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Politics & Government - 28 February 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

2007-02-28 08:15:08 · 27 answers · asked by Didgeridude 4 in Politics

a means of diverting attention away from the fact that they have no agenda?

2007-02-28 08:15:00 · 13 answers · asked by LegendKiller44 2 in Politics

Or does he just play one on the TV? Serious question iso serious answers.

2007-02-28 08:14:37 · 12 answers · asked by Wet Kitty 2 in Politics

I am a qualified district nurse and I would like to emigrate to Utah to work as a nurse. I am not sure what I need to do or how to go about it

2007-02-28 08:14:00 · 4 answers · asked by Steven R 1 in Immigration

They are against individual freedoms and want to control everything people do with their own body and in their privacy. Why do people still vote for them and the religious right? I'm a Secular Progressive and it just seems more rational to me than the close-minded and outdated ideology of Social Conservatism. Social Conservatives are reluctant to change their views no matter how irrational their beliefs are. Why can't they understand that society needs to evolve and adapt to modern times and that things are not the same they were 200+ years ago?

2007-02-28 08:13:36 · 11 answers · asked by AL IS ON VACATION AND HAS NO PIC 5 in Politics

Does anyone know if I can do this and apply for my green card? How long do you think it would take?

2007-02-28 08:13:26 · 5 answers · asked by niksag_3000 2 in Immigration

How can I raise my Carbon Emissions higher than 57.15?

Any suggestions on how I can be LESS carbon neutral?
I went to Al Gore's website, where there is an inconvenient truth carbon calculator (what a joke) and I can only get a 57.15 rating (legitimentaly) as I do not have access to personal jets and limousines, like Gore does. I wonder what he scored, anyway I am thinking about driving more, or maybe buying a larger vehicle and letting it idle more often, to burn more fuel.

2007-02-28 08:11:44 · 8 answers · asked by feralpundit 2 in Politics

general, OR
specialized, OR
two specialization, OR
three specialization, etc?

10 pts. for good or detailed answer

2007-02-28 08:11:09 · 5 answers · asked by Doo.ri 3 in Law & Ethics

There are some illegal immigrants out there that have been in this country since they were small. All they know is the "American Culture" and sending them back to Mexico, or wherever they came from would be torture since they have never lived there.
Some of these people would give their lives for this country because they have been here all their lives.
*Note* If kids of illegal immigrants are here illegally, its not their fault. And sending them back to their country after I dont know say 18years of being here, it takes them 10years to try and get a green card.
Would you think those type of illegals going and trying to join the military would be a good idea for them to get citizenship?
And before anwsering this put yourself in that situation.

2007-02-28 08:10:46 · 9 answers · asked by browny152003 2 in Immigration

I don't. Not with their drinking habits.

2007-02-28 08:10:30 · 33 answers · asked by Dillwad Slutbucket 1 in Politics

It is the tongue of Shaitan!

2007-02-28 08:10:15 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics


Chelsea was only 12-15 during Bosnia...

2007-02-28 08:10:01 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I read so many stories or see on TV illegal immigrants waving their native flags {Mexico, Poland, etc} while demonstrating for rights in America. If illegals want benefits from America, should they be waving the American flag at these demonstrations because it is America!

2007-02-28 08:09:30 · 6 answers · asked by ? 2 in Immigration

I asked my dad for some help because I've been struggling for funds and he told me he can't because things are tight for him as well. He advised me to ask my mom to help because he is still paying child suport for me.

I haven't lived my mom since I was 15. So, my mom has been getting child support for me for 7 years without me being there and when I asked for help she said no flat out. (we get along...honor thy mother..but don't have a relationship).

My dad said that by law, I can take her to court because I can prove that I've been living on my own and that she was not entitled to that money, but I wanted to see how valid that is.

FYI...I am only considering this because I am struggling and not at all out of spite. I do love my mom.

2007-02-28 08:08:35 · 13 answers · asked by Cita 2 in Law & Ethics

Meaning.. what if they just told it the way it was

-Most whites lie on taxes ...every year all white people will be audited
-Most Indian reservations build casinos faster then schools or hospitals.. so know they'll be taxed
-Most Blacks have goverment assistence.....so help will be limited

-We don't know what to do in Iraq....but if we leave then it will be even worse than before.....

2007-02-28 08:08:07 · 11 answers · asked by favoritson 2 in Politics

I just joined the Army National Guard and I was wondering just what kind of political statements and/or actions I can make. I've always been politically active by getting involved as a volunteer in local campaigns. Can I have political bumper-stickers on my car or lawn-signs during elections? Can I still volunteer for candidates' campaigns, or visit my local representatives while in uniform? Thanks!

2007-02-28 08:05:57 · 6 answers · asked by MeatBob 1 in Military

First off, I'm not talking about people who are simply pro-life and have a peaceful opinion about it.

By "radicial pro-life advocates" I mean those religious-freaks who scream outside abortion clinics, humiliate & slander women who choose to have an abortion, ect.

Are these people aware that when women who cannot afford [or whatever the reason they don't want their child] a baby that said baby goes into custody of social services and then requires a family to raise it & help him/her grow into a adult. If this cause is sooo important to these people, why aren't they putting their oh-so-great moral attitude to better use and adopting, or even providing foster care, for a child in need ?

I know not everyone can for financial reasons, but if you can't do something about these parentless children, should you really be protesting so strongly against abortion ? Isn't that slight hypocricy - "Well I don't want to adopt that baby but someone needs to take it!"

2007-02-28 08:05:06 · 22 answers · asked by .$. Clare .$. 1 in Politics

Why follow a man like this? Your tongue is shaitan!

2007-02-28 08:03:01 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Do you read news, because it is very necessary, OR just to improve your big thinking?

10 pts. for good or detailed answer

2007-02-28 08:02:24 · 4 answers · asked by Doo.ri 3 in Law & Ethics

do i need a dregree?as i wish to become involved in fashion mabey a store buyer is this enough to get mr into liveand work in america???xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

2007-02-28 08:01:42 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

USA now conducts lawless torture and must be considered fundamentally a terrorist nation itself...guided by the Decider (bush the fool) and his principles using any power to protect USA interests.

The USA has sunk to show itself as a lawless nation of military led by an illegitimately installed idiot who sponsors torture, using an attorney general who is both a fool and a moron, denies the applicability of law, amidst a general USA population that is so fearful they are willing to give up any rights and murder anyone remotely accused by the USA government. USA is not a nation; it is clearly organized crime.

3,000 dead have exposed the real beliefs of the Americans as lawless thugs, murderers and a threat to the world, as Putin of Russia put it recently. The USA is the world's mad dog.

USA spends over $500 BILLION USD, rest of world $700 Billion.
No wonder the USA defense budget is so high; the criminals invest in full body armor the most.

2007-02-28 08:01:17 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

All you USA PATRIOT Act supporters say the majority of Americans support this act.
ALL white republicans can not be a majority right?
Well, tell me how many of non-whites support the USA PATRIOT Act?

2007-02-28 08:01:13 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Civic Participation

2007-02-28 08:00:16 · 18 answers · asked by Dillwad Slutbucket 1 in Military

just give me the cold hard facts of it all

2007-02-28 08:00:07 · 16 answers · asked by Chris Miller 1 in Military

If you say Giuliani, McCain, Romney, Gore, Clinton, or Obama, you'd better have some *damned* good sources!

2007-02-28 07:57:55 · 13 answers · asked by A Box of Signs 4 in Politics


2007-02-28 07:56:56 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Please go into detail.

2007-02-28 07:56:01 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

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