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Politics & Government - 1 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Caffeine, alcohol etc? Smoking in your car?

Come on. They've banned everything else and taken away every freedom except driving around and burning Iraqi oil all day long... What will it be?

2007-03-01 05:49:17 · 16 answers · asked by big b 1 in Politics

2007-03-01 05:48:59 · 9 answers · asked by soy de la ghetto 1 in Military

...will everyone that doesn't vote democrat be considered a sexist or a bigot?

It seems like the majority of Obama and Hillary supporters on YA think that way.

2007-03-01 05:48:52 · 11 answers · asked by Abu 5 in Politics

if they had them was it befor the US had them?

Were they planning to use them against the U.S. sometime in the war?

2007-03-01 05:48:45 · 14 answers · asked by Ana E 2 in Military

Oh wait, they did. Never mind.

2007-03-01 05:48:05 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Why should we give billions in foreign aid while our veterans, just five miles from the white house are living in filth.

2007-03-01 05:46:54 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

The US military is brutalizing innocent Iraqis, invading and destroying their homes, kidnapping their family members, and stealing their valuables. Not to mention TORTURE! So isn't it only natural that some would fight back (insurgents)?

My fellow Americans, you cannot tell me that if a foreign military invaded and occupied the US, that Americans wouldn't fight back. But of course we have the media propaganda about how the heroic US military has to fight the evil Iraqis.

2007-03-01 05:45:22 · 15 answers · asked by tim 1 in Military

I ask this question because the current system invites all legal citizens to participate in voting despite of their knowledge of government or politics. Don’t you think a basic test of government knowledge (something very basic like “who was the first president of US” or “what party is Condoleeza Rice representing”) is essential in order to qualify people for voting. How can one make a decision if they don’t posses the simple understanding of the system.

2007-03-01 05:44:48 · 21 answers · asked by J 3 in Other - Politics & Government

Unless I have completely misread the Untied States Constitution , one must be a legal citzen of our country to be protected and covered by our Constitution and legal laws. The only rights illegal aliens are entitled to are those offered by the U.S. Immigration and Customs enforcement agency.

2007-03-01 05:44:00 · 7 answers · asked by Zoe 1 in Immigration

I know, the Bible and Torah have misogynist verses in them too - I'm not apologizing for any other religion - but there's a huge and obvious difference in scale and scope. 1 in 12 Koran verses is about hatred of and dealing death to non-Muslims. And there is no context for much of it - not that there is any appropriate context for dismemberment. Most of the violent or sexist Biblical verses are clearly historical, often clearly defensive, and in most cases God does his own wet work and it is far less graphic.

And most of the violence from other religions is a matter of history books - the violence in Islam is current events. Every day there is a new news story about murders committed in the name of Islam.

And violent Christians aren't following Jesus' example - violent Muslims ARE following Muhammad's example.

I know "it's only some of them" but it's the ones who take their religion's texts literally. And it's a lot of them.

Why qualify it? The problem is Islam.

2007-03-01 05:43:15 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

With so many MARINES and SOLDIERS coming home ,needing medical help,how can we do this to them?With so many of them being released from the various military hospitals way too soon,how can congress not approve the needed funds?

2007-03-01 05:40:46 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

a) ..."I am for socialism, disarmament, and ultimately for abolishing the state itself as an instrument of violence and compulsion. I seek social ownership of property, the abolition of propertied class, and sole control by those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal."
(Peggy Lamson, Roger Baldwin: Founders of the American Civil Liberties Union: A Portrait; Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1976, p. 192.)
posted by: cyrilocyril

By LAURA WIDES-MUNOZ, Associated Press 21 Jun 06
The American Civil Liberties Union asked a federal judge to stop the Miami-Dade County school district from removing a series of children's books from its libraries, including a volume about Cuba which depicts smiling kids in communist uniforms.

2007-03-01 05:40:04 · 24 answers · asked by a bush family member 7 in Politics

The current situation around the world was a result of 8 years of Democratic and Liberal leadership under Clinton.
For instance...North Korea:
Clinton's military chief of staff testified in 1998 that North Korea did not have an active ballistic missile program. One week later the North Koreans launched a missile over Japan that landed off the Alaska coast.

During the early Clinton years, hard-liners and so-called conservative hawks advocated a pre-emptive strike to halt North Korea's nuclear weapons development before it could field an atomic bomb. Instead of taking the hard line, President Clinton elected to rely on former President Jimmy Carter and decided to appease the Marxist-Stalinist dictatorship.

Carter met with North Korean leader Kim Jong-il in Pyongyang and returned to America waving a piece of paper and declaring peace in our time. Kim, according to Carter, had agreed to stop his nuclear weapons development.

