Other - Politics & Government

Hi,sorry to talk abt a shameful thing I did ,but I really want to share it with someone yet I cant risk the friends around me finding out . So I had no choice but to say it here . I am a guy ; I’m 25 yrs old , I live in Singapore.I started work in the Family Court recommended by a job agency,but it was a very stressful job.I wasnt able to take the work pressure as I do not know the court procedures,often made mistakes,my buddy pushed a lot of his work to me. The colleagues were slipshod in training me and I went to my supervisor for help . She told me I wasn’t trained in the proper way and she would train me under my wing . That never happened . I was transferred from the mentions court to a hearing court for 2 weeks to be under another mentor . However , I still couldn’t take it and had tendered my resignation only 3 weeks into the job . But they required me to serve a one month’s notice and I had to compensate the job agency 1/3 of my monthly salary as stated in the contract .

2007-03-15 06:16:56 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

How much do I need to drink to be considered DUI? I am 21,5'8 and weight 140lbs.Ive been drinking for pretty long time,so I can drink 12pack of beer and still be alright but I heard that body tolerance changes but blood concentration doesnt is that true? I live in Cali by the way where ALC is 0.08%.

2007-03-15 06:16:46 · 12 answers · asked by vetal_2007 2 in Law & Ethics

Incorporated in Delaware, established in Houston, Texas in 1919, Halliburton recently announced that they plan to move their corporate headquarters to Dubai. Under normal circumstances, no one who supports capitalism would object to or question this move. After all, within the limits of the law, a corporation has the right to make decisions that will benefit them and ensure their continued success. Considering the controversy associated with Halliburton’s shoddy performance in Iraq—the no-bid contracts, their ties to Cheney, contaminated drinking water, rancid food, gross over-billing, missing money—doesn’t this seem conspicuously convenient and timely? Just as Congress is building a head of steam to investigate Halliburton’s questionable activities, they jump ship. Isn’t this a little too much of a coincidence?

2007-03-15 06:16:33 · 11 answers · asked by Hemingway 4 in Politics

Wait... we did that already, in Japan!!

2007-03-15 06:16:27 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2007-03-15 06:16:06 · 5 answers · asked by trouble maker 3 in Politics

Can anyone tell me what a general training period is for MOS school?? And what kind of off time Marines get? Im trying to better understand whether they get weeknights off, along with weekends. Do they get leave after their MOS school before moving onto their job in the fleet?? Answers are greatly appriciated. Thanks

2007-03-15 06:15:44 · 3 answers · asked by Manderz 4 in Military

owners do we have presently in the United States

2007-03-15 06:15:33 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

All of we know the USA is causing the ecological, economical and war problems of ALL of the world.
Why should all of us still believe in the alway false "American Dream", why we don't just ignore USA and put our eyes on other countries?

2007-03-15 06:14:42 · 9 answers · asked by hoyeseldiamasfeliz 1 in Politics

Hillary has decided to be more "nuanced" when it comes to what she would do with Iraq as President. While her party is attempting to pass legislation to micro-manage the war, Hillary would instead rely on the advice of the military commanders. Huh? And it gets better. The urban war is a "loser." However, she would obviously have plenty of troops in Iraq to protect our “remaining vital national security interests in Iraq”.

Okay, so we would what? Guard oil wells and chase al Qaeda while all of Iraq burned down around us? And isn't the urban warfare she describes as a "loser" the very thing which would come to define Iraq as the failed state she claims we can't have? What a freaking moron this woman is.


2007-03-15 06:13:34 · 2 answers · asked by Mail J 3 in Politics

Fiscal conservatives? Bush has the country buried under debt.
Family values?Most of the 2008 contenders are adulterous divorcees and Cheney has a pregnant lesbian daughter.
Clean,honest government? That's a funny one w Libby going down and now Gonzales and who knows who else.
The shoes on the other foot so how do you all justify your phony,hate filled propoaganda now??????