We can today see how well THAT worked!

2007-03-01 05:38:55 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

were they really ready? if so why didn't they agree to the proposal we sent them a month before the bombs?

2007-03-01 05:37:36 · 12 answers · asked by Ana E 2 in Military

Hillary voted in favor of using the military if it became necessary in Iraq. When more information came in, she expressed regret for that vote and is doing what she can to try to fix the mistake we all made. Conservatives call her a liar and a flip-flopper.

A year ago, Bush was defending his warrantles domestic wiretapping program to the death, saying it was not only Constitutional but vital to the integrity of our national security. Today, it's not necessary at all. Conservatives say he simply changed his mind. And that's okay.

What is the difference? Other than the fact that Hillary was able to admit she was wrong and Bush acts like he never did anything wrong in his life?

2007-03-01 05:37:17 · 9 answers · asked by Bush Invented the Google 6 in Politics

Do you think she is a good person.

2007-03-01 05:36:50 · 12 answers · asked by J.D 1 in Politics

We have cleaner skies due to less pollution?

Our children grow up healthier?

We are less dependent on foreign oil?

We pioneer an industry the rest of world will eventually follow?

Is there a problem with that?

2007-03-01 05:36:09 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Do you support this claim?? Why or Why not?

2007-03-01 05:35:27 · 24 answers · asked by Ana E 2 in Military

If nothing else, it seems to me that the Democrats, instead of looking for ways to cut funding for the troops, would be looking for ways to direct more of those billions towards VA-facilities woes; there are tens of thousands of US troops who need continuous care, (both mental & physical),as well as more hospitals. For God's sake, some of our troops are having tremendous difficulties returning home after being in that hellhole called Iraq. "Suck it up" you say? Well it might be a little different than when wars meant the use of more conventional weapons. These troops are seeing people cut in half, body parts strewn throughout markets', or being sucked though buildings or grotesquely burned, not to mention their returning to Walter Reed for 'rehab' because of the loss of arms, legs, feet, or having had part of their heads blown off. Not to mention the number of suicides relative to this war. Not to mention troops being asked to pay for 'uniforms' or boots that may have blood on them.

2007-03-01 05:32:36 · 6 answers · asked by rare2findd 6 in Politics

I've often wondered because a lot of the young generations are being brain-washed by media, music, film, etc. with their liberal leanings. I'm one of the very few young people aged 18-24 who is a Conservative. Especially in Canada here, where majority of the Ontario population is Liberal.

Especially with a lot of young kids following other people with their views of President Bush. So do you think in 25 years Conservatism will be dead?

2007-03-01 05:32:33 · 17 answers · asked by Austrian Theorist 4 in Government

Well, according to my professor.

2007-03-01 05:31:43 · 19 answers · asked by thescientist353 1 in Government

will my IQ drop 25 points, will I go on public assistance and spend all day making a fool of myself here?

2007-03-01 05:30:44 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

When explaining his opinion on stem cell research, Bush claimed he could not support a tax payer funded policy that "destroys life in order to save life."

But certainly Bush knew before he launched the war in Iraq that there would be innocent people killed in the cross-fire of battle. Certainly he knew that this military initiative (meant to protect us from WMD [to preserve or "save" lives]) would result in the end of thousands of innocent lives.

With that in mind (and because he is adamant in his belief that HUMAN life begins at conception) by his own standard is George W. Bush a murderer?

Sidenote: By Bush's standard a clump of cells in a petrie dish is worth more than an Iraqi civilian. Nice, eh?

2007-03-01 05:30:12 · 15 answers · asked by Timothy B 3 in Other - Politics & Government

like be a good citizen, care ur parent, speak truth, help poors etc. all those good habits taught in class playgroup to 5th.

2007-03-01 05:29:18 · 5 answers · asked by DPS T 1 in Elections

First there were WMD's in Iraq, then there was not.

First we didnt need more troops in Iraq, now we do.

First the Iraq War wouldnt cost more than $100 billion, then it was $400 billion (and reaching half a trillion, still counting)

First there was no need for a 9/11 commision, there there was.

First there was no need for a Homeland Security Dept (only FBI and CIA), then there was.

First there was no need to talk to Iran, now there is.

First Rumsfeld would stay till the end, then he had to leave.

First there was a need for warrantless domestic wiretapping, now there isnt

First we wouldnt negotiate with North Korea until they stop all weapons programs, then we would (and are, with monetary benefits)

and the list goes on endlessly....................


2007-03-01 05:29:09 · 16 answers · asked by Richard O 2 in Politics

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