2007-03-15 06:13:18 · 6 answers · asked by Your Teeth or Mine? 5 in Politics

why are they treated like SHiit?

2007-03-15 06:12:49 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Sure, we killed off the evil dictator, but that evil dictator did not have 50-500 people killed on a daily basis by bombs! (People were too frightened of him to do something like that!) Now we have left these people with no real strong-arm to control them and their civil war is taking a toll on OUR troops as well. Way to go, Big Bush----NOT!

2007-03-15 06:12:03 · 7 answers · asked by Joey's Back 6 in Politics

N0. 1
A couple of thugs, who beat and kicked a young man into a permanent vegetable state, have had there original sentence of nine years reduced upon appeal. The judge said - their sentences were excessive.

A judge has stated that employers not only have to protect their employees from sexual harrasment from other staff, but also from members of the public.
The only way an employer can possibly do that is to close his business, bar none-staff from his premises, and keep external workers in.

I have a pet theory that those silly horse hair wigs the judges wear must prevent air from reaching the brain and so stifles common sense.

Where do they find these idjuts?

2007-03-15 06:11:31 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

What would happen if the government was to give out 1,000 dollars to every US citizen with only one rule- to spend it domestically in 30 days?

2007-03-15 06:10:45 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

I'm pro-choice, in the sense that it should be every individuals choice, I personally am against abortion

I think that abstinance should be PREACHED in schools, as well as alternate forms of birth control, which SHOULD be government funded, because if you don't have insurance, it isn't cheap, although still cheaper then a child

I'm pro-war

I'm against longterm welfare

I think illegal immigration laws should be enforced more and do not think they should increase the number of immigrants allowed into the United States

I don't agree with government funded healthcare (except for what I stated above)

I'm not entirely sold on Global Warming, but don't think we should celebrate the fact it might not be true by purchasing suvs

I entirely agree with capital punishment

I enjoy tax cuts and don't think they should be raised in any way

I'm a firm believer in tradition and although I'm not religious at all, I believe the pledge of alligence should be said in class

2007-03-15 06:09:56 · 8 answers · asked by nothing 5 in Politics

Please explain your answer.

2007-03-15 06:09:24 · 36 answers · asked by Bryan 7 in Law Enforcement & Police

Every socialist leader in Latin America has been elected, with the exception of Castro. Do stable democracies that elect socialists threaten the United States?

2007-03-15 06:09:18 · 14 answers · asked by Longhaired Freaky Person 4 in Politics

if you have one bad apple and one bad orange, should you still bite any of them? or let them rott, and then sacrifice time and energy for a search of a better more exquisite fruit?

2007-03-15 06:09:06 · 11 answers · asked by socratiyo 1 in Elections

The US has used some controversial techniques in the treatment of prisoners of the War on Terror. For example: holding prisoners for years without trials, using secret facilities to hold and interrogate prisoners, and water boarding.

Do you think that these instances blurs the line between the US and the enemy we are fighting? Do you think it makes us a little bit like the terrorists? Let me know your opinions.

2007-03-15 06:08:06 · 14 answers · asked by Take it from Toby 7 in Military

This is somewhat a silly question, but I don't have the answer for it. I am over the age of 17 and am capable of getting into R movies. I wanted to go see 300 in theaters. It sounds awesome. Now would I be allowed to bring my little brother who is 10 years old to the movies with me? Would I be considered his guardian? Also, what law allows/denies me to do this?

2007-03-15 06:08:00 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

...what do you now believe about terrorists? There were plans to kill Democrats as well as Republicans, right - and left-wingers, anyone from the USA. Does that even begin to prove to any of you that our policies in the world are causing others to hate us? And that meddling in the ME is NOT a good idea???

2007-03-15 06:06:53 · 9 answers · asked by Joey's Back 6 in Politics

2007-03-15 06:04:53 · 1 answers · asked by mahmoud a 1 in Immigration

